Rasheed, Muhammad. "TALES OF THE WATCHER: TheGreatCitracett's M. Rasheed File." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Feb 2018. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
TheGreatCitracett - So here's a comic I saw the other day being shared around, and naturally I just had to dig deeper:
[TheGreatCitracett's - Artcow Thread] M. Rasheed / Muhammad Rasheed / Second Sight Graphix / mrasheed - Racist comic artist, Islamist, Antisemite, We Wuz Comics 'n Shiet, TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKE
And I found the Facebook of the artist in question. He was spouting bizarre racism, seemingly to himself, because he was triggered as fuck, chimping out and deleting comments and blocking people as soon as they posted. And hilariously enough, insisting that those commenting were the ones triggered! I knew at that moment, I'd found someone threadworthy. The comments in question:

He stopped responding there.
I decided to poke around a bit more and see what he's all about. Most interviews and pages about him, he seems fairly normal and agreeable, I suppose... Well here's a quick bio.

Seems like he might be nice guy. Huh. Well, let's have a peek at his personal blog:
That "Advanced" Kind of Barbarity
Fear of Abandonment: Motivations for the Origins of White Domestic Terror
Weapon of the People: "The Sellout-Coon Compromise Act"
He's got the insane verbosity of Sophie Labelle, and a love of labels second only to Zyklon Ben!
That's pretty much how all whites are portrayed. Well, except for:
Notes While Observing: The Sloppiest Cover-Up of All
Those dang, dirty (((JEWS!))) Yeah, he's antisemitic as all hell too.
Only he knows the PUREST TRUTH!
Going Deep: Learning to Recognize the Truth
And you better believe he's a big believer in Muh Reparashunz!
Weapon of the People: "The Reset"
You can get Reparatin' on Patreon of course:

Aaaand how's that working out for him?

So just who is M. Rasheed?

Muhammad Ameen Rasheed
Native of Detroit, Michigan
Current resident of Raleigh, North Carolina.
Married father of two daughters.
He's the creator of the "Monsters 101" comic series, as well as "Tales of Sinanju: The Destroyer" and now "Weapon of the People" which seems to be the newest, blatantly hateful, racist stuff he's putting out now. From the sounds of it, he had a fairly normal if not privileged life and upbringing. Loved art, made his own comics and characters and tried getting work at a major studio but was just not quite what they were looking for. So he decided to just strike out on his own and self publish...
...Nah, who am I kidding, he decided to freak the fuck out and blame white people for absolutely anything and everything under the sun!
Are Mainstream Modern Comics Just Racist Propaganda Tracts?
The Flimsy Camouflage of the Alt-Right
Which brings us to where we are today. If you click any of the links, make it this one, I can't even begin to describe it. I really didn't think it was possible for one person to waste so much time just hating people.
Personal Blog (Pure unadulterated Cancer)
He's a Batshit crazy textwaller too!
He's a self proclaimed "Master Cartoonist" and "Award Winner", but the only awards he's won are two Glyph awards back in 2013 for Story of the Year and Best Male Character.
Never heard of the Glyph awards?
It's an award for comics by, for and about black people, and has been around since 2006.
I think that's a decent start, I'll update and add more as I'm able. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't had a thread yet, but he's only now starting to go completely batshit and get noticed.
TheGreatCitracett - This guy is super prolific, I think he's got some serious potential. He's got this major Jekyll/Hyde thing going on too, where if you search his name you basically get tons of interviews where he talks about his love of art and positive black representation, then you see his personal blog and it's all "Kill Whitey! Gas the Jews! Allahu Akbar!"
TheGreatCitracett - Comments on the Jew comic:
TheGreatCitracett - An update on this guy.
Turns out, Facebook doesn't like racists. It's pretty funny to see someone get their ass burned by the censorship they pushed so hard for. Now he's throwing a tantrum. (Note the tags: "antiracist" hahaha!)
Turns out, Facebook doesn't like racists. It's pretty funny to see someone get their ass burned by the censorship they pushed so hard for. Now he's throwing a tantrum. (Note the tags: "antiracist" hahaha!)
TheGreatCitracett - Cute, huh? Totally not a triggered snowflake victim at all.
In addition, you'll notice that last comic has 168 comments at the time I found it. That's the most attention he's had. Ever.
He's not taking it well...
In addition, you'll notice that last comic has 168 comments at the time I found it. That's the most attention he's had. Ever.
He's not taking it well...
TheGreatCitracett - I think he's under the impression that snowflake means white person. He clearly doesn't understand what being triggered is, and all his comebacks are basically "No, U!"
