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Rasheed, Muhammad. "The 'Post-Racial' Psychological Warfare Tactic." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 17 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
"This is a grad school 2020 graduating class picture from HBCU University of Maryland Eastern Shore. All these people get loan forgiveness under Kamala Harris' model of tying it to attending a HBCU. It’s nonsense if it is not tied to #ADOS lineage. Only 1 Black male in the class." ~Antonio Moore [Twitter]
Thanks VP to be Kamala Harris for giving these HBCU grads loan forgiveness and helping the Black community get our credit right. Look at all the Black familes she is helping. Truly a woman for her people.
#FleecingBlackPeopleIsThisEasy #NoMoreSymbolismAndTokenism
Grace Robinson - I went to Detroit today and a part of detroit that is called Mexico city. Everything was small business and they hired their own. It was wonderful and it made me wonder why the black community didn't have this. I had to pass the black community (abandoned buildings and trash) to get there. I understand that we are owed reparations but how many years are we going to wait on something before doing something for ourselves. Why can't the black community have this? What makes us so different from the Mexicans and Arabs
Muhammad Rasheed - Here:
What We Get Wrong About Closing the Racial Wealth Gap – The Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity
Grace Robinson - Honestly I understand the racial gap between white and black. However this was a Mexican community. Only difference i see is: They work together. They black community is about self. They don't call the police. A black person will call the police faster than anything or be a snitch. That community polices their own
Muhammad Rasheed - The over-policing is part of systemic racism. When LBJ's Kerner Report revealed that the reason for all the 1960s civil unrest and riots was because of the build-up of centuries of anti-Black systemic racism and advised to finally dismantle it, the establishment decided to ignore that advice and use the "Law & Order" doctrine to forcefully supplant angry build-up of racism-triggered unrest.
Grace Robinson - Yes but if black ppl stop calling police and snitching all they would have is racial profiling. If ur smart and don't carry shit then u won't have to worry about that. It's called beat them at their own game.
Grace Robinson - I'm not saying all of this isn't true but I know they can put in place whatever but its up to us to fall in the trap.
My question is what are u doing other than fighting for the government to pay a debt to move the community to having its own prosperous community? These Mexican and Arab communities are built within 10 years. I have seen it in Richmond va. I grew up around the corner for it. Plenty of police ride around it but they police themselves and you don't see them on the news.
Here I will go first. I am good at accounting and finance. I am creating a program to teach our youth on trading, mutual funds, and buying stock. My boyfriend hires youth to teach them a trade in growing medicinal and how to flip houses.
My whole point is ok ur a mouth peice for speaking what ppl have done wrong and they should correct it, but until they do what's the plan. Are we going to be stagnant or be prosperous on our own.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grace wrote: "My question is what are u doing other..."
Other than fighting for what my ethnic group needs?
Grace Robinson - Im guessing nothing other than that. So question, if the government never gives reparations (which is what their pattern is) whats the plan? That makes our community look pathetic. Im willing to fight for reparations but in the mean time we still need to grow our community without reparations.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grace wrote: "im guessing nothing other than that."
Other than what we actually need?
Grace wrote: "So question, if the government never gives reparations (which is what their pattern is)"
The pattern is to convince us we don't need it and to convince us never to fight for what we actually need.
Grace wrote: "whats the plan?"
To keep fighting until we get what we need and not fall for the numerous efforts to get us to give up while all of our rival groups work the system to get what they need around us.
Grace wrote: "That makes our community look pathetic."
Who is "our community" when you say it? Do you mean the Black American former slave class ethnic group specifically, or the whole Black diaspora?
Grace wrote: "Im willing to fight for reparations but in the mean time we still need to grow our community without reparations."
In order to get our Reparations and Black Political Agenda from the US gov, it requires us to politically unify -- a state that was deliberately broken up during the last 50+ yrs of the "Integration" era. We'll be able to help each other out better in our day-to-day survival while we are politically unified, since that was the secret to our getting through some of the most anti-Black brutal periods of American history, but there's only so far we can get while we are still economically excluded from the nation' benefits. Our rival groups, like the hispanic communities, are economically included and have access to the capital, credit and wealth-building ownership class that we have been traditionally locked out of. We need to effectively work politics and pressure the government to committing to our demands in order to finally be fully economically included -- that's why I posted the link to the 'What Do Get Wrong About Closing the Racial Wealth Gap' so you could see what we are really dealing with.
