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Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Slow Leakage in Your False Confidence.'" Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 2024 [cartoon pending]. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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Itß Yœùñg Mõõßã Munowelenkhu - I wonder because if someone goes to work he / she go every day but we forget to worship to God gave us everything for Free but choose to work every day for world material.
Clinton Mannathoko - @Itß... its human of us we forget but Muslims just make it a point to make this apart of who they are
Anthony McCullough - @Clinton... You speak for All Christian now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Clinton Mannathoko - @Anthony... it’s my view, you could always add your input. They are a resilient people and you see that in them with the genocide in Gaza, no people would stand that psychological and mentally it’s just horrible but they stand strong cause of the constant implementation of their faith
Anthony McCullough - you stated Christiana like you are the spokesperson for all Christians. You can't possibly have a view about what all Christians do or believe stop kidding yourself
Zak Bungwon - @Clinton... Admiration adds nothing of value; why not become one, if you think you can be guaranteed of life here, & in the hereafter!
But, remember that, even Muhammad (saw) died with the uncertainty of not knowing what would be done with him, let alone with his companions & followers! Shine your eyes!🙏
Clinton Mannathoko - @Zak... yes and that follows his belief that he isn’t God and he is merely a man, I see nothing wrong there
Zak Bungwon - Yes, you may see nothing wrong with it, if you too don't know what will be done with you! So, why not just become what you admire, since there's no law of apostasy forcing you to remain where you now are?!🤷♂️
Clinton Mannathoko - I find it hard sometimes to understand the Nigerian Dialogue it throws me off a little but fear not my brother I am putting it together. So your statement is that Muhammad did not know what is to happen to him? And I admire a religion that doesn’t give guarantee of heaven by just having faith alone but by works they resemble their faith, I think that’s what you are sayijg
Zak Bungwon - No, I actually mean you should be what you admire, if there's nothing superior about what you now are, and there's nothing forcing you to be where & what you now are!
Muhammad Rasheed - Clinton wrote: "So your statement is that Muhammad did not know what is to happen to him? And I admire a religion that doesn’t give guarantee of heaven by just having faith alone but by works they resemble their faith, I think that’s what you are sayijg"
In the Qur'an, numerous times Allah told the prophet that he was doing a great job and his reward was assured. Allah also told the prophet ("Say:") to tell the people that he was only a warner who had no insider knowledge of the unseen. Our debate opponents like to use the latter part of that to pretend that the prophet didn't know whether he was going to paradise or not, when that's clearly not the case.
Clinton Mannathoko - @Muhammad... I admire Him and from the start I mentioned that Islam is undoubtedly the religion to go to. Quran seems to have things straight and we Christians attack two things about Islam first being his marriage to little Aisha at 6 years of age and 2 the virgins that Muslims are promised if they die in war
Muhammad Rasheed - Clinton wrote: "his marriage to little Aisha at 6 years of age"
I don't even understand why the African community are even bringing it up, considering many of their own cultures mimic that of the two Semite nations when it comes to the Age of Consent. In the numerous cultures around the globe and throughout history that greatly valued having a LOT of children in their families, marrying women off the second they hit puberty is the go-to move. This is not even a religious item they are griping over, it was just the societal norm in 7th century Arabia. In addition to this, the prophet and his close inner circle—the four members of the proto-Rashidun Caliphate (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman & Ali)—all agreed to marry into one another's families to tighten their deep friendships with ties of kinship. I honestly thought that was pretty cool (albeit alien to my 21st century USA sensibilities). I think it's petty for atheists and Christians to attempt to make a big deal about it. The fact that the Jews are conspicuously quiet as church mice on the issue amuses me.
Clinton wrote: "and 2 the virgins that Muslims are promised if they die in war"
I can't even pretend to understand what the argument against that is. I just got killed in a war I stood up in FOR GOD, but I can't have a couple of magical, immortal wives that no one else touched? In heaven? Why not? lol
Bong Dee - @Clinton... As a Christian we advise you to stay away from the teachings of a sinful man like Muhammad. No pervert pedophile adulterer womanizer murderer and false prophet like Muhammad goes to heaven.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "As a Christian we advise you to stay away from the teachings of a sinful man like Muhammad."
His teachings were to worship the One God of Abraham (pbuh) alone, to do good, reject evil and repent when you mess up. You hate that, huh?
Bong wrote: "No pervert"
The prophet wasn't a pervert.
Bong wrote: "pedophile"
The prophet wasn't a pedophile.
