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Rasheed, Muhammad. "[BATTLE MODE] Gervonta Davis Converts to Islam." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 2024. [cartoon pending] Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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The superstar boxer has chosen the name Abdul Wahid, which translates to 'Servant of The One.' The change has now finalized his conversion to Islam. Davis' conversion took place on Christmas Eve, December 24, and represents an important step in his new personal and religious journey as a Muslim.
Tony Rudd - Guess if that support network gives him what he needs that's great. Not sure the Arabic name, is that to reflect his heritage?
Muhammad Rasheed - @Tony... Black Americans usually have the name of their former slave masters, and take on the Arabic name with their conversion as a symbol of returning to wholeness, since many of the captured Africans on the Middle Passage journey were Muslim. This was a practice started under Elijah Muhammad's original Nation of Islam organization.
Tony Rudd - @Muhammad... original slaves weren't Muslim at all where did that come from, 9out of 10 slaves came from West Central Africa.........👀 Orisha was the main religion in West Africa.....
Muhammad Rasheed - Most of the original slaves were Muslim, since nearly all of the old Christian tribes had converted, other than in the far East. The European slave traders preferred Muslim Africans anyway because they didn't believe in suicide. Pagan Africans were the ones who would dive off the side of the ships if given a chance.
Tony Rudd - rubbish, most of the slaves were Orisha not Muslim and they certainly weren't Christian prior to that 🤣
Muhammad Rasheed - It is as I've said. I'm sorry you're in the habit of spreading misinformation about the topic. I notice you're in New Zealand. Where are your people originally from?
Tony Rudd - Gondwanaland originally, you don't have to be from somewhere to know history.
Tony Rudd - African slave religions, 1400–1790
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "you don't have to be from somewhere to know history"
People's background does tend to explain the reasons behind their penchant for lying about certain topics though.
The problem with Johnson's narrative is that the European Christian missionaries assumed that Christianity had never touched the region, since all the former Christian tribes had converted to Islam by that time. The Kongo and Ndongo kingdom religious decisions reflected their alliances with the Portuguese traders.
Tony Rudd - and you will choose what you want to believe.....where as If I take an impartial approach to research i would tend to Believe someone with hi credentials (and a Black man) rather than yours... lol In the Kongo who was Nzambe?
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "and you will choose what you want to believe..."
It sounds like you expected me to just blindly accept what you wanted to spoonfeed me. Is that the treatment you are used to from the New Zealanders? What is your original native ethnic group again?
Tony wrote: "..where as If I take an impartial approach to research"
Who in their right mind would be so foolish as to believe that of you?
Tony wrote: "i would tend to Believe someone with hi credentials (and a Black man)"
You would rather 'believe' the opinion of a hand-picked communist black guy to push an agenda that you personally favor. How very droll. And you consider this an "impartial" position from one such as you, eh? lol
Chris Lipton - @Muhammad... bro most of the slaves were not Muslim. They practiced traditional African religions. Information about the ancestry of African Americans is widely available.
Muhammad Rasheed - @Chris... A lot of misinformation is certainly widely available.
There's a reason the classic white racist figure is so against Islam, and why jim crow era Western Intelligence went out of their way to prevent a pure form of the religion from reaching the Black American former slave class.
Chris Lipton - To be honest, Islam confuses me they preach and boast about how Islam is not racist to black people but their actions don't show it.
Do you know the African tribe that most African Americans descended from?
Muhammad Rasheed - Chris wrote: "To be honest, Islam confuses me they preach and boast about how Islam is not racist to black people but their actions don't show it."
I would also be confused if I didn't study the material for myself, but only relied on the actions of flawed humans to inform me of what was going on with a belief system. As a Black American, it would be very easy for me to throw Christianity away because of the actions of white Christian Americans against my people over the centuries, instead of looking into the teachings from the source texts to see what the religion is really about. Obviously, I cannot use the example displayed by whites to determine what Christianity is really about since they obviously don't believe in being "Christ like" and are Christian by shallowly-chosen title alone.
Chris wrote: "Do you know the African tribe that most African Americans descended from?"
