Sunday, December 1, 2024

Shenanigans Forever!

Ty Templeton

Late to the party, I know:  Just saw Black Panther 2, Wakanda Forever, and though I probably wouldn't have chosen to center the sequel around a dead character, if they're going to go that route to honour the late Chadwick Boseman, they probably couldn't have made a better film.  Almost perfect in tone, action, character, narrative, and a delightful twist or two that actually got me.  And I'm burying the lede:  It's equally a Namor film, and wow, do they get so much of Namor bang-on.  To be honest, the Marvel purist in me wished his name had really been Namor and that he'd been from a city actually called Atlantis, but other than those two minor quibbles, they get everything else about him RIGHT.  And I dig the Mayan connection to the feathers in his legend.  But the arrogance, the flying ankle wings, the green trunks, the rash anger.  I was thrilled.  And Riri Williams as Ironheart?  Yes, please.  All the characters  had well considered story arcs, we weren't timid about our lesbian couple, and Shuri was oustanding in her grief and resolve to triumph over it.  It might have run ten minutes too long and could have used a few lighter moments, but overall, it leapt up to being one of my top tier Marvel movies, up there with Winter Soldier and Iron Man (and Black Panther 1).

Muhammad Rasheed - Ty wrote: "we weren't timid about our lesbian couple"

They refused to recast Black Panther so they could replace him with a lesbian couple?


Greg Kirkpatrick - @Muhammad... that’s all you got out of all of that? SMH.

Ty Templeton - @Muhammad... I think the word "so" is doing more heavy lifting than it can handle.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Greg... I've grown sensitive to the people with all the power and wealth deliberately taking swipes at my people and labeling it "progress."

Enough is enough.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Ty... I see similar shenanigans going on with the Blade project, and the suspicious reasons the script keeps being sent back for rewrites. Mass media is trying to saddle my people with the LGBT baggage in a textbook 'force teaming' effort.

Naturally, I disapprove.

David Branson - @Muhammad... How is having a lesbian couple “taking swipes” at anyone? Aren’t they also Black?

Ty Templeton - @Muhammad... Where we likely disagree is somewhat revealed in the use of pejorative phrases like "Saddle my people with the LGBT baggage" which assumes a priori that there is baggage to be saddled when dealing with queer representation. Tread carefully, btw: I got two LGBT kids. I tend to think of them as human first, and baggage as a distant second.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "How is having a lesbian couple 'taking swipes' at anyone? Aren’t they also Black?"

That's a great question. The answer is part of the dismantling of the Civil Rights Movement, which came to its end—not by Dr. King's Dream coming true—but by the assassination of our most effective leaders, and the infiltration and disbanding of our most effective organizations under Hoover's COINTELPRO program. After that, the infrastructure of the Civil Rights Movement was handed over to other identity groups (including white women feminism, LGBT and 'POC' immigrants), as the Black American liberation struggle was completely abandoned.

So now, pretending that helping these other groups is the same thing as "progress" for the long neglected Black American is the new thing.

Guide Encourages Activists to 'Force Team' Trans-Identified Males with Racial Minorities | 4W.PUB

Muhammad Rasheed - Ty wrote: "Tread carefully, btw: I got two LGBT kids."

And I have two Black American kids. Like you, I'm also tired of derogatory things said about them, and megacorporate scheming to show them in a poor light from multiple anti-Black American angles.

Ty Templeton - We certainly agree that corporate powers show black kids and culture in a poor light all day, and we're both tired of it. I'm not sure including gay characters in an all black cast (or mostly black) is showing anyone in a "poor light" though, and that's where you lose me. There might be a fundamental difference between us there that cannot be reconciled, as I see queer people as positive people. All the ones I know I clever, funny, loving people, baby.

Muhammad Rasheed - My issue is the corporate-political decision to pointedly not show antiracism activism for Black Americans in mass media product, but to replace it with LGBT activism with my Black image to promote it.

Regardless of whether there are actually homosexual Black Americans or not, the lgbt political movement is a white-founded and white-led political movement, that is using both the infrastructure of the Black American liberation freedom struggle and the image of the Black American to drive it. It's okay to bring up "racism" in a Jewish context, but to bring it up in the still unaddressed Black American context gets me attacked by white liberals as well as the conservative crowd.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Ty Templeton - I agree with most of what you said, we likely part at the edge. My belief is that LGBT activism is meant to include, not divide, you may see other motivators or facilitators involved. Your opinions are welcome here, so long as we don't use pejorative language -- you know the kind I mean.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ty wrote: "My belief is that LGBT activism is meant to include, not divide"

This is objectively not the case since the LGBT political movement is literally driven by our traditional political foes who first went out of their way to abuse government resources to dismantle the Black American freedom struggle with murder and espionage. There is not a single part of American history that does not reflect exploitation, plunder and division against my people by that one.

Muhammad Rasheed - And now he's trying to bully me into giving up my people's centuries old struggle to take up the banner of his causes (see: Whoopi's 2-week suspension for correctly pointing out that the Holocaust wasn't a "racism" issue since it was literally 'white-on-white' crime).