Bong wrote: "adulterer"
The prophet wasn't an adulterer.
Bong wrote: "womanizer"
The prophet wasn't a womanizer.
Bong wrote: "murderer"
The prophet wasn't a murderer.
Bong wrote: "and false prophet"
The prophet wasn't false. His teachings were to worship the One God of Abraham (pbuh) alone, to do good, reject evil and repent when you mess up. Does that sound "false" as an Abrahamic theist?
Bong Dee - @Muhammad... see you really don't read the Bible to know the truth. I am sorry for you because your going to hell and you don't know who are you dealing. Why is he a pervert, an adulterer, a pedophile, a womanizer and a false prophet.
So let's start, Jesus and Moses taught that a man and a woman can marry the two will be one. Muhammad said you abdools can marry 4, this is in fact against Jesus and Moses teachings so this is a perversion of their teachings. Furthermore he married more than 4 so his indeed a pervert and an adulterer. What is more demonic he married little Aisha that pedophilia and that's why his a false prophet because Jesus and Moses never taught that a man can marry a little girl. Only with a woman so that age is about 14 to 18 years old. He married Aisha when she was 6 yrs old only a pervert will marry a little girl 😂😂😂😂
Clinton Mannathoko - @Bong... you aren’t judge to say where someone is going so don’t pass out verdicts, here we are men and we let God do what he does.
Conversations need to be conversations and not taken personal if you can do that you can converse, if you can’t then kindly just follow the topic or exit with peace
Bong Dee - @Muhammad... 😂🤣😂 thats a fact and the truth. Truth will set me free. If you can't take it then leave
It's better they know the truth. So when Judgment day come they had been warned about Muhammad, that includes you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "see you really don't read the Bible to know the truth."
Meanwhile, I've read the KJV of the bible from cover-to-cover twice.
Bong Dee - @Muhammad... good you've read it. But did you listen to Jesus?
Bong Dee - @Clinton... no we are taught to warn others of a false prophets and their teachings. You think im passing judgment. No! that's not my task, that's Jesus task during Judgment Day. And if you don't warn others about false prophet Muhammad then it will be against you...
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "I am sorry for you"
Because I bear witness that there is no god but the One God and Muhammad (pbuh) is His messenger? Weird.
Bong wrote: "because your going to hell"
Do you still worship a human being as a co-deity in perfect imitation of the pagans? Oh, okay.
Bong wrote: "and you don't know who are you dealing."
Psh. Trust me, I do. lol
Bong wrote: "Why is he a pervert, an adulterer, a pedophile, a womanizer and a false prophet."
He's not.
Bong wrote: "So let's start, Jesus and Moses taught that a man and a woman can marry the two will be one."
How would YOU know? Your book is compromised according to your very own scholars, so...
...yeah. You may as well be passing along National Inquirer rag gossip.
Bong wrote: "Muhammad said you abdools can marry 4"
The One God granted permission to marry up to four during certain strict circumstances, and never for lust.
Bong wrote: "this is in fact against Jesus and Moses teachings"
How would YOU know? lol
Bong wrote: "Furthermore he married more than 4 so his indeed a pervert and an adulterer."
He was allowed to marry more as the leader of the community, with the perks that come from being the leader of the community.
Bong wrote: "What is more demonic he married little Aisha that pedophilia"
Pedophilia is illegal. It clearly wasn't illegal in 7th century Arabia.
Bong wrote: "and that's why his a false prophet because Jesus and Moses never taught that a man can marry a little girl."
What did that have to do with the prophethood? It's not even a religious item.
Bong wrote: "Only with a woman so that age is about 14 to 18 years old."
Both Semite nations married off women as soon as they reached puberty. You're talking out of your neck.
Bong Dee - @Muhammad... brainwashed is done for you and your going to hell because your stuuupid to believe Muhammad instead of Jesus of the Bible. We have been telling you Muhammad is a false prophet no pedophile can enter heaven ...only hell with Satan. And yeah your going there too...
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "because your stuuupid to believe Muhammad instead of Jesus"
The Islamic Pillar called "BELIEF IN THE PROPHETS" means I actually believe in them both equally. 😉 But thanks for playing!
Bong Dee - and i bear witness that the Father in heaven is not your allah. And Jesus is the Son of God who became like man to bring the good news from the Father in heaven.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "and i bear witness that the Father in heaven is not your allah."
Allah says otherwise, and He is the All-Powerful Master of the Day of Judgment. Should I accept His Word, or yours?