Black Americans are an eclectic mixture of various ethnic tribes seized and sold to European traders over an approximate three century time span. The number of people captured are estimated in the tens of millions, so the idea that the majority of them came from one particular tribe is at best a myth.
Tony Rudd - nope read lots of peoples opinions, even yours, and I picked to read his work among others including Okri and Ogundipe as well. Still don't know why he wouldn't find his ancestral "homeland" and choose a name that fits, especially if as you say his ancestors were pretty much Muslim by the time they were stolen. (and assuming his ancestors were actually slaves?????)
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "Still don't know why he wouldn't find his ancestral 'homeland' and choose a name that fits"
During the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, entire tribal clans would be seized, branded and sold to VOC. The only DNA we would realistically have on the continent, would belong to distant relatives found within enemy clans. We no longer have a home in Africa.
Tony Rudd - you never did, Your ancestor did. You are from the USA unless you weren't born there. The difference between you and I is that my parents left the country that abused their "class" to give their children a better life, yours kept you in the USA 👍 where in general to this day equal is based on 💲
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "you never did, Your ancestor did."
I'm talking about my ethnic group. It's genuinely stupid to reference individual lives in these kinds of general population movement discussions.
Tony wrote: "You are from the USA unless you weren't born there."
If you don't know for sure, what's the point of attempting to proclaim stuff about me? Why are you trying to force a general discussion to be personal and anecdotal?
Tony wrote: "The difference between you and I is that my parents left the country that abused their 'class' to give their children a better life, yours kept you in the USA"
You volunteered the info that your people took you to someone else's land to be a parasite off of someone else's story. Weird. The difference between us is that my family stayed to fight in our sacred freedom struggle to put in the work to make our country better, while your people ran from your problems. You should probably keep stuff like that to yourself since being a runner parasite doesn't really show you in a positive light.
Tony wrote: "where in general to this day equal is based on [money]"
Being equal is an economic social status manipulated with political grifts by legacy family racketeer criminals.
Tony Rudd - the need to be a part of tribe..... Need the weight of us not I? Have you heard of Claude Mckay "If a man is not faithful to his own individuality, he cannot be loyal to anything."
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "the need to be a part of tribe..."
lol The secret to humanity's success is our social groups.
Tony wrote: "Need the weight of us not I?"
Are you trying to pretend your own runner-parasite expatriate/immigrant isn't its own tribe? You all certainly act the same wherever ye are found leeching off someone else's history.
Tony wrote: "Have you heard of Claude Mckay"
He's Jamaican. Don't care.
Tony Rudd - haha triggered a little, I have a heritage don't need to leach, or cry poor because of it, the only groups I have are the ones society labels (and obviously you) me with, like the one in my passport. Nb if the boat stopped in Jamaica first, he could be a relative haha....
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "haha triggered a little"
History is quite triggering unless you're dead inside (or the actual root cause of the mischief in the earth).
Tony wrote: "I have a heritage don't need to leach"
A heritage of leeching. That's why you prudently decided to hide it from me.
Tony wrote: "or cry poor because of it"
My ethnic group has been artificially impoverished, probably by a cousin of yours, so I will protest the foul treatment as I like.
Tony wrote: "the only groups I have are the ones society labels (and obviously you) me with, like the one in my passport."
And by "society," you mean you and your cousins. Right.
Tony wrote: "Nb if the boat stopped in Jamaica first, he could be a relative haha...."
He's literally a different ethnic group with their own lineage & heritage. 🙄 That's his entire point of calling himself a "Jamaican-American" to differentiate himself from my group. smh
Tony Rudd - history should teach us how to be better, it can't be changed but more recently people seem to want to re write it. I don't leach I work, and read.
Couldn't be my historical cousins, they were slaves in their own special way.... Probably by the same people you protest about. By society, I mean people and governments
And Nope black Jamaicans were slaves too... Same boats, same slavers, different bunch of arsehole "owners"
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "history should teach us how to be better"
It SHOULD, but for some it only teaches how to perfect the criminal art of running-parasite. A shame.
Tony wrote: "it can't be changed"
The narrative can be changed. And further evidence unearthed can provide a more accurate picture.
