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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Protecting Racism From the Other End." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 12 Sep 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
Muhammad Rasheed - Capitalism doesn't function at all without the life blood of competitive free open markets. Antitrust (competition law) was created to protect capitalism from the predatory greed and overreach of the crony corporatists -- the natural enemy of capitalism. Once they take over -- which they now have -- capitalism is GONE.
Bezos, Buffet, DeVos, Gates... these are not capitalists. They are crony corporatists... illegally colluding with unscrupulous politicians to violate antitrust with impunity which is a literal attack upon capitalism. There's no such thing as a "good" billionaire... they are all absolutely the bad guys... hoarding the wealth of the nation for themselves and causing the problems with the economy as well as unemployment.
Muhammad Rasheed - There's nothing inherently wrong with capitalist free trade. There's a risk of individualist greed-fueled overreach, which laws were created to control. The problems come from allowing the criminal to override the laws and take over industry & goverment which is what the 1% monopolist represent... a network of criminal cartels.
Alexis Cummings - But don't you see that capitalism through its underlying principle that "more is better i.e., profit maximization" incentivizes the very anti-free market, crony capitalists of whom you speak? Capitalism is fundamentally flawed and naive in its conceptualization. It really is greed all dressed up and formalized with bells and whistles.
Alexis Cummings - How do you think we arrived to where we are economically in this nation after having experienced the Great Depression of the early 20th century? All of the restraints put in place to prevent capitalist overreach, were systematically diminished and eventually eliminated by Democrats and Republicans at the behest of corporate interests, and here we are again. What, or who, do you think was behind "Citizens United?" Greedy corporations and capitalists. Capitalism eventually creates the crony capitalists and robber barons you eschew. You can't develop a set of restraints strong enough to conquer the baked in incentives.
Muhammad Rasheed - Alexis wrote: "But don't you see that capitalism through its underlying principle that 'more is better i.e., profit maximization' incentivizes the very anti-free market, crony capitalists of whom you speak?"
lol No. Because the underlying principle of capitalism is competition of the free markets. The pathology of "'more is better i.e., profit maximization'" ibelongs to the criminal-minded crony corporatist class that preys upon capitalism, seeking to destroy the markets and hoard the wealth of industry for themselves the way criminals usually behave. The free trade markets of capitalism is for the people, while the relentless "Greed is Good!/profit maximization" of the criminals is why laws were writ to protect the markets.
Alexis wrote: "Capitalism is fundamentally flawed and naive in its conceptualization."
All systems that require humans to run them have naive points of weakness that the ever-present criminal class can exploit, which is why civilization has laws.
Alexis wrote: "It really is greed all dressed up and formalized with bells and whistles."
No, that's just the ideological rhetoric of marxist/communist rival system proponents. Morally upright people perform business in free trade without succumbing to the temptations of greed all the time. The system isn't the problem, the individual is the problem, and that one's anti-social behavior is what the laws were created to control.
Mark DeLeon - Respectfully Muhammad, where have you seen capitalism work with “free and open markets” outside of textbooks? It is an economic theory created to rationalize competition and resource distribution.
Muhammad Rasheed - Mark wrote: "where have you seen capitalism work with 'free and open markets' outside of textbooks?"
The numerous times in American history in which enterprising and motivated ADOS got together to build up thriving economies that inevitably triggered resentful & jealous whites to attack them.
Mark wrote: "It is an economic theory created to rationalize competition and resource distribution."
Capitalism is a description of the ages old tradition of competitive free trade. Because it does work great and it is for the people, that naturally brings out the criminal predators who look for ways to take the wealth without having to work that hard.
Muhammad Rasheed - Alexis wrote: "How do you think we arrived to where we are economically in this nation after having experienced the Great Depression of the early 20th century?"
Our current economic issues started way before the Great Depression -- that's literally what Reparations is about, yes? lol The true root cause of my problems as ADOS come directly from white people ferociously REFUSING to share wealth, land & rule with me after slavery was abolished. Consequently they ignore all anti-discrimination laws from the very beginning, terroize, exploit and plunder my communities with impunity. The 1% class crony corporatist attacks upon competitive free market capitalism is no less than an attack against the 1866 Civil Rights Act that allows ADOS the ability to build wealth in those very same competitive free open markets. The 1% monopolize industry to lock me out of access to capital, credit and the wealth-building ownership class that are the fruits of properly regulated (with antitrust) capitalism.
Alexis wrote: "What, or who, do you think was behind 'Citizens United?' Greedy corporations and capitalists."
Again, greedy corporations are the natural predators of capitalism and is exactly who antitrust laws were created to control.
Alexis wrote: "Capitalism eventually creates the crony capitalists and robber barons you eschew."
lol Nonsense. Crony corporatists/robber barons are the criminal class who prey upon the free trade marketplace with the goal of hoarding the wealth of industry for their greedy cartels.
Alexis wrote: "You can't develop a set of restraints strong enough to conquer the baked in incentives."
You're literally saying there's no point in making laws at all. I disagree. When the criminal class completely takes over and refuses to listen to reason, then that's when it's time for the populace to rise up and TAKE the nation back from them through brute force. That's when it's time for literal war.
Muhammad Rasheed - The actual problem that you lot are trying to attach to capitalism is the fact that it's the predatory criminal class who are ALWAYS among us looking for opportunities to grift and steal and exploit the people. They are the reason why laws were invented for human civilization.
Continuously giving the criminal a pass by blaming the free trade marketplace for the ever-present problems in society is fundamentally ridiculous. We need to vigilantly protect society from the criminal -- that's where our actual focus SHOULD be, not on playing "capitalism versus marxism" games that do nothing but protect white supremacy with transparent misdirection tactics.