Without the political work, we will always be stuck at the wealthless bottom caste state, since we are continuously vulnerable to further exploitation & plunder without it... any tiny pieces of wealth and land we'll be able to be scrape together will just be stolen from us... we cannot truly live and thrive without politics... politics uplifts the group, not "black business" on the artificially imposed nickel & dime levels we are dealing with.
Grace Robinson - No one is saying dont fight for reparations. Im saying build the community as u fight.
We could have a great community too while we fight.
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm pointing out that the reason we are in the position we are in today, is because we were politically disenfranchised as the primary tenet of "Integration."
It's not possible to have a great community without using politics to uplift the community. Without it, it leaves us in a state ripe for continued exploitation by predatory rival groups.
How Property Law Is Used to Appropriate Black Land
Grace Robinson - I disagree with u on that. It doesn't take politics to build other minority communities. I had an Asian friend. Her family lived with a lot of Asians in one house. They all saved every penny and came together and bought a nail salon and beauty store. No loan needed.
I was in a group that said we should all put money into purchasing land. Everyone was willing but then this lady said if I'm going to give money then I need to be partner. This started some mess.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grace wrote: "I disagree with u on that."
It looks like you're disagreeing from a false equivalency logical fallacy lens.
Grace wrote: "It doesn't take politics to build other minority communities."
Immigrant tied groups are buoyed by powerful lobbies that make sure their communities are economically uplifted in addition to their abilities to leverage their families' elite status and wealth.
Grace wrote: "I had an Asian friend. Her family lived with a lot of Asians in one house. They all saved every penny and came together and bought a nail salon and beauty store. No loan needed."
Watch that vid I linked above and compare what it demonstrates to this Asian lady's story. What they are doing is what ADOS did in the pre-Civil Rights era, but that was the same time period that represented domestic terror aggressively taking and/or destroying what we built. Our stories are not the same.
Why a housing scheme founded in racism is making a resurgence today
Grace Robinson - Im talking about the present. Put the excuses away. Continue to fight for what's right. However let's build our community again. Stop snitching and bringing the white man in our business. Let the community police itself.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grace wrote: "im talking about the present."
Anti-ADOS systemic racism is the present.
Grace wrote: "Put the excuses away."
The term "excuses" doesn't make sense in context considering we're in the middle of a war. How is an active attack based on our traditional enemy refusing to share wealth, land & rule with us just an "excuse?"
Grace wrote: "Continue to fight for what's right. However let's build our community again."
A big part of fighting for what's right is preventing our enemy from continuously sabotaging our efforts to build up our community.
The Historic Role of Police Brutality in the Black Community and African American Oppression
Grace wrote: "Stop snitching and bringing the white man in our business."
Are you ADOS?
Muhammad Rasheed - Grace wrote: "Let the community police itself."
Again, the so-called "law & order" doctrine is a terror campaign that is being inflicted upon the ADOS community to feed the mass incarcerate state at our expense. Your continuing to compare us to "POC/BIPOC" immigrant groups is a false equivalence fallacy.
Grace Robinson - Look let's agree to disagree. Ur not understanding what I'm saying. You're just telling me all things I agree with. I'm not raised to take stuff. If u want something for the community then get it urself. The government just like a person doesn't have to pay you back. They can choose to but u can't force them too
Muhammad Rasheed - Grace wrote: "look let's agree to disagree. Ur nit understanding what I'm saying."
I do understand, I just disagree with your position based on the facts of history and the nature of my fight.
Grace wrote: "You're just telling g me all things I agree with."
lol Then why did you say "let's agree to disagree?"
Grace wrote: "I'm nit raised to take stuff."
Hence my use of the phrase "fight for what we need" which you earlier claimed to agree with.
Grace wrote: "If u want something for the community then get it urself."
Hence the #ADOS movement pressuring the government to give us our birthright needed to uplift our community.