Tony wrote: "but more recently people seem to want to re write it"
lol Rarely is the victor's initial version accurate. History should be re-written/updated like any other science, as further facts/truths are revealed. This is reasonable. hahahaha
Tony wrote: "I don't leach I work, and read."
You leech as work, and read about how to leech more and more efficiently.
Tony wrote: "Couldn't be my historical cousins, they were slaves in their own special way..."
Oh, here we we go with more nonsense. 🙄 Are you trying to get up the courageous to actually share your background with me, so I may have the pleasure of weaponizing it against you finally? lol
Tony wrote: "Probably by the same people you protest about"
Tony wrote: "By society, I mean people and governments"
That's what I said. By "society" you mean the racketeering monopoly you and your ilk have over the world governments. Right.
Tony wrote: "And Nope black Jamaicans were slaves too..."
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade is an aspect of our heritages we hold in common, but we are still completely separate ethnic groups with our own completely separate lineages & heritages. As a member of the political identity group who invented the concept of collapsing ethnic groups into a monolithic, race-based economic political group that you exclusively benefit from, I can understand how you could (pretend) to not understand the separation in context. 😏
Tony Rudd - the world needs to know how terrible it is to be born a black American, no other ethnic group suffered like yours, or was as disadvantaged as yours, and through this you continue to suffer, economic injustice isn't race based, it's greed based in that wonderful capitalist system loved by the "free" and espoused as the right way to be, not my ilk by any standard. Context not genetics?
Tony Rudd - Three generations ago my family had no schools, Two generations ago they were forced economic slaves and pushed to fight in rich men's wars, One generation ago they escaped, My generation was the first that dared a tertiary education, My children have opportunity....
Were you also the first in your family (extended) to go to a tertiary establishment?
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "the world needs to know how terrible it is to be born a black American"
Agreed. Though I suspect they already know, but have taken on a gas lighting sub-culture as a commitment to the exploitation models & tactics of the runner-parasite.
Tony wrote: "no other ethnic group suffered like yours, or was as disadvantaged as yours, and through this you continue to suffer"
This sounds suspiciously like a strawman effigy logical fallacy. Does another person's suffering somehow negate my own? I certainly don't believe this, so why does it appear as if you are trying to give this argument to me? Or, are you saying I have no right to focus on my own people's issues because someone else has issues? This would also be a strange and illogical position for you to try to pin on me, since I reject the concept.
Tony wrote: "economic injustice isn't race based"
In my country, the light-skinned descendants of the European ethnic tribes decided to permanently delegate the enslaved Africans to a hereditary, chattel bondsman class. This was encoded into law according to physical racial phenotype. So, from the 1600s to 1965, economic injustice in the USA was absolutely race-based. Now it is lineage-based.
Tony wrote: "it's greed based"
The point of it is greed, but it targets a specific lineage group for exploitation to uphold another group.
Tony wrote: "in that wonderful capitalist system loved by the 'free' and espoused as the right way to be"
Here in the Second Gilded Age, there's very little of the current system that can be classified as "capitalist." That era appears to be long over.
Tony wrote: "not my ilk by any standard."
lol Of course it's by your ilk.
Tony wrote: "Context not genetics?"
The context is lineage-based which of course implies genetics.
Tony Rudd - your own?
Muhammad Rasheed - I am representative of the American Descendants of Slavery ethnic group. I happen to be the most exploited, plundered, economically excluded group in my country — surrounded by hostile, running-parasites who collude to keep me in a state ripe for further exploitation and plunder.
A big part of their tactics involves false narratives of history, fast-talking/gas lighting and mind games, all of which are displayed here within your own discourse ("Talks like a duck"), which is how I know these are your cousins, even if only in economic "spirit." 😉
Tony Rudd - ahhh you are the hero representative of the victims? But only those from slavery? But not the Caucasian ones or the Asian ones or the Hispanic ones, and not even the black Jamaicans ones. You say the modern tool is economics... Driven by the terrible white folk, all white folk by their whiteness, disregarding their struggles because in your country that is the definitive measure. I would think more its the economics of education, and while there are always a few exceptions what else stops people from reaping rewards where the streets are paved with not gold but blood.