I like that he's trying to appeal to Facebook admins while at the same time calling them Nazi klansmen. That's sure to go over well.
This can only get more interesting. I thought he'd stop reacting to the trolls by now but he just keeps chimping...
Just look at this textwall blog post about his side of the incident.
I like that he's trying to appeal to Facebook admins while at the same time calling them Nazi klansmen. That's sure to go over well.
This can only get more interesting. I thought he'd stop reacting to the trolls by now but he just keeps chimping...
Just look at this textwall blog post about his side of the incident.
KiwiMisetté - His works would've been relevant if this was being made during slavery.
It's honestly idiotic that people start blaming an entire race just because one person or group of the same race did something bad, whether it's at present or in the past. Then again, we ARE living in an age where calling literally everything racist is a tradition.
Curt Sibling - He's even worse at drawing hands than Dobson.
BlueSpark - In the comic with the vomiting snake he depicts himself as being very light skinned... :thinking:
Zaragoza - You afro supremacist! Stop appropriating Arab culture with your surnames!
Muhammad Rasheed - Oh, look. I found my white supremacist 'Watcher.' (I wonder if he's from France?)
Too bad the Watchers can't break their strict no-contact rule (Uatu this guy ain't) otherwise he could just ask me stuff (or read my explanations and logic-trains in my blog posts) instead of insisting he knows exactly what I think based on his own racism lens. For example, he keeps insisting that I'm "hateful" and that's not true at all. I hate the White Supremacist Ideology since it's designed to maintain the white racist aristocracy of the West by plundering and oppressing Black people. It's willing supporters are my active enemies. I have no reason to hate whites who don't willingly support systemic racism.
Muhammad Rasheed - TheGreatCitracett wrote: "He was spouting bizarre racism..."
lol It was "bizarre" because it wasn't racism, amirite?
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...seemingly to himself, because he was triggered as fuck..."
I wasn't triggered. I was delighted at the activity and was more than happy to engage with the new visitors.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...chimping out and deleting comments and blocking people as soon as they posted."
I deleted all of the "WE... WUZ... KANGS" posts as soon as I saw them. Since these were just trash posts designed to muck up the thread by dedicated trolls, I blocked the posters as well. Odd how you would consider that "chimping out" when it was merely good moderating.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "And hilariously enough, insisting that those commenting were the ones triggered!"
They were clearly triggered based solely on all the activity that came to shut me down from those whom you yourself admitted were white conservatives who obviously took my 'Extraterrestrial Rude Awakening' cartoon personally.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "He stopped responding there."
I stopped posting because your friends got me banned from posting in my FB account. The only weapons I was still allowed were those that let me ban and delete. Of course I could also respond to copied comments in a dedicated blog post here. I used all of these tools generously. It is unacceptable to ban me from posting in my own thread while thinking I should allow you to post whatever toxic crap you'd like. I cannot help but consider that attitude part of the white privileged-entitlement you all oddly insist you don't have.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "That's pretty much how all whites are portrayed."
You should take off your 'narrow-mind blinders' then. They are clearly hampering your vision.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "Those dang, dirty (((JEWS!))) Yeah, he's antisemitic as all hell too."
Meanwhile, I'm not 'anti-semitic' at all. I don't hate the Jews. I am interested in how that became your sole take away from that post though. Explain.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "Only he knows the PUREST TRUTH!"
lol In context, the 'purest truth' is the actual revelation of God as preached by the prophets from Adam to Muhammad (peace be upon them all). All the tribal bickering and racist/misogynistic nonsense that people pretend is the religion is merely the taint of foolish men.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "And you better believe he's a big believer in Muh Reparashunz!"
Damn right.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "Aaaand how's that working out for him? Oh."
*shrug* I gotta start somewhere.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...and now "Weapon of the People" which seems to be the newest, blatantly hateful, racist stuff he's putting out now."
"Blatantly hateful and racist" in what way exactly, Watcher? Do you even know what those words mean?
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...and tried getting work at a major studio but was just not quite what they were looking for."
I didn't try very long out of college since it really wasn't what I was looking for with my art.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "So he decided to just strike out on his own and self publish..."
It was the very best decision I could have made. The artist's work NEEDS to be freely expressed without the chains of corporate forcing it in a particular direction.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...Nah, who am I kidding..."
That prior line of yours was accurate though.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...he decided to freak the fuck out..."
I echo Ta-Nehisi Coates in that regard, where he said that he didn't start out advocating for pro-Black Reparations. It was his digging into history, and seeing what actually happened in white/Black race relations (as opposed to the mainstream story) that radicalized him. The same happened to me. I got angry once I read the true history of racism in America -- where it came from, what it means, and what it has done.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...and blame white people for absolutely anything and everything under the sun!"