Alexis Cummings - I disagree with you interpretation and assessment of capitalism and you fail to properly account for the impact and influence of money and the capitalist plutocrats and kleptocrats who wield it on the political process and politicians who set the rules that govern the markets. It's a closed and vicious cycle that you are refusing to see. When I said how do you think we arrived here economically, I was talking about the nation, not just the ADOS. And your response responded to the white people refusing to share wealth, but you failed to aggregate those "greedy white people" and place them into the proper context of capitalist and their descendants who wanted and committed a crime against humanity to secure free labor. Again, capitalism incentivized that motivation to secure free labor. I'm not saying there is no point to making laws. What I said, and so far, history has proven me correct, is that you can develop a set of restraints strong enough to conquer the baked in incentives [of the greed that underpins capitalism]."
It's ok not to agree with my points or position, but it is not ok to misconstrue or misinterpret them. So that's that.
Muhammad Rasheed - I think your lens made out of pure marxist/communist ideology prevents you from seeing the issue clearly, Alexis.
Alexis wrote: "you fail to properly account for the impact and influence of money and the capitalist plutocrats and kleptocrats who wield it on the political process and politicians who set the rules that govern the markets."
That's literally what "crony corporatism" is. Literally. That's why I use the term. The 'crony' portion represents the corrupt politicians who collude with the corrupt corporatists. Together they close the competitive free trade markets in their war against capitalism.
Alexis wrote: "When I said how do you think we arrived here economically, I was talking about the nation, not just the ADOS."
Locking ADOS out of the marketplace began in the late 19th century immediately after the 1866 Civil Rights Act was signed. White refusal to allow the enforcement of that law opened the door that enabled the corporatists to monopolize all markets from ADOS and poor whites alike. Poor whites saw that it was affecting them, too, and their protests led directly to the passing of the first antitrust law in 1890. But a fundamentally unfair country committed to discriminating against a portion of its citizens gave the 1% class the motivation to arrogantly violate ALL pro-competition laws since the hypocrisies of systemic racism were a fundamental joke.
Alexis Cummings - @Muhammad... you refuse to see the forest for the trees. Don't you see that the whites you reference are both the government and the capitalists? Don't you get it that the people who enabled slavery; wrote the constitution; established the markets, and everything else were landowners and capitalists of the same class?? Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, The Clintons, Joe Biden, etc., are no different from Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett in their conceptualization of capitalism. None of the are in support of the strong restraints that could reform the markets and capitalism therewith. And history tells us that this will always be the case. Capitalism usurps democracy because the money that capitalism makes available to a few will always, always, always seek power to influence the markets and the people who make the rules that govern the markets. And eventually, everyone has their price. It was Bill Clinton to drove the nail into Glass-Stegall albeit Ronald Reagan who got things started.
Muhammad Rasheed - @Alexis... You are an ideological marxist True Believer. I've expressed my point of view as best I can on the subject, but it's clear your view is not open to objectively viewing anything outside of your ideological bubble.
That's too bad.
Alexis Cummings - I'm sure that you have discerned that I find you to be as closed to objectivity and anything beyond your narrow understanding as well.
And I agree, that's really too bad.
Muhammad Rasheed - The fact that I addressed all of the points you brought up in this last post of yours upfront within my very first response in the thread, means you weren't actually reading my posts at all and I was wasting my time discussing it with you. That's whre my disappointments lay.
But at least I have a record of the exchange that I can pull cartoon material from for the benefit of others who may be interested in something outside of the same ole, toxic blind marxism ideology pretending to be objective truth.
Matthew Hill - America is to capitalism what Stalin's Russia was to communism.
Muhammad Rasheed - It used to be, before the Second Gilded Age. Now capitalism is all but extinct, usurped/sabotaged by the 1% monopolist class.
Matthew Hill - I see monopolism as the "final boss" of rampant capitalist greed, like a mutated creature you'd find at the end of a video game.
Matthew Hill - What youre saying about small businesses is spot on, that's the true face of capitalism that's been lost to the image of the vast corporate machine over the years.
Muhammad Rasheed - Capitalism doesn't function at all without the life blood of competitive free open markets. Antitrust (competition law) was created to protect capitalism from the predatory greed and overreach of the crony corporatists -- the natural enemy of capitalism.
Muhammad Rasheed - It used to be, before the Second Gilded Age. Now capitalism is all but extinct, usurped/sabotaged by the 1% monopolist class.
Matthew Hill - I see monopolism as the "final boss" of rampant capitalist greed, like a mutated creature you'd find at the end of a video game.
Matthew Hill - What youre saying about small businesses is spot on, that's the true face of capitalism that's been lost to the image of the vast corporate machine over the years.
Muhammad Rasheed - Capitalism doesn't function at all without the life blood of competitive free open markets. Antitrust (competition law) was created to protect capitalism from the predatory greed and overreach of the crony corporatists -- the natural enemy of capitalism.
It literally doesn't make sense to think that the natural predator of capitalism is "the final boss." lol That's just ignorant marxist/communist propagandic rhetoric. Once the 1% monopolists take over -- which they now have -- capitalism is GONE.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bezos, Buffet, DeVos, Gates... these are not capitalists. They are crony corporatists... illegally colluding with unscrupulous politicians to violate antitrust with impunity. There's no such thing as a "good" billionaire... they are all absolutely the bad guys... hoarding the wealth of the nation for themselves and causing the problems with the economy as well as unemployment. They are not heroes to be admired AT ALL.
MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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