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "ahhh you are the hero representative of the victims?"
I'm a representative of the group that you are in discussion with. You inserted "hero" in what appears to be another strawman effigy.
Tony wrote: "But only those from slavery?"
This sounds like yet another strawman if you mean ALL slavery ever throughout the history of the species. Specifically, I am a descendant of the U.S. American chattel slavery that my ancestors went through, the legacy of which continues to keep us economically excluded from the benefits of full citizenry today. THAT slavery.
Tony wrote: "But not the Caucasian ones"
lol No.
Tony wrote: "or the Asian ones"
Hell no.
Tony wrote: "or the Hispanic ones"
The Portuguese and Spanish initiated the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, chief.
Tony wrote: "and not even the black Jamaicans ones."
Currently, the Jamaicans are working with other Caribbean and Afro-Latin ethnic groups to secure their own version of reparations under the "CARICOM" program. Please note that my own group is pointedly excluded from this.
Tony wrote: "You say the modern tool is economics..."
The primary tool is politics; the spoils of war are economic.
Tony wrote: "Driven by the terrible white folk"
They should work to be less terrible.
Tony wrote: "all white folk by their whiteness"
By their political actions. "Whiteness" is the political identity they've named and given themselves under the economic caste system they created and benefit from.
Tony wrote: "disregarding their struggles because in your country that is the definitive measure."
Their "struggles" involved enslaving, exploiting and plundering me, so of course I disregard them. At least from your angle. lol
Tony wrote: "I would think more its the economics of education"
You would be wrong. Deliberately withholding quality education from my identity group is part of the history of U.S. systemic racism. Look up the white community's response to the Brown v Board of Education (1954) Supreme Court decision.
Tony wrote: "what else stops people from reaping rewards"
Weaponizing the state's institutions against me using racketeering, organized crime tactics by the molestation of our political processes. What else?
Tony Rudd - plundered you are....or the group you represent, as the descendants?
Muhammad Rasheed - lol This is a general, political discussion about the history of groups. This is not an anecdotal/individual discussion, Mr. Logical Fallacy.
Tony Rudd - again with the name calling and finger pointing, Did you learn your debating style from Trump and his MAGA bullies, 😂
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "again with the name calling and finger pointing"
Do you think that's worse than your attempts to pass fabricated history off as real? Your "economics of education" item in particular stands out as a sly attempt to use that "low IQ" racial slur line on me. Just because you frame insults in a performatively "civil/nice" way, do you believe that keeps them from being insulting?
Tony wrote: "Did you learn your debating style from"
Is this your way of responding to my calling you out for all of your logical fallacies? If you actually knew how to debate, you wouldn't use them.
Tony wrote: "Trump and his MAGA bullies"
Ironically, those are the same clowns you just wanted me to feel sorry for because they claim to have gone through "Caucasian slavery" or whatever. Now you're mocking them. #tribalism
Tony Rudd - 😂 sorry because you use words I don't have to accept them as fact, I see nothing in anything I have written to suggest you feel sorry for any group, especially not Trump's mob, especially his pawns 👍.
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "sorry because you use words I don't have to accept them as fact"
We're finally on the same page, I see. lol Between the two of us, your group is the one on record for using lying as a formal part of your whiteness culture ("speaks with forked-tongue").
Tony wrote: "I see nothing in anything I have written to suggest you feel sorry for any group"
When I said I was representative of the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) ethnic group, what was the point of naming off all of those other identity groups when only the Black American fits the ADOS description? It seems like you were trying to guilt me for my not caring a damn about anyone else's experiences with slavery. No?
Tony Rudd - From what I have read here you just want to be the most important and first in line for the handouts if they come 🤣, good luck with that in a country that cant even get political consensus on keeping the federal government running..... 🤣 noting that your "first hand" experience with slavery is not your own. And going back to my original post, taking the name of those who probably were his ancestral slavers is quite ironic really (if his family came from slavery).
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "From what I have read here you just want to be the most important and first in line"
Exactly right.