Bong wrote: "And Jesus is the Son of God who became like man"
Based on what? 🤨 Why do you believe this clear pagan tripe?
Bong Dee - 🤣😂🤣allah is useless against a hungry goat who ate part of Quran 🤣😂🤣
Muhammad Rasheed - Do you believe that particular hadith is worthy of your pure blind faith to believe it was actually true? 🤔 Is that what all the giggling emojis mean?
Do you think your 'divine son Jesus' lives in that hadith to make it worthy of your unquestionable, uncritical pure blind faith in it? Why?
Bong Dee - 🤣😂🤣 so you mean to say hadiths are not reliable? Just like Muhammad and his heresies and lies in Quran?... same 💩💩💩🤣🤣🤣
We don't need you hadiths or Quran bcoz all are 💩💩🤣🤣🤣tons of lies and heresy no truth.
My faith is with Jesus and the bible because the most of the writers of the NT bible and especially the Gospels were actual eyewitness of Jesus🤣🤣😂😂
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "so you mean to say hadiths are not reliable?"
The collected volumes of ahadith represent the most material about an historical figure ever compiled. From the, we have a nearly complete picture about the entire life of Muhammad (pbuh), something we can't say about any of religious founder. Not everything said about the prophet is true (the hadith are scholarly works collected from the memories of the people passed down from the prophet's day and never pretend to be revealed from God), but much of it is impressively accurate.
Bong wrote: "Just like Muhammad and his heresies and lies in Quran?... same"
There are no heresies and lies in the Qur'an. Unlike the body of hadith literature, the Qur'an is the inerrant Word of God and is pure revelation preserved.
Bong wrote: "We don't need you hadiths or Quran bcoz"
You do need it if you hold hope of winning through to heaven. It will be impossible for you to do so without repenting and converting to Al-Islam.
Bong wrote: "My faith is with Jesus"
Jesus was Muslim, as were all the prophets of God. Your faith is a twisted pagan distortion authorized by Constantine's councils.
Bong wrote: "and the bible"
The bible is a corrupt fabricated document written by anonymous evangelicals centuries after Jesus' mission. Your people have failed you and that's why the Qur'an was revealed.
Bong wrote: "because the most of the writers of the NT bible and especially the Gospels were actual eyewitness of Jesus"
lol Your actual believing New Testament scholars disagree with you (see attached graphic). You lack any support whatsoever for your tissue paper beliefs.
Muhammad Rasheed - Now please explain why you keep bringing up the "hungry goat" hadith as if you 100% believe it is real despite it being poorly supported in the Islamic literature.
It seems to mean a lot more to you (who continuously cites it) than it does to the actual Muslims. Why?
Bong Dee - 🤣😂😂did it mention who witnessed Muhammad and Jesus talking to each other? Did it mentioned who witnessed Muhammad in Jerusalem? 😂😂😂
Bong Dee - 😂😂🤣😂and you would rather believe this pedophile illiterate pervert Muhammad more than those who saw Jesus with his disciples with their own eyes? 😂🤣😂
Bong Dee - 😂🤣😂its not only the story of the hungry goats because you have no complete old Quranic manuscripts. You have six but none is complete. The one you read was based on the hafs 1924 canonized quran which the Saudi government as Cairo to print into a book😂😂😂
And they are based on 6 of Quran manuscripts these are not even the Utthman version. 😂😂😂
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "🤣😂😂"
I'm going to assume all of this random giggling is related to fentanyl.
Bong wrote: "did it mention who witnessed Muhammad and Jesus talking to each other? Did it mentioned who witnessed Muhammad in Jerusalem?"
It's also genuinely weird to see a supposedly believing Christian blindly parrot an atheist argument point. I could just as easily ask you who witnessed Paul's Damascus Road vision, or the satan trying to tempt the Christ (pbuh), right? I won't go there because it would make me an idiot, too.
Bong wrote: "😂😂😂"
You should try checking into one of those drug rehabilitation clinics. They can fix you.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "😂😂🤣😂"
More fentanyl?
Bong wrote: "and you would rather believe this pedophile"
Why would I believe he was a pedophile? That doesn't even make sense in context. Do you expect me to just side with my pagan mortal enemy and take your hostile, biased, and xenophobic interpretation of my stuff? Why would I do that? You demonstrably hate the truth.
Bong wrote: "illiterate"
He needed to be illiterate to fulfill the Deut. 18:18 prophecy. That's why so many of the learned Jews converted to Islam in the earliest days.