Grace wrote: "The government just like a person doesn't have to pay you back."
It's the government's job to provide the resources communities require to thrive. My community literally built this country and her great wealth and still pay maximum taxes while we're economically excluded. You're stubbornly seeing this issue from the eyes of my enemy. Why?
Grace wrote: "They can choose to but u can't force them too"
The point of #ADOS is to use our political capital to pressure the government into providing what we need in a fair exchange of our vote -- the same as every other group gets from my government. Your position is inherently antagonistic to ADOS. It's peculiar.
Grace Robinson - I said agree to disagree because u would rather tell me our history and all the excuses of why it can't be done. I agree we have a bad history but u cant agree that u can build the community while u fight. So again I will continue to fight and build our community. U can continue to just fight and nothing else. One is fully progress no matter the outcome of the fight for reparations. One is dependent on reparations. But hey ur way of fighting not mine. So lets agree to disagree. Lol have a good day
Muhammad Rasheed - Grace wrote: "and all the excuses of why it can't be done."
Is that how you decided to interpret "fight for what we need?" Curious. I don't think English is your first language. You seem to be having some trouble...
Grace wrote: "I agree we have a bad history but u cant agree that u can build the community while u fight."
Having my community literally tore down and/or stolen from us while we're trying to build it is our reality. You keep ignoring that reality and even referring to that deliberate sabotage as an "excuse." It's a strange position.
Grace wrote: "U can continue to just fight and nothing else."
Obviously we interpret the word "fight" differently.
Grace wrote: "One is fully progress no matter the outcome of the fight for reparations."
It's not possible to achieve "full progress" without the radical transformative politics represented by Reparations because of the nature of the 400 yrs of deliberate economic oppression of our community.
Unless "fully progress" means slavery to you.
Grace Robinson - No I interpret ur first comment and using our history as an excuse on why we can't have a community like the Mexican community
Grace Robinson - Again agree to disagree. The proof will be if those ppl who purchased that land can build a community. So until then I feel u give excuse after excuse. U aren't even doing anything to help the youth (I did ask that but again I got an excuse).
Muhammad Rasheed - Grace wrote: " excuse on why we can't have a community like the Mexican community"
The Mexican community is fully economically included, have a powerful lobby able to negotiate on their behalf in the Washington DC swamp and are in a political-economic position so different from ADOS' that it makes your reference a textbook false equivalency logical fallacy.
Advancing Hispanic corporate leaders from diversity into inclusion
Muhammad Rasheed - Grace wrote: "again agree to disagree."
Your disagreement position is an uninformed one.
Grace wrote: "The proof will be if those ppl who purchased that land can build a community."
The Great Land Robbery
Grace wrote: "So until then I feel u give excuse after excuse."
Your use of the term "excuse" is the verbiage of an uninformed outsider attack.
Grace wrote: "U aren't even doing anything to help the youth..."
There are numerous inner-city youth programs. Why are you repeating this falsehood?
Grace Robinson - Also another thing I just noticed is the picture isn't of normal grads these are PhD students. Most wont quality for the loan forgiveness because they will be making 125000 or more to begin with.
The undergrad and masters still look like me
Grace Robinson - Hampton University class of 2019. I hate when ppl push false propaganda.
Hampton University Celebrates the Graduating Class of 2019 : Hampton University News
Muhammad Rasheed - What's the percentage of different Black ethnic groups that make up those crowds? How many are of recent immigrant stock compared to the numbers of Black American descendants of slavery whom the HBCUs were created for?
Grace Robinson - Who's fault is that? If the hbcus are made for that why aren't ADOS going? They are going to different schools. However to entertain you. 91.9 in Hampton University 84.6 i. Howard.
If that percentage falls that's not on Kamala Harris. That is on the students going to d1 schools to perform like little monkeys for money
Muhammad Rasheed - Grace wrote: "who's fault is that?"
The immigrants were brought over specifically to erase/replace the Black American.
Grace wrote: "If the hbcus are made for that why aren't ADOS going?"