If you mean blaming whites for systemic racism and it's wide-reaching effects, then you would be correct. Please improve.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "I really didn't think it was possible for one person to waste so much time just hating people."
Considering I don't hate people at all, that may explain the source of your confusion. #HateTheGameNotThePlayer
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...then you see his personal blog and it's all "Kill Whitey! Gas the Jews! Allahu Akbar!""
Hm. Please post where I said "Kill Whitey! Gas the Jews!" please, since that is a fiction. And I happen to BE Muslim, so even though I don't particularly remember posting "Allahu Akbar!" ("God is the greatest!"), it wouldn't be out of line at all. lol You have an issue with people expressing the common religious terms from the religion they actually subscribe to then, Watcher?
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "Also, he really loves calling people 'triggered' and 'snowflake' despite being the very definition of them himself."
I'm not triggered just because I choose to engage. These discussions actually fuel my socio-political art, so I actively seek them out. It would seem to me that the act of anonymous-watching so you and your buds can poke fun at people without actively engaging them is absolutely delicate 'snowflake' behavior. It would seem, based on how you have presented me and my arguments in this troll thread of yours, that I would be an easy target for your intended audience. Yet all I see are flip and shallow comments and the making fun of how I draw hands. lol That's weak sauce, son. I thought you lot were supposed to be the proud warrior sons of Woden or whatever? Okay, well bring it. Throw Down Your Rod.
Or continue watching & giggling from the shadows. It is all one.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "It's pretty funny to see someone get their ass burned by the censorship they pushed so hard for."
I didn't push for any censorship. Are you Watching me or someone else? Pay attention, please.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "(Note the tags: 'antiracist' hahaha!)"
You think I'm a racist because I hate white supremacy? Explain please.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "I think he's under the impression that snowflake means white person."
lol Considering you model the behavior by refusing to allow true equal rights because you are deathly afraid of competing with Blacks on an even playing field, fearing that the balance of power will flip, then 'snowflake' absolutely means "white people." Absolutely. If you truly believe whites really are the superior race and the pinnacle of human evolution, while all the ('inherently primitive-animalistic criminal') shit you've been saying about Black people is real, then why are you so afraid of getting out of our way and just letting us BE? Because you are a coward, snowflake. Accept it. No one is more snowflakey than you. Own it.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "He clearly doesn't understand what being triggered is, and all his comebacks are basically 'No, U!'"
Triggered is the emotional over-reaction, which is what the alt-right legions demonstrated when they 'raided' me and got my FB art page deleted. As I explained, I willingly engage in Internet argument since it fuels my art; that certainly doesn't describe triggered behavior. So when my opponents insist that I'm only responding because I'm being 'emotional' even while they are actually freaking out at the very idea that an advanced alien species would crown my people over whites, "No, U!" is the only proper response. lol
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "This can only get more interesting."
It did get more interesting until they banned me. You may take up that baton if you like. En garde.
Muhammad Rasheed - KiwiMisetté wrote: "His works would've been relevant if this was being made during slavery."
Meanwhile, the systemic racism established during the slave era continued up into the present day. Try again, please. This time use facts.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zaragoza wrote: "You afro supremacist! Stop appropriating Arab culture with your surnames!"
My Arabic name has nothing to do with appropriation. Try harder, please.
TheGreatCitracett - Well, I honestly forgot about this guy because he seems to be a bit of a one trick pony and his main comic FB got the Zucc for blatant racism, but I figured I'd check in on him anyway. He's not up to anything terribly interesting, but he must at least google himself because he bothered to write a blog entry about me complete with a point-by-point refutation of the OP and a few other posts. Quoted @KiwiMisetté and @Zaragozatoo. Then stopped blogging two days later. Plus I got some sweet fanart which I'm gonna treasure forever
CWCissey - Congrats on getting noticed!
Come play with us Mo! If you really want to talk that is!
Muhammad Rasheed - TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...because he seems to be a bit of a one trick pony..."
How dare you.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...and his main comic FB got the Zucc for blatant racism..."
uh... no. It got "the Zucc" because a bunch of racists got triggered and got it "Zucc'd." being anti-racism focused doesn't make me a racist. Making cartoons that make fun of racism doesn't make me a racist. Not being able to tell the difference between anti-racism versus an indiscriminate hatred of the descendants of Europe's ethnic tribes makes my Zucc'rs the racists.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "He's not up to anything terribly interesting..."