Tony wrote: "for the handouts"
My complicit government owes me a debt for the centuries of accrued discrimination that plundered my people of our inheritance wealth and handed it to whites. It's not a "handout." You certainly don't go around calling the Holocaust reparations "handouts," do you? You save all of your disrespect for my group. The free handout 'GibMeDats' you're talking about were what the European runner-parasites were gifted just for showing up in this country that my people built with our exploited slave labor.
Tony wrote: "if they come 🤣, good luck"
Tony wrote: "noting that your 'first hand' experience with slavery is not your own"
Irrelevant. The unaddressed, multi-generational, economic effects of slavery are mine.
Tony wrote: "And going back to my original post, taking the name of those"
I have a Palestinian work colleague who points out that Black American Muslims don't have real "Arabic" names, since we mix & match them based on how subjectively good they sound and whether we like the meaning or not, etc. For example, my own name is never put together like this among actual Arabic-speaking peoples. So, our taking on generic Muslim names is symbolic of a spiritual wholeness that involves the former slave class having agency over our own lives as the next level up from legal slavery abolishment. The practice is more of a sub-cultural significance to our group, than a literal taking on the name of centuries old people that no longer exist.
Tony wrote: "who probably were his ancestral slavers"
lol Our ancestral slavers were hostile neighboring African ethnic groups and the more successful of the African traders in direct partnership with VOC.
Tony Rudd - M. Rasheed wrote: "that no longer exist"
wtf are you saying that you now have no ancestral links to Africa, as to the name the people serving you up you have already said we're Muslim Arabs..... I'm impressed with your decisive rhetorical answers.....
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "'that no longer exist' wtf are you saying that you now have no ancestral links to Africa"
The only DNA of mine on the continent is to be found among the vastly distant relatives within enemy ethnic groups. The survivors of my entire family clan were seized, branded and shoved into those great stinking ships, as was the procedure. 400 yrs later, what would the thoroughly colonized and war-torn "Africa" mean to me? Especially considering I'm neither a foolish pan-africanist, nor a worthless communist.
Tony wrote: "as to the name the people serving you up you have already said we're Muslim Arabs..."
No, I didn't. Copy/paste here what you are referring to. The African ethnic group[s] who sold us to VOC were probably Muslim. My own people were probably Muslim back then, too. I'm not talking about the Ishmaelites specifically.
Tony wrote: "I'm impressed with your decisive rhetorical answers"
Thanks. I'm not impressed with your oft-repeated anti-Black American comments at all. I'm frankly tired of hearing that tripe. You should try a new angle since that one doesn't work on me.
Tony Rudd - well if your ancestry isnt from there where's your claim 😂 I'm not anti black American at all, I'm anti bullshit artist trying to money grab from historical injustices, and trying to segregate themselves as more important than others that suffered injustice. You suffered nothing with your education, neither did the others in your group, and I'd guarantee the monies and fees you misappropriate from the needy will eclipse their reparations. That's what the greedy do 👍👀
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "well if your ancestry isnt from there where's your claim"
My Justice Claim is with my own US government. You seem to have gotten lost somewhere.
Tony wrote: "I'm not anti black American at all"
Sure, you are. Hence why you blindly regurgitate all the same stereotypes & tropes on autopilot while attaching giggle emojis the way the typical anti-Black American racist does.
Tony wrote: "I'm anti bullshit artist"
Clearly not, since this thread is full of your bullsh*t artistry.
Tony wrote: "trying to money grab from historical injustices"
Are you, as a New Zealand foreigner, trying to tell someone else in their own land whether they are owed for the historic injustices done to their people? How do you justify this behavior?
Tony wrote: "and trying to segregate themselves as more important than others that suffered injustice."
lol My people are the most important and should have been in front of the line to receive economic repair. Instead, people like you are proclaiming that whites everywhere magically deserve yet more free gov 'GibMeDats' because all bullsh*t artists stick together.
Tony wrote: "You suffered nothing with your education"
Are you doubling-down on using your anecdotal/individual logical fallacy in a group-population history discussion? Are you drinking?