Bong wrote: "pervert"
??? Do you even know what that means? How does that slur apply to the prophet of God? 🤨
Bong wrote: "Muhammad more than those who saw Jesus with his disciples with their own eyes? 😂🤣😂"
You're giggling off another fentanyl hit like I'm the one who made up that your book is compromised. You should actually read the placard I provided. Those are believing Christian scholars admitting that everything you were led to believe about the new testament is actually a fiction. This is the Christian scholarship official position, not the mean ole Muslim position. Clean your own house.
Bong Dee - 🤣😂😂 I'm not a zombie like you who take drugs. Atheist who? You think i will just copy them without doing my own research? Your stuuupid assumption only prove your low IQ😂😂😂😂 i laugh and this emoji tells it because your low IQ validated that you are a slave of Muhammad lies😂😂😂
Here you are attacking me instead of answering and defending Muhammad if he really meet Jesus and who were the witnesses. Only prove your low IQ😂🤣😂
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "😂🤣😂"
You're going to overdose on Facebook in front of everybody. lol
Bong wrote: "its not only the story of the hungry goats"
This is not a true story. You haven't answered why you have such intense blind faith in it.
Bong wrote: "because you have no complete old Quranic manuscripts."
Of course we do. lol
Bong wrote: "You have six but none is complete."
You don't even know what that means in context. You just heard a piece of misinformation on an anti-Islam hate site and you are now blindly parroting it without even being able to defend it.
Bong wrote: "The one you read was based on the hafs 1924 canonized quran which the Saudi government as Cairo to print into a book"
You don't know what "haf" means and you don't realize you're making yourself a fool in public.
Bong wrote: "😂😂😂"
lol smh
Bong wrote: "And they are based on 6 of Quran manuscripts these are not even the Utthman version. 😂😂😂"
You have no idea what any of that means.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "🤣😂😂 I'm not a zombie like you who take drugs."
Then why are you giggling for literally no reason like a drug addict, hm?
Bong wrote: "Atheist who? You think i will just copy them without doing my own research?"
That describes the behavior of every single Christian in these 'debate' chat groups. I doubt you even know what research even means.
Bong wrote: "Your stuuupid assumption"
This is experience, son.
Bong wrote: "only prove your low IQ😂😂😂😂 i laugh and this emoji tells it because your low IQ validated that you are a slave of Muhammad lies😂😂😂"
Is this the extent of your counter-response? Because it seems like its all you have.
Bong wrote: "Here you are attacking me"
It's not my fault you don't have a real argument, and think that a normal debate question is an "attack."
Bong wrote: "instead of answering"
Why do you believe that "goat eating" hadith is actually real? Why do you have total blind faith in it when the Muslims themselves don't? Can you answer?
Bong wrote: "and defending Muhammad if he really meet Jesus and who were the witnesses."
I don't have to "defend" that at all. It doesn't even make sense to ask that question from theist-to-theist. This is literally an atheist's argument.
Bong wrote: "Only prove your low IQ😂🤣😂"
Who were the witnesses to Paul's Damascus Road vision? Who were the witnesses to the satan tempting Jesus (pbuh)? 🙄
Bong Dee- 🤣🤣😂because i pity your intelligence you seems intelligent by why follow and illiterate? Worst his a pedophile pervert 🤣😂
Tell me can Muhammad read Arabic? How can he read Greek and Hebrew? Because the Bible were written in Hebrew and Greek.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "🤣🤣😂because i pity your intelligence"
You're saying this while conspicuously ducking all the debate questions you're afraid to answer. I see.
Bong wrote: "you seems intelligent by why follow and illiterate?"
God needed him to be illiterate. If he was educated, he would try to put his own spin on the revelation instead of only "speaking the Words that God put in his mouth and commanded him to speak" per the Deut. 18:18 prophecy.
Bong wrote: "Worst his a pedophile pervert 🤣😂"
He was neither of these.
Bong wrote: "Tell me can Muhammad read Arabic?"
Bong wrote: "How can he read Greek and Hebrew?"
He couldn't.
Bong wrote: "Because the Bible were written in Hebrew and Greek."
The prophet wasn't learned in scripture at all. He only spoke what was revealed for him to speak.
Bong Dee - Deuteronomy 18 18 speaks about the prophet to come and he must be an Israelite like Moses. Is Muhammad an Israelite? No! So Muhammad is not the prophet they know will come.
Continue Deuteronomy 18 19 its says you must listen to him or be accountable or curse if not. Question who was the prophet whom we must listen? Muhammad? No! Because can't even show himself or talk to Muhammad.