How dare you.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...but he must at least google himself..."
When I'm on an alien computer, like at a library or Internet café, I'll Google "second sight graphix" to jump on my blog. One day, to my surprise, I found your stalker-ific stalkerings near the top of the search results!
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...he bothered to write a blog entry about me complete with a point-by-point refutation of the OP..."
Anytime you feel like responding. *looks @ watch*
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "Then stopped blogging two days later."
I'm committed to one post per day now for my new editorial cartoon project.
Muhammad Rasheed - CWCissey wrote: "Come play with us Mo! If you really want to talk that is!"
Well, already I see you responded to my "point-by-point refutation" with side stepping, gaslighting, doubling-down on white supremacist support, etc., so I may as well stay over here and talk at you instead. You don't want to have a real discussion anyway, since you're committed to protecting your 'whiteness' narrative you hold so dear. This is clear.
What do you have to offer to entice me to join your stalker group?
Knojkamarangasan_#4 - How the hell haven’t this thread got more attention yet? This guy is definitely just as exceptional as someone like Sophie Labelle and maybe I’m necroing but this shit deserves more attention.
TheGreatCitracett - I think maybe I'll check back in on him in a bit, I really haven't kept up lately.
The thing I found the most entertaining is the fact he sincerely seems to believe Facebook and especially Zucc himself are überconservative far-right white supremacist nazi rednecks who hate all minorities, particularly blacks and Muslims and are just out to get him.
He was posting super racist stuff with the intent to piss off white rednecks, acted surprised when said rednecks would then chimp the fuck out and mass report him for racism and get him zucced, which he'd then take as proof facebook is white supremacist, and use that as inspiration for his next even more racist strip. It's a vicious cycle.
It's a shame because his non-racist stuff seems like it might be pretty neat.
Beautiful Border - Looking at his website makes me think that he's just trying to get a rise out of people, but no one is going to be offended by his cartoons depicting white people as troglodytes because of how ludicrously over-the-top they are. The fact that he's been mostly ignored must drive him nuts.
I do wonder if he actually believes what he says, but I'm guessing not.
The Un-Clit - Yeah, I am fairly sure he's trolling for attention, to get more views of his 'artwork' and scare up some contracts. That guy's ranting makes "Nat X" from Saturday Night Live look like Uncle Tom ffs. No way it's real.
I like his art style, very European for such a pro-African ranter. Reminds me in many ways of Albert Uderzo's work especially.
LOL I bet he just loved the way the Numidian pirate is drawn.
RyanSlamwheel - For a guy who fancies himself a master cartoonist, M. Rasheed sure is lazy when it comes to coloring. I actually like some of his lineart, but it's ruined by the excessive use of Dodge and Burn. His stuff would be way better if he skipped the shading altogether.
Woke Blue Muslim Queen - Why using Jules when you can go with Django? After all Jules works alongside a whitey.
Broseph Stalin - It seems to be a recurring thing with a lot of Afrocentrist art. At least the lowgrade cartoony shit. Just look up Yahawasi in Google Images or any of the Black Israelite/Egyptian shit and you'll get a plethora of examples.
Muhammad Rasheed - TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...he sincerely seems to believe Facebook and especially Zucc himself are überconservative far-right white supremacist nazi rednecks [...] and are just out to get him."
I don't understand where you are getting that from. My foes were a legion of triggered white supremacists who ganged up to take advantage of FB's weak troll guards to get my art page deleted. what does that have to do with "Zucc himself?"
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "He was posting super racist stuff..."
Like what? What qualified it as "super racist?" because you didn't like it? Experience has should that members of the white racist aristocracy just make up their own fluid, emotion-based definitions of "racist" as they go.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...acted surprised..."
I'm an anti-racism researcher. Why would I be surprised at any form of white racist mob attack?
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...and mass report him for racism..."
1.) What racism, Watcher?
2.) The funny part to me is that white conservatives are the ones that pretend to be all about free speech. When they meet someone who really is all about free speech and welcome debate, they can't wait to silence him. #racism
Muhammad Rasheed - Beautiful Border wrote: "Looking at his website makes me think that he's just trying to get a rise out of people..."
I'm an anti-racism researcher using the history of anti-Black systemic racism in America as inspiration for my art. When people who haven't researched the anti-racism activist literature talk about it, they sound like you and your friends here. The world looks very different outside of your Whitopia.
Beautiful Border wrote: "The fact that he's been mostly ignored must drive him nuts."