Tony wrote: "neither did the others in your group"
So, you didn't look up the white response to the Brown v Board of Education (1954) decision then? Note that your cowardly stubbornness doesn't prevent you from talking out of the side of your neck though, innit?
Tony wrote: "and I'd guarantee the monies and fees you misappropriate from the needy will eclipse their reparations."
This is what it sounds like when someone is blindly throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks. lol
Tony wrote: "That's what the greedy do"
lol I'm positive you are quite the expert.
Tony Rudd - Surely your claim for justice is on behalf of others.
As to the bullshit artist, it seems to fit, you are caught in the same circular spiral. regardless of my current residence, I'm still allowed an opinion, you are just making assumptions as to what that is.... first in line should be the Indigenous, but your groups is the most important. Never said whites should be considered anything other than equal where they have a valid claim. Ive always believed that racism is rampant in the USA, but its not limited to Whites. Drinking... that's funny, had any nice weed or mead lately? Brown v Board of Education (1954) was a good thing but I think you still have what were traditionally Black only schools? As to Money, Lawyers generally benefit more from any reparation, and the organisations that bring cases. The rhetoric in your answers and assumptions is again bullshit....
and if you were to make a good NZ insult joke you would have accused me of being a sheep fucker not milker. 🤣🤔🤣🤔🤣🤔🤣
Muhammad Rasheed - Tony wrote: "Surely your claim for justice is on behalf of others."
It's on behalf of my own Black American ethnic group. Other groups take care of themselves just fine, and usually at my group's expense.
Tony wrote: "As to the bullshit artist, it seems to fit"
It fits you better. Are you not a foreign white projecting your ignorant biases into someone else's culture without having a clue?
Okay then.
Tony wrote: "you are caught in the same circular spiral."
You've spent this entire thread reciting off of the same, tired ole anti-Black American propaganda pamphlet, which is only based on racist biases and baseless stereotypes.
Tony wrote: "regardless of my current residence, I'm still allowed an opinion"
Sure. Just recognize that your opinion isn't fact-based at all. Attaching a giggle emoji doesn't magically imbue your baseless opinion with truth.
Tony wrote: "you are just making assumptions as to what that is..."
I am learned in the history of U.S. race relations. You are clearly not. Why do you believe your willfully ignorant opinion about my country should hold more weight than my own? Obviously, you are only pushing for that because of your whiteness entitlement. Tsk.
Tony wrote: "first in line should be the Indigenous"
They've already received theirs:
Tony wrote: "but your groups is the most important."
It is. In fact, I should have received mine before they received theirs since they also owned Black African slaves and successfully competed with whites in the cotton-planting wealth-building markets using the preferred free slave labor of the time.
Tony wrote: "Never said whites should be considered anything other than equal where they have a valid claim. Ive always believed that racism is rampant in the USA, but its not limited to Whites."
The specific form of system racism that built the great wealth of the USA was invented and encoded into law by white Americans for their exclusive benefit. They've bestowed an "honorary white" status to immigrants who agree to exploit my group and uphold the whiteness protocols. So, you are wrong. You don't know enough about America to opinionate.
Tony wrote: "Drinking... that's funny"
Isn't it. lol
Tony wrote: "had any nice weed or mead lately?"
No. I've never smoked anything and I've always avoided alcohol. I am a practicing Muslim.
Tony wrote: "Brown v Board of Education (1954) was a good thing"
lol Of course it was, but I asked you to look up the white American RESPONSE to it. Their behavior, up to the present day, negates your opinion of U.S. education.
Tony wrote: "but I think you still have what were traditionally Black only schools?"
Look up the white American response to the Brown v Board of Edu SCOTUS decision and you will understand exactly what I have.
Tony wrote: "As to Money, Lawyers generally benefit more from any reparation, and the organisations that bring cases."
My Reparations program is a Federal Legislative Branch responsibility and not a judicial item.
Tony wrote: "The rhetoric in your answers and assumptions is again bullshit...."
How would YOU know? lol
Tony wrote: "and if you were to make a good NZ insult joke you would have accused me of being a sheep fucker not milker."
That would be going too far. As you say, that is something you would say, not me. I am not white/uncouth.
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