Is it Jesus? Yes! Because God the Father twice in the gospels told his Jesus disciples to listen to Jesus. Twice, first during Jesus baptism by John the Baptist and second during Jesus transfiguration. The voice from heaven told John the Baptist, Peter, John, and James to listen to Jesus...see verse below...
"While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!'" ~(Matthew 17:5)
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "Deuteronomy 18 18 speaks about the prophet to come"
lol He already came. That was Muhammad (pbuh).
Bong wrote: "and he must be an Israelite like Moses."
Not so. Muhammad fit the "like Moses" criteria.
Bong wrote: "Is Muhammad an Israelite? No!"
No need.
Bong wrote: "So Muhammad is not the prophet they know will come."
Sure he is.
Bong wrote: "Continue Deuteronomy 18 19 its says you must listen to him or be accountable or curse if not."
I listen to Muhammad, but you don't. That means, you are cursed.
Bong wrote: "Question who was the prophet whom we must listen? Muhammad?"
Of course.
Bong wrote: "No! Because can't even show himself or talk to Muhammad."
lol You could if you lived in the time/place he showed up in.
Bong wrote: "Is it Jesus?"
No. Jesus was not like Moses. See graphic.
Bong Dee - 😂🤣😂 I don't need to explain to fools like you🤣🤣😂no you've read Deuteronomy 18:18-19. And had shown you the verse that you must listen to Jesus. The accountability is now on you if you still deny Jesus.
And Muhammad was never a brethren or brothers to Israelites his an Arab you fool🤣😂😂
How is Jesus same like Moses ..see below😂🤣😂 Muhammad is a false prophet 😂🤣😂😂a pedophile like Muhammad is a💩💩💩 to the society 😂🤣😂
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "I don't need to explain to fools like you"
That's called cowardly ducking the questions in a debate, while pretending it's something else. Should I blame that on your fentanyl addiction, too?
Bong wrote: "🤣🤣😂"
Bong wrote: "no you've read Deuteronomy 18:18-19."
Sure, did.
Bong wrote: "And had shown you the verse that you must listen to Jesus."
That is a fiction.
Bong wrote: "The accountability is now on you if you still deny Jesus."
In the Qur'an, God explains what He revealed to Jesus, and He quoted the summary of what Jesus taught. There's a reason God mentions Jesus a lot in the final revelation and it corrects the errors that your people were falsely led to believe.
Bong wrote: "And Muhammad was never a brethren or brothers to Israelites his an Arab you fool🤣😂😂"
The Arab nation under Ishmael (pbuh) are the brethren nation under Isaac (pbuh).
Bong wrote: "How is Jesus same like Moses"
I already explained how using my chart.
Bong Dee - 😂😂😂tell me, Muhammad's prophesy in Quran. If his a true prophet he must pass Deuteronomy 18:20. Otherwise, his just a false prophet and deserve to die like 💩😂😂😂
Bong Dee - 😂😂😂 Moses can speak to YHWH face to face see Exodus 33 11 😂😂😂 Muhammad who saw him talked to allah face to face? A flying donkey? 😂😂😂
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "tell me, Muhammad's prophesy in Quran"
The Roman Byzantines just lost a battle with the Persian Sassanids, but the Qur’an made a bold claim stating (30:1-5) "that the Byzantines would make a huge comeback against the Sassanids within 3 to 9 years. Of course, the prophecy did come true despite this. After about 7 years from the Byzantines defeat, they made a huge comeback and started to take back all of the lands they lost (bit.ly/4ah9O0Z)" even though at the time of the Qur'an prediction, the feat seemed impossible.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "If his a true prophet he must pass Deuteronomy 18:20. Otherwise, his just a false prophet and deserve to die like 💩"
You mean the way Paul died? 🤔
Bong Dee - 😂😂😂paul never claimed his a prophet 😂😂😂but Muhammad says he is... You only posted one stuupid prophesy 😂😂😂you think i can just accept it only one your a joke like your stuuupid prophet 😂😂😂😂
Bong Dee - 😂😂😂the Romans defeated when? It's just 💩💩💩 and who is Alif. Lam. Mim? 😂😂😂
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "the Romans defeated when?"
620 A.D.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "paul never claimed his a prophet"
Didn't he claim to receive visions from God? Doesn't your "holy book" consist mostly of Paul's letters that you believe are the "divinely-inspired Word of God?"
Bong Dee - 😂😂😂are you crazy defeated by who? 620 AD 😂😂😂When did Muhammad became a prophet? Do you understand what is a real prophet of the bible?
