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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Roy Jones, Jr.'s MLK Day Message Brings Out the Anti-Black Trolls." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 2024. [cartoon pending] Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
M. Rasheed on BitChute!
Roy Jones, Jr. (@royjonesjrofficial) - What up, everybody. Happy Martin Luther King Day. To me, Martin Luther King stood for a lot and he had a dream. That dream has not still been totally fulfilled because we still hate people for difference reasons that are really unjust reasons. So, if you can today, just think about what he did, all the sacrifices he made, the things he stood for and try to stand for those same things on a daily basis. Peace, God bless y'all and have a great day.
Monster Richard (@monsterrichard951) - In my view, many of the so-called Black leaders are just pure race hustlers that try to divide and want animosity between different groups of people. However, I have a lot of respect for MLK Jr., and believe he was a great leader.
Muhammad Rasheed - In my view, whites get defensive whenever racial topics come up because they know they did the Black American ethnic group dirty, but they don't want to be held accountable at all for their history of foulness. You all have a culture of cowardice and lack of integrity.
Monster Richard - Let’s agree to disagree. I’m not responsible for something that happened 200 hundred years ago, and I don’t owe you anything. Let’s talk about accountability. Considering Asians and East Indians kick the white man’s azz in education achievement and income, and they’re racial / ethnic minorities, why do Blacks always blame racism for their problems. The disproportionate amount of Blacks in prison is not because of racism, it’s because they’re the ones committing a disproportionate amount of crime. If Blacks do not perform well on standardized tests, it’s not because of racism. It’s because they didn’t study / prepare themselves to learn and do well. Failure to recognize these things as the truth is cowardice. It’s easier to blame it on the even white man. Believe it or not most white people I know are color blind and judge others on the character. But, you’ve bought into the narrative of yt people are evil ra cists. That’s fine. Live your life.
Muhammad Rasheed - monsterrichard951 wrote: "Let’s agree to disagree."
lol I agree that you have no idea what you are talking about.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "I’m not responsible for something that happened 200 hundred years ago"
You're responsible for helping to maintain a system that was first established 400 years ago, and then reestablished at points in history every since, including within this generation.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "and I don’t owe you anything."
Meanwhile, you literally owe me everything.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "Let’s talk about accountability."
lol Let's.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "Considering Asians and East Indians kick the white man’s azz in education achievement and income"
Google "Asians cheating culture" and tell me what bubbles up. #IntegrityCheck
monsterrichard951 wrote: "and they’re racial / ethnic minorities"
Generic "racial/ethnic minorities" doesn't mean anything. it's just a DEI scam. Immigration was deliberately weaponized against the Black American ethnic group -- the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) -- way back during Reconstruction because the resentful & bitter former slave holder refused to pay the former slave class for their labor. Immigration was reestablished as a systemic racism weapon against my people specifically with the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which was the direct counter to the 1964 Civil Rights and 1965 Voting Rights Acts that Dr. King helped get signed. So the "POC/BIPOC" immigrant is just a support lackey of systemic racism, he's not an oppressed racial/ethnic minority.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "why do Blacks always blame racism for their problems."
uhh... Because my problems in my country literally began in the 1600s, when the light-skinned descendants of the European ethnic tribes colluded to permanently delegate the enslaved Africans to a hereditary, chattel bondsman class. This act created the concept of "whiteness" which is the economic caste system aristocracy of the USA, maintained with racketeering, organized crime tactics. The point of which was to prevent my group from being able to accrue wealth to pass along through the generations, but instead add it to white wealth, which is the root cause of the racial wealth gap between our two groups. Throughout the last 400 yrs, every chance whites have had to fix this historic wrong they refused, while pretending in their chronic greed and evil that racism isn't real, the way you are doing in this thread.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "The disproportionate amount of Blacks in prison is not because of racism"
Sure, it is. In fact, we can track it at two key points:
1.) The former slave holders placed the following loophole into the 13th Amendment: "...except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted..." in order to continue the slave institution under a new name ("convict leasing").
2.) After the lucrative manufacturing era ended by sending factory work overseas, the Reagan Administration unleased the designer drug called "crack" into the Black American (ADOS) community, which siphoned away our little bit of wealth to fund his CONTRA wars. Investigative journalist Gary Webb discovered that the CIA orchestrated the entire "War on Drugs" scheme and was killed, execution style, for his findings. The 1994 Crime Bill drafted by Joe Biden and signed by Bill Clinton effectively solidified the mass incarcerate 'convict leasing' program at the national level, which came with your manufactured "they’re the ones committing a disproportionate amount of crime" propaganda to keep the prisons filled with Black flesh.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "If Blacks do not perform well on standardized tests, it’s not because of racism."
lol Sure, it is. Let's learn. In 1954, the Supreme Court found that "separate but equal" schooling was impossible to attain in the USA because of the legacy of racial discrimination against the ADOS population -- whites would ALWAYS hoard wealth & resources for themselves and exclude us when given any kind of opening to do so. Therefore, the Brown v Board of Education decision declared that ADOS had to go to white schools in order to get the education we needed to improve our quality of life. The response from the white American population was the concept of "white flight" -- where whites merely fled to the suburbs and refused to share their toys with ADOS. Creating political schemes like redlining/gerrymandering to hoard their quality schooling systems behind the racial wealth gap lines, whites deliberately continued the old school segregation practice in the blatant defiance of the SCOTUS decision.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "It’s because they didn’t study / prepare themselves to learn and do well."
That's a lie. The ADOS ethnic group has always held high esteem for education, even more than our white counterparts. That's the entire point behind why you refused to comply with the 1954 SCOTUS decision and committed to cheating and political scams that favor your sneaky group.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "Failure to recognize these things as the truth is cowardice."
lol The facts are actually on my side. You're just blowing hot air.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "It’s easier to blame it on the even[sic] white man."
It sure is. 😏 Stop being evil.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "Believe it or not"
I would never believe anything that came out of your mouth. Blatant lying is a virtue in #CrackerCulture. When you do tell the truth, it's either an accident, or a set up for a grift.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "most white people I know are"
Equally worthless. I know.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "color blind"
"Color blindness" is a DEI political grift scheme designed to keep ADOS politically disenfranchised. Whites use the concept to fabricate faux-oppressed protected minority status for themselves.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "and judge others on the character."
Your character is that of a lying grifter. Do better.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "But, you’ve bought into the narrative of yt people are evil ra cists."
It was pretty easy since I know how to read. It's not like you do a good job at hiding your dirt. That's the arrogance of an artificially propped up privilege. I supposed you'd prefer I bought into the false narrative of the white dude being the good guy and a champion of progress, or whatever. lol Sorry, but I know way too much about you.
monsterrichard951 wrote: "That’s fine. Live your life."
Thank you! I will. 😊
monsterrichard951 wrote: "However, I have a lot of respect for MLK Jr."
You have no idea what Dr. King stood for. You're just running your ignorant suck for clout. Shame on you.
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