??? Why would that be? The stuff I'm inspired by happens to be the uncomfortable topic the mainstream and the average Western citizen actively avoid. I'm not surprised at the silence. People are cowards who don't want to do the hard work necessary to end the demonic White Supremacist Ideology and the anti-Black systemic racism for which it stands.
Beautiful Border wrote: "I do wonder if he actually believes what he says, but I'm guessing not."
That's pure ignorance talking. You don't know enough about history to make such comments.
Muhammad Rasheed - The Un-Clit wrote: "No way it's real."
Based on what exactly? The video games you play all day?
The Un-Clit wrote: "I like his art style, very European for such a pro-African ranter."
lol There's have been quite a few "pro-Africans" in Europe since before the rise of white supremacy. The Moors built the still-standing celebrated castles of Europe, remember? Nice catch btw. I love the Belgium school.
The Un-Clit wrote: "I bet he just loved the way the Numidian pirate is drawn."
I'm a Black man in an anti-Black, white supremacist society. There are quite a few problematic issues here outside of the racist works of some of my creative influences.
Muhammad Rasheed - RyanSlamwheel wrote: "For a guy who fancies himself a master cartoonist, M. Rasheed sure is lazy when it comes to coloring."
What does coloring have to do with cartooning? If I stop adding color, will they suddenly stop being cartoons? Note that the interiors of my two graphic novel series are all in black & white.
RyanSlamwheel wrote: "'s ruined by the excessive use of Dodge and Burn."
I used to use a 30% black layer for darks, but stopped over a year ago.
RyanSlamwheel wrote: "His stuff would be way better if he skipped the shading altogether."
I agree that's why I stopped. Now I just use a 70% white overlay on top of the flat color. That fits me better.
Muhammad Rasheed - Woke Blue Muslim Queen wrote: "Why using Jules when you can go with Django?"
The Jules gag fit with the context of the dialogue the cartoon was illustrating. Plus I didn't care for Django anyway.
Woke Blue Muslim Queen wrote: "After all Jules works alongside a whitey."
Did you even see the Django film?
Muhammad Rasheed - Broseph Stalin wrote: "At least the lowgrade cartoony shit."
Taking butthurt potshots from a hater position because you lack an argument? Sad.
Is that all you have, bud?
gangweedfan - There are a bunch of new comics by him that have not been posted yet. Here are 2 of my favorites.
Official Harassment by M. Rasheed
Weaponizing the Weak by M. Rasheed
You should take off your 'narrow-mind blinders' then. They are clearly hampering your vision.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "Those dang, dirty (((JEWS!))) Yeah, he's antisemitic as all hell too."
Meanwhile, I'm not 'anti-semitic' at all. I don't hate the Jews. I am interested in how that became your sole take away from that post though. Explain.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "Only he knows the PUREST TRUTH!"
lol In context, the 'purest truth' is the actual revelation of God as preached by the prophets from Adam to Muhammad (peace be upon them all). All the tribal bickering and racist/misogynistic nonsense that people pretend is the religion is merely the taint of foolish men.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "And you better believe he's a big believer in Muh Reparashunz!"
Damn right.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "Aaaand how's that working out for him? Oh."
*shrug* I gotta start somewhere.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...and now "Weapon of the People" which seems to be the newest, blatantly hateful, racist stuff he's putting out now."
"Blatantly hateful and racist" in what way exactly, Watcher? Do you even know what those words mean?
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...and tried getting work at a major studio but was just not quite what they were looking for."
I didn't try very long out of college since it really wasn't what I was looking for with my art.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "So he decided to just strike out on his own and self publish..."
It was the very best decision I could have made. The artist's work NEEDS to be freely expressed without the chains of corporate forcing it in a particular direction.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...Nah, who am I kidding..."
That prior line of yours was accurate though.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...he decided to freak the fuck out..."
I echo Ta-Nehisi Coates in that regard, where he said that he didn't start out advocating for pro-Black Reparations. It was his digging into history, and seeing what actually happened in white/Black race relations (as opposed to the mainstream story) that radicalized him. The same happened to me. I got angry once I read the true history of racism in America -- where it came from, what it means, and what it has done.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...and blame white people for absolutely anything and everything under the sun!"
If you mean blaming whites for systemic racism and it's wide-reaching effects, then you would be correct. Please improve.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "I really didn't think it was possible for one person to waste so much time just hating people."
Considering I don't hate people at all, that may explain the source of your confusion. #HateTheGameNotThePlayer
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...then you see his personal blog and it's all "Kill Whitey! Gas the Jews! Allahu Akbar!""