Bong Dee - 😂😂😂 boy there are divine ministry it's not prophesy. Like Paul his a preacher and a teacher too. Others like gift of healing, other like Solomon is gift of wisdom. David had kingship, leadership and humility. There are many more. You need to read the Bible to understand it...
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "defeated by who?"
The Persian Sassanids.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "When did Muhammad became a prophet?"
When he was 40 yrs old.
Bong wrote: "Do you understand what is a real prophet of the bible?"
Do you understand anything at all? It honestly doesn't seem like it.
Bong wrote: "there are divine ministry it's not prophesy"
You're babbling. Why do you think I would value your opinion of your corrupted book? I don't care what you think about religion and spirituality. You're not a smart person.
Bong Dee - 😂 at what age was Muhammad when he did this prophesy or at what year this prophesy was told? When did it came true?
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "at what age was Muhammad when he did this prophesy"
The prophet was 50 yrs old at the time of that revelation.
Bong wrote: "When did it came true?"
A few years later.
Bong Dee - if Muhammad was 50 that means to say this happened in 620AD. But the Persian defeated the Romans in 613AD. So you mean this is the fulfillment of his prophesy. Do you agree?
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "Do you agree?"
lol Are you trying to finagle the dates I chose to fake prove the historical event didn't actually happen?
Bong Dee - that's why i am checking the timeline if i am not wrong? My estimate maybe wrong do enlighten me...
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "My estimate maybe wrong do enlighten me..."
Remember in the beginning of this bit, when you assumed the prophet Muhammad didn't make any predictions that were revealed by Allah in the Qur'an, and you giggled until you found out you were wrong? And now you find yourself desperately trying to figure out how to fix the dates of the Byzantine–Sasanian War to prove it wrong in your mind somehow?
This is the part that's most interesting to me -- watching your cognitive dissonance eat away at your anti-Islam worldview.
Muhammad Rasheed - Hey, where did all of your giggling emojis go? Hm?
Bong Dee - 😂😂😂i told you already 1 prophesy doesn't make him a true prophet 😂😂😂 my emojis are still there.
Bong Dee - and you didn't give answer to my question. So do you agree that he prophesied it in 620 AD? When Muhammad was about 50 yrs old. Do you agree?
Muhammad Rasheed - He actually made lots of prophecies. That one is most highlighted because it was an actual big deal—literally NO ONE thought the Byzantines could recover from that defeat—and put in the Qur'an itself for everyone to marvel at. Earlier, you didn't know he had made ANY prophecies, so even one prophecy that came true, that secular university historians discuss regularly, is quite significant. Your effort to downplay that significance only demonstrates your confirmed lack of personal integrity.
Muhammad Rasheed - I see the emojis came back right on cue. 😏
Muhammad Rasheed - They seem to lack the same gleeful mirth as before. I wonder why?
Bong Dee - 😂😂 my emojis are always there.
Bong Dee - so answer me. Did Muhammad prophesied that the Persian will defeat the Romans in 620AD, his about 50 yrs old. Do you agree?😂😂
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "my emojis are always there"
Always? Here's the exact moment when they disappeared, where you got noticeably uncomfortable at the realization that you are 100% wrong about the prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Muhammad Rasheed - Even just before that, they dropped down from an average of six to one. lol
Muhammad Rasheed - How does this feel? To find out you were literally wrong about EVERYTHING and actually chose the wrong religion? Huh?
Do you feel the butterflies in your stomach churning around? Tell me.
Bong Dee - 😂😂😂 you can't answer the question because your prophet is a false prophet😂😂😂
Muhammad Rasheed - He's still a 'false prophet' even though he went around prophesizing events that came true, huh? Interesting how the Christian mind works, isn't it? Huh. #Fascinating
Bong Dee - 😂😂😂 Persians defeated the Romans in 613AD. So if Muhammad prophesied it in 620AD. That means it's already past. So it means his a false prophet💩💩 😂😂😂
By the time he prophesied the Romans had decisively defeated the Persians in 620AD. So his prophesy is still wrong 😂😂😂😂
Muhammad Rasheed - Bong wrote: "Persians defeated the Romans in 613AD. So if Muhammad prophesied it"
You're confused (again). After the Persians defeat them, the Qur'an predicts that the Byzantines will come back and win. THAT'S the prediction. Pay attention, please.
Obviously, you're so desperately trying to figure out how to save face, it's making you even sloppier than you are normally.
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