Ruby d'Anjou Smith - @Muhammad... "objectively"? This is utterly as subjective as can be. This is the same nonsense as Dave Chappelle's expressed belief that the LGBTQ activist movement is whyte, and that's why he was "allowed" to be transphobic.

And please don't end up doing another lengthy info dump as a response to it. Lots and lots of fancy words don't hide your dislike of the LGBTQ community.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ruby wrote: "'objectively?'"


Ruby wrote: "This is utterly as subjective as can be."

No, it's actually based on the history of civil rights in the USA. You know it as "CRT" from behind your marxist propaganda shield.

Ruby wrote: "This is the same nonsense as Dave Chappelle's expressed belief that the LGBTQ activist movement is whyte"

Look up "Harvey Milk" and see the 'force teaming' article I posted above.

Ruby wrote: "and that's why he was 'allowed' to be transphobic."

He's not transphobic. You're being very emotional.

Ruby wrote: "And please don't end up doing another lengthy info dump as a response to it."

Don't respond to my comments. Save your emotional blurting for your peers.

Ruby wrote: "Lots and lots of fancy words don't hide your dislike of the LGBTQ community."

I don't have time to dislike the LGBT community; I'm too busy advocating for my own long-neglected group.

David Branson - There absolutely are an amazing number of gay Black people. My god what is this “regardless of whether there are…” business? What do you mean about the idea that the LGBT political movement is driven by your traditional political foes? Right-wingers?

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "There absolutely are an amazing number of gay Black people."

Objection: Relevancy.

David wrote: "My god what is this 'regardless of whether there are…' business?"

Politics is about using the system for the uplift of political identity groups. One particular identity group has dedicated itself to making sure my political identity group stays as a wealthless bottom caste in our own country, even though we were the ones whose free slave labor built her.

David wrote: "What do you mean about the idea that the LGBT political movement is driven by your traditional political foes? Right-wingers?"

The traditional political foes of the Black American former slave class are white people. Both the Right-wingers and the Left-wingers are guilty in this, playing a twisted, evil game of 'Good Cop/Bad Cop' throughout the centuries to keep my people disenfranchised and economically excluded, and ESPECIALLY here in the post-Civil Rights Era.

David Branson - We’re going to disagree about a bunch of this. Peace be with you.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "We’re going to disagree about a bunch of this"

What factual information do you hold that supports your opposing view?

Let me guess: You had a Black girlfriend or ex-wife or whatever, so that magically means that the white liberal hasn't also worked to keep my people disenfranchised and economically excluded?

#Paternalism #Gradualism

David Branson - Sorry, did I say I was going to continue to argue with you?

I’ve never had a girlfriend or wife of any color, unless you count this date I went on in junior high. My partner and I were together for seventeen years till he died of Covid, though.

I’m sorry to hear about any white liberals who have done what you describe.

But I’m not in the mood to continue arguing with you. Take care.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "I’ve never had a girlfriend or wife of any color"

I said "or whatever." 🙄

David wrote: "unless you count this date I went on in junior high"

Of course that counts. I'm confident if I hadn't brought it up first, you would have referenced it as the magic move that meant the white liberal is somehow not just as fiercely anti-Black American as your partisan counterparts. The anecdotal fallacy is your go-to move, after-all. You love it.

Was your late partner Black, by the way?

David Branson - What the hell are you talking about? I went on a date with a girl in junior high. She wasn’t Black. I’m gay. (My partner wasn’t Black either.) I have absolutely no idea what anecdotal fallacy you’re talking about. I didn’t bring one up. And I don’t particularly love them either. I don’t know you.

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "I went on a date with a girl in junior high. She wasn’t Black."

Oh, then why did you even bring her up then? 🤨 If you're going to stay and trade, then you should at least pay attention. Geez.

David Branson - You introduced the idea that I had had a Black girlfriend or wife. My response was that I didn’t have a girlfriend or wife of ANY color, with the exception of going out on a date with a girl in junior high. Why would you say that I love anecdotal fallacies? We’ve never interacted before. You know nothing about me.

David Branson - And why would I mention going out on a date with a girl in junior high as a “magic move” that has anything whatsoever to do with racism??

Muhammad Rasheed - David wrote: "You introduced the idea that I had had a Black girlfriend or wife."

That was the theme.

David wrote: "My response was that I didn’t have a girlfriend or wife of ANY color, with the exception of going out on a date with a girl in junior high"

Based on the established theme, that's why I thought the JHS girl was Black.

David wrote: "Why would you say that I love anecdotal fallacies?"

Stereotyping your team.

David wrote: "We’ve never interacted before. You know nothing about me."

So? Did you forget how stereotypes work? Your demographic perfected its usage, after-all.

David wrote: "And why would I mention going out on a date with a girl in junior high as a 'magic move' that has anything whatsoever to do with racism??"

Generally, the white liberal uses the anecdotal fallacy as part of his gaslighting technique. I started setting my watch by it a while ago.

Muhammad Rasheed - Despite your indignant protests, it's just a matter of time before you revert to type, assuming you stick around.

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Shenanigans Forever!" Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 20XX. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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