Hm. Please post where I said "Kill Whitey! Gas the Jews!" please, since that is a fiction. And I happen to BE Muslim, so even though I don't particularly remember posting "Allahu Akbar!" ("God is the greatest!"), it wouldn't be out of line at all. lol You have an issue with people expressing the common religious terms from the religion they actually subscribe to then, Watcher?
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "Also, he really loves calling people 'triggered' and 'snowflake' despite being the very definition of them himself."
I'm not triggered just because I choose to engage. These discussions actually fuel my socio-political art, so I actively seek them out. It would seem to me that the act of anonymous-watching so you and your buds can poke fun at people without actively engaging them is absolutely delicate 'snowflake' behavior. It would seem, based on how you have presented me and my arguments in this troll thread of yours, that I would be an easy target for your intended audience. Yet all I see are flip and shallow comments and the making fun of how I draw hands. lol That's weak sauce, son. I thought you lot were supposed to be the proud warrior sons of Woden or whatever? Okay, well bring it. Throw Down Your Rod.
Or continue watching & giggling from the shadows. It is all one.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "It's pretty funny to see someone get their ass burned by the censorship they pushed so hard for."
I didn't push for any censorship. Are you Watching me or someone else? Pay attention, please.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "(Note the tags: 'antiracist' hahaha!)"
You think I'm a racist because I hate white supremacy? Explain please.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "I think he's under the impression that snowflake means white person."
lol Considering you model the behavior by refusing to allow true equal rights because you are deathly afraid of competing with Blacks on an even playing field, fearing that the balance of power will flip, then 'snowflake' absolutely means "white people." Absolutely. If you truly believe whites really are the superior race and the pinnacle of human evolution, while all the ('inherently primitive-animalistic criminal') shit you've been saying about Black people is real, then why are you so afraid of getting out of our way and just letting us BE? Because you are a coward, snowflake. Accept it. No one is more snowflakey than you. Own it.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "He clearly doesn't understand what being triggered is, and all his comebacks are basically 'No, U!'"
Triggered is the emotional over-reaction, which is what the alt-right legions demonstrated when they 'raided' me and got my FB art page deleted. As I explained, I willingly engage in Internet argument since it fuels my art; that certainly doesn't describe triggered behavior. So when my opponents insist that I'm only responding because I'm being 'emotional' even while they are actually freaking out at the very idea that an advanced alien species would crown my people over whites, "No, U!" is the only proper response. lol
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "This can only get more interesting."
It did get more interesting until they banned me. You may take up that baton if you like. En garde.
Muhammad Rasheed - KiwiMisetté wrote: "His works would've been relevant if this was being made during slavery."
Meanwhile, the systemic racism established during the slave era continued up into the present day. Try again, please. This time use facts.
Muhammad Rasheed - Zaragoza wrote: "You afro supremacist! Stop appropriating Arab culture with your surnames!"
- The Africans incorporated Al-Islam into their various cultures.
- The original Arab proselytizers of the religion intended it to be a wildly spread, global message for everyone.
- The enslaved Blacks in America were deliberately cut off from their ethnic roots by the white slave owners.
- When Black Americans later converted to Islam, they discarded the European slave names, changed their names by first taking on an "X" representing the unknown name of their pre-enslaved ancestors, and then an Arabic name representing the religion their ancestors most likely subscribed to as a small way of returning "home."
My Arabic name has nothing to do with appropriation. Try harder, please.
TheGreatCitracett - Well, I honestly forgot about this guy because he seems to be a bit of a one trick pony and his main comic FB got the Zucc for blatant racism, but I figured I'd check in on him anyway. He's not up to anything terribly interesting, but he must at least google himself because he bothered to write a blog entry about me complete with a point-by-point refutation of the OP and a few other posts. Quoted @KiwiMisetté and @Zaragozatoo. Then stopped blogging two days later. Plus I got some sweet fanart which I'm gonna treasure forever
CWCissey - Congrats on getting noticed!
Come play with us Mo! If you really want to talk that is!
Muhammad Rasheed - TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...because he seems to be a bit of a one trick pony..."
How dare you.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...and his main comic FB got the Zucc for blatant racism..."
uh... no. It got "the Zucc" because a bunch of racists got triggered and got it "Zucc'd." being anti-racism focused doesn't make me a racist. Making cartoons that make fun of racism doesn't make me a racist. Not being able to tell the difference between anti-racism versus an indiscriminate hatred of the descendants of Europe's ethnic tribes makes my Zucc'rs the racists.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "He's not up to anything terribly interesting..."
How dare you.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...but he must at least google himself..."
When I'm on an alien computer, like at a library or Internet café, I'll Google "second sight graphix" to jump on my blog. One day, to my surprise, I found your stalker-ific stalkerings near the top of the search results!
