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Rasheed, Muhammad. "[BATTLE MODE] Muslim versus the Xenophobic Hate Troll." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 2024. [cartoon pending] Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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Q: Why in Islam is Allah called the best of deceivers?
Muhammad Rasheed - lol Allah is not called “the best of deceivers” in Islam, He’s only called that as a disingenuous slur by the anti-Islamic xenophobe crowd.
Atheist, Jewish, Christian and Hindu chat group debaters collude to shamelessly fashion a ‘shadow Islam’ strawman effigy, composed of carefully cherry-picked-out-of-context Qur’an quotes, deliberately twisted Islamic principles and sayings, upholding poorly-supported and obscure hadith, pretending certain secular Arabian societal norms were inherently religious, and as shown within this very Question, purposely mistranslating Qur’anic verses using synonyms with negative connotations and pretending it’s the most correct translation in order to smear the religion. Apparently, our debate opponents find it safer to maintain their delusions by arguing at their conjured ‘shadow Islam’ strawman, instead of risking a candid & courageous truth-seeking discussion with the game proponents of Al-Islam.
James Chambers - Because allah=devil?
Think about it. The religion dominates its population, allows acts of brutality against nonbelievers, etc.
Muhammad Rasheed - James wrote: “Because allah=devil? Think about it.”
In the Qur’an, Allah explains why the arrogant satan rebelled and fell from heaven, warns humanity to avoid the creature’s treacherous promises, and has the believers seek refuge with Allah from satan in everyone of our prayers. So, when I “think about it” as you suggest, it appears that you like to type without any facts/truth to support your claims.
James wrote: “The religion dominates its population”
Does it? I’m a lifelong practicing Muslim and I’m not “dominated” by Islam. It’s a willing, voluntary walk along the Path because I choose to believe the promises of my Guardian Lord are true. In fact, as a member of the Black American (ADOS) ethnic group, the only religion that literally and brutally dominated me throughout my family’s history in my country is that of the former slave holder’s identity group.
James wrote: “allows acts of brutality against nonbelievers”
Like what?
James wrote: “etc.”
Smedley Farnsworth - I would like you to comment on what is below.
Here are but a few non-tolerant verses of the koran that moslems follow This is what moslems believe about the rest of the worlds population:
- "Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax.” Koran 9:29
- “Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191
- “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123
- “When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Koran 9:5
- “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Koran 3:85
- “The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” Koran 9:30
- “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Koran 5:33
- “The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque.” Koran 9:28
- “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Koran 22:19
- “Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them.” Koran 47:4
- “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” Koran 8:65
- “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Koran 3:28
- “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Koran 8:12
- “Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.” Koran 8:60
Muhammad Rasheed - I saw these on a meme card somewhere earlier. I’ll address them one-by-one since you’ve asked nicely, but your questions about it would clear up immediately if you just read the Qur’an for yourself and saw what they actually said in context. Some of them aren’t even real and were invented by the original sneaky meme creator as some kind of exegesis from a hostile, propagandist outsider.
Stand by…
Smedley Farnsworth - It is quite common to hear the argument from Muslims and apologists of Islam, the old standby of, “you have quoted out of context.” Or that you have not read all of the book.
Just what is out of context with "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the latter day and who do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden and who do not adopt Islam, (even if they are) of the People of the Book - [fight] until they humbly pay the Jizyah and have been subdued." ~Quran 9:29
It seems very clear to me like these ones.
- “Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191
- “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123
- “When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Koran 9:5
Then of course there is the practice of koranic "abrogation"; It refers to the practice whereby contradictory material within, the koran — is resolved by superseding or cancelling the earlier verse with the later one. Thus the “good” verses are trumped by the later hateful ones.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley wrote: “It is quite common to hear the argument from Muslims and apologists of Islam, the old standby of, ‘you have quoted out of context.’”
You literally posted a list of cherry-picked verses isolated out of context. Since this is a common fallacy trait of anti-Muslim critics, why wouldn’t I point it out when you do it?
Smedley wrote: “Or that you have not read all of the book.”
The rest of the Book is where the context of the verses lay that you left out, yes? lol
Smedley wrote: “Just what is out of context with 'Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the latter day and who do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden and who do not adopt Islam, (even if they are) of the People of the Book - [fight] until they humbly pay the Jizyah and have been subdued.' - Quran 9:29"
I answered that one further down in this thread, but I’ll repost the context here, too:
Again, this is talking about cleansing the Holy City specifically of hostile disbelievers while the peace treaty was in place.
Smedley wrote: “It seems very clear to me”
You don’t study the religion though and are uninformed.
Smedley wrote: “like these ones. [Koran 2:191, Koran 9:123, Koran 9:5]"
I already answered those above.
Smedley wrote: “Then of course there is the practice of koranic ‘abrogation.’ It refers to the practice whereby contradictory material within, the koran — is resolved by superseding or cancelling the earlier verse with the later one. Thus the ‘good’ verses are trumped by the later hateful ones.”
None of this is true. Scriptural abrogation refers to the Qur’an abrogating the previous revelation and being a fuller explanation of the Book of Moses (pbuh).
Smedley Farnsworth - Are you being deliberately obtuse, yes of course you are. You are using Taqiyya. Taqiyya is where moslems say what they want infidels to believe. In other words – moslems lie all the time to conceal the true evil intent of islam.
Moslems do it all the time. The biggest deception is that “islam is a religion of peace”.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley wrote: “Are you being deliberately obtuse, yes of course you are.”
Because I don’t blindly accept the hostile opinion of an enemy of my faith?
Smedley wrote: “You are using Taqiyya.”
You’re using a term generally known to be stressed by the shia sect (I am not a shiite), but used mostly by Western anti-Islam propagandists to smear Islam. You’re presenting it as if you are an expert on the religion of Al-Islam, and not just a hostile troll who gets all of his shady lore from hate sites.
Smedley wrote: “moslems lie all the time to conceal the true evil intent of islam.”
Funny. I happen to be a member of the ever-maligned Black American former slave class ethnic group who subscribes to the religion. In my people’s experience, one would get the impression that white men invented lying, as I still find myself struggling for economic inclusion as a full citizen in my own country because of the diabolical political manipulations of the white identity group. I am not interested in your shallow attempts to smear my adopted faith since it is no secret what your true motives are. Notice you are pretending that your short list of cherry-picked verses and half interpreted verses are the entirety of the Qur’an and when I demonstrate the greater context and message the verses come from, you accuse me of lying about it. You are the one committing the cherry-picking fallacy, but you claim I’m lying for pointing out YOUR xenophobic propagandist deceptions. This is a classic, no-frills performance of the white male I know in history.
Smedley wrote: “Moslems do it all the time.”
Do we, white man? How are you tracking that data exactly?
Smedley wrote: “The biggest deception is that ‘islam is a religion of peace.’”
It is a religion of peace, as its practitioners are commanded to uphold the truth and protect the vulnerable. The last thing you would need is for the people at large to be so empowered, since it would sabotage your goals of total domination with zero competition on the world stage.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “’Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax.’ Koran 9:29″
For context, the Muslims had just reclaimed the Holy City of Mecca after many years of exile. They were about 10,000 strong but not a drop of blood was shed. Even though the Muslims were all dressed in pilgrim garb, determined to complete the Hajj ritual, their