Higher education is inherently expensive as lower education quality is still segregated and leaves ADOS unprepared for higher education workloads. The debt load of higher education functions as a predatory grift scheme on ADOS lives, even though ADOS traditionally do commit to education as a way of moving up the economic ladder (see: above linked report). The system is deliberately broken as a weapon of systemic racism.
Grace wrote: "They are going to different schools."
How do you know?
Grace wrote: "However to entertain you. 91.9 in Hampton University 84.6 i. Howard."
How do you know those numbers aren't the conflated ADOS + Black immigrant numbers?
Grace wrote: "If that percentage falls that's not on Kamala Harris. That is on the students going to d1 schools to perform like little monkeys for money"
What prevents that description being applied to every school?
Grace Robinson - lol now that's funny. Hbcus get applications to go to that school. They aren't over capacity so if u have the scores and GPA u wont get denied. How many ADOS applied and were denied?
Its sad I lived in Atlanta. Where Spellman is and they aren't over capacity. They are so under capacity that the school can't afford to put AC in the dorms.
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm more interested in how many ADOS are actually able to use the formal education experience to positively change their lives compared to those the often predatory system fails.
Grace Robinson - Higher education is expensive but u know what I learned from a cpa? There are a lot of scholarships specifically for ADOS that aren't being applied for. The debt does function as a predatory gift scheme. However if u make under 125000 u can receive debt forgiveness.
I know they are going to different schools by my own experience. The athletes wanted to go to D1 schools especially for scholarships. Alot of my classmates didn't care to go to hbcus.
The number say African americans. That is what we are. There is no separate ethnicity for ados but I can tell you that it proves ur picture is false but african americans arent white.
It doesn't but if students know that hbcu is made for them but they go somewhere else then that is not Kamala Harris fault.
Its sad that tall can't be happy for anything. Im at the point that if yall do get the black community reparations u still won't be happy. Lol yall will find something else thats not right.
Muhammad Rasheed - Grace wrote: "Higher education is expensive but u know what I learned from a cpa? There are a lot of scholarships specifically for ADOS that aren't being applied for. The debt does function as a predatory gift scheme."
Hiding that info from the community would seem to go hand-in-hand with how an admitted grift scheme functions.
Grace wrote: "However if u make under 125000 u can receive debt forgiveness."
"Can" under what qualifications? Under what program?
Grace wrote: "I know they are going to different schools by my own experience."
Your logical fallacy is called "Anecdotal Logical Fallacy"
Grace wrote: "The number say African americans. That is what we are. There is no separate ethnicity for ados but I can tell you that it proves ur picture is false but african americans arent white."
The entire point of the "ADOS" designation is because Black immigrants have been using the flexible terms "African American" and "Black" to pretend to be us and conflate those numbers to give the illusion that ADOS are doing economically better than they are.
Mindy Kaling's brother: I faked being black to get into medical school
Grace wrote: "It doesn't but if students know that hbcu is made for them but they go somewhere else..."
Then it implies that the HBCUs are not the best option. During this era of fake "Post-Racial America," there are quite a few confidence tricks at play designed to exploit us while pretending we're being helped, and often led by people pretending to be on our side.
Grace wrote: "...then that is not Kamala Harris fault."
Strawman effigy. I don't care about her.
Grace wrote: "Its sad that tall can't be happy for anything."
In this case, the "anything" is the fact that we've been deliberately locked out of access to the capital, credit and wealth-building ownership class our communities need to thrive while we're being preyed upon by predatory rival groups. You're admonishing us by not being happy about this, so I'm wondering if you are ADOS or a Black immigrant. The evidence suggests the latter.
Grace wrote: "Im at the point that if yall do get the black community reparations u still won't be happy."
Well, if we get it tonight we will have to use it to undo the damage of 400 yrs of terror WHILE beating off the guaranteed legions of greed-fueled predators trying to steal a chunk of it. "Happiness" is a state that reasonably won't be immediate since we'll still have a long road ahead of us.
Grace wrote: "Lol yall will find something else thats not right."
The last major victory we scored was followed by a decade of COINTELPRO assassinations and deliberate sabotage of our communities to keep us from taking advantage of our political victory. The last major victory before THAT was sabotaged by 150 yrs of savage domestic terror.
MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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