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...he bothered to write a blog entry about me complete with a point-by-point refutation of the OP..."
Anytime you feel like responding. *looks @ watch*
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "Then stopped blogging two days later."
I'm committed to one post per day now for my new editorial cartoon project.
Muhammad Rasheed - CWCissey wrote: "Come play with us Mo! If you really want to talk that is!"
Well, already I see you responded to my "point-by-point refutation" with side stepping, gaslighting, doubling-down on white supremacist support, etc., so I may as well stay over here and talk at you instead. You don't want to have a real discussion anyway, since you're committed to protecting your 'whiteness' narrative you hold so dear. This is clear.
What do you have to offer to entice me to join your stalker group?
Knojkamarangasan_#4 - How the hell haven’t this thread got more attention yet? This guy is definitely just as exceptional as someone like Sophie Labelle and maybe I’m necroing but this shit deserves more attention.
TheGreatCitracett - I think maybe I'll check back in on him in a bit, I really haven't kept up lately.
The thing I found the most entertaining is the fact he sincerely seems to believe Facebook and especially Zucc himself are überconservative far-right white supremacist nazi rednecks who hate all minorities, particularly blacks and Muslims and are just out to get him.
He was posting super racist stuff with the intent to piss off white rednecks, acted surprised when said rednecks would then chimp the fuck out and mass report him for racism and get him zucced, which he'd then take as proof facebook is white supremacist, and use that as inspiration for his next even more racist strip. It's a vicious cycle.
It's a shame because his non-racist stuff seems like it might be pretty neat.
Beautiful Border - Looking at his website makes me think that he's just trying to get a rise out of people, but no one is going to be offended by his cartoons depicting white people as troglodytes because of how ludicrously over-the-top they are. The fact that he's been mostly ignored must drive him nuts.
I do wonder if he actually believes what he says, but I'm guessing not.
The Un-Clit - Yeah, I am fairly sure he's trolling for attention, to get more views of his 'artwork' and scare up some contracts. That guy's ranting makes "Nat X" from Saturday Night Live look like Uncle Tom ffs. No way it's real.
I like his art style, very European for such a pro-African ranter. Reminds me in many ways of Albert Uderzo's work especially.
LOL I bet he just loved the way the Numidian pirate is drawn.
RyanSlamwheel - For a guy who fancies himself a master cartoonist, M. Rasheed sure is lazy when it comes to coloring. I actually like some of his lineart, but it's ruined by the excessive use of Dodge and Burn. His stuff would be way better if he skipped the shading altogether.
Woke Blue Muslim Queen - Why using Jules when you can go with Django? After all Jules works alongside a whitey.
Broseph Stalin - It seems to be a recurring thing with a lot of Afrocentrist art. At least the lowgrade cartoony shit. Just look up Yahawasi in Google Images or any of the Black Israelite/Egyptian shit and you'll get a plethora of examples.
Muhammad Rasheed - TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...he sincerely seems to believe Facebook and especially Zucc himself are überconservative far-right white supremacist nazi rednecks [...] and are just out to get him."
I don't understand where you are getting that from. My foes were a legion of triggered white supremacists who ganged up to take advantage of FB's weak troll guards to get my art page deleted. what does that have to do with "Zucc himself?"
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "He was posting super racist stuff..."
Like what? What qualified it as "super racist?" because you didn't like it? Experience has should that members of the white racist aristocracy just make up their own fluid, emotion-based definitions of "racist" as they go.
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...acted surprised..."
I'm an anti-racism researcher. Why would I be surprised at any form of white racist mob attack?
TheGreatCitracett wrote: "...and mass report him for racism..."
1.) What racism, Watcher?
2.) The funny part to me is that white conservatives are the ones that pretend to be all about free speech. When they meet someone who really is all about free speech and welcome debate, they can't wait to silence him. #racism
Muhammad Rasheed - Beautiful Border wrote: "Looking at his website makes me think that he's just trying to get a rise out of people..."
I'm an anti-racism researcher using the history of anti-Black systemic racism in America as inspiration for my art. When people who haven't researched the anti-racism activist literature talk about it, they sound like you and your friends here. The world looks very different outside of your Whitopia.
Beautiful Border wrote: "The fact that he's been mostly ignored must drive him nuts."
??? Why would that be? The stuff I'm inspired by happens to be the uncomfortable topic the mainstream and the average Western citizen actively avoid. I'm not surprised at the silence. People are cowards who don't want to do the hard work necessary to end the demonic White Supremacist Ideology and the anti-Black systemic racism for which it stands.
Beautiful Border wrote: "I do wonder if he actually believes what he says, but I'm guessing not."
That's pure ignorance talking. You don't know enough about history to make such comments.
Muhammad Rasheed - The Un-Clit wrote: "No way it's real."
Based on what exactly? The video games you play all day?
The Un-Clit wrote: "I like his art style, very European for such a pro-African ranter."
lol There's have been quite a few "pro-Africans" in Europe since before the rise of white supremacy. The Moors built the still-standing celebrated castles of Europe, remember? Nice catch btw. I love the Belgium school.
The Un-Clit wrote: "I bet he just loved the way the Numidian pirate is drawn."
I'm a Black man in an anti-Black, white supremacist society. There are quite a few problematic issues here outside of the racist works of some of my creative influences.
Muhammad Rasheed - RyanSlamwheel wrote: "For a guy who fancies himself a master cartoonist, M. Rasheed sure is lazy when it comes to coloring."
What does coloring have to do with cartooning? If I stop adding color, will they suddenly stop being cartoons? Note that the interiors of my two graphic novel series are all in black & white.
RyanSlamwheel wrote: "'s ruined by the excessive use of Dodge and Burn."
I used to use a 30% black layer for darks, but stopped over a year ago.
RyanSlamwheel wrote: "His stuff would be way better if he skipped the shading altogether."
I agree that's why I stopped. Now I just use a 70% white overlay on top of the flat color. That fits me better.
Muhammad Rasheed - Woke Blue Muslim Queen wrote: "Why using Jules when you can go with Django?"
The Jules gag fit with the context of the dialogue the cartoon was illustrating. Plus I didn't care for Django anyway.
Woke Blue Muslim Queen wrote: "After all Jules works alongside a whitey."
Did you even see the Django film?
Muhammad Rasheed - Broseph Stalin wrote: "At least the lowgrade cartoony shit."
Taking butthurt potshots from a hater position because you lack an argument? Sad.
Is that all you have, bud?
Official Harassment by M. Rasheed
Weaponizing the Weak by M. Rasheed
mickey339 - Why Muhammed "Bash the Fags" Rasheed is my favorite cartoonist.
Many of his comics have turned into WORDSWORDSWORDS, often monologues. I think that if you analysed the text walls you could arrange them into categories that each repeat a specific topic of blabber over and over again.
Though he actually goes out of his way to criticize BLM, democrats and other establishment social justice groups. My respects.
Doesn't seem found of newly arrived Africans either.
Yeeb-Renzo said: "Never thought I’d see Pepe be afraid of snakes vomiting snakes, or be in another political cartoon since a couple of months back."
It's from the bible. Moses challenges Egyptian sorceresses by turning his staff into a snake. The sorceress do the same but the staff of Moses eats theirs.
cr1nge - @mickey339... his depictions of grotesque gay men are pretty spot on
Qajinima022 - I will give M.Rasheed props for criticizing BLM and Grifters of politics/Social Justice as well.
Muhammad Rasheed - mickey339 wrote: "Bash the Fags"
I'm not "bashing" anyone, but I am critiquing the LGBT's exploitative tactics to use my ethnic group for our votes to further their agenda[s] while partnering with the leftist/liberal branch of white supremacy to continue to keep my people locked out of the benefits of American citizenship, and all while pretending to be an ally.
Shidoen - I like to be racist and competitive at that, but I just can't compete with all of that.
Bioniclelover - Why did he make multiple drawings of aliens turning crackers into trees?
Also the guy looks like he's only quarter-black.
The Great Citracett - He made a bunch of comics a while back where the aliens came to earth and crowned the black people kings and queens of earth while calling whites monkeys or something like that. Wasn't sure where he was going with it. Definitely wasn't expecting trees.
I'm pretty sure by now his strips have been banned by most if not all cringe subreddits for being so easy and obvious that half the subs were just loaded with Rasheed comics every day.
Bioniclelover - He apparently got a new youtube channel two weeks ago or so. You can now listen to him explaining the meaning of his comics and learn why exactly evil wypipo turn into trees or something.
Big White Bwana - I will not complain about his racism, because racism can be beneficial - what I find objectionable is that he is an uppity nigger who needs an application of some stout hessian. Nigger monkies like him should not be allowed to breathe the same air as humans.
Muhammad Rasheed - Big White Bwana wrote: "I will not complain about his racism"
Telling white people to stop being racist to my people is not racism. lol
Big White Bwana wrote: "what I find objectionable is that he is an uppity nigger"
I suggest you get over it. Just relax into it. You'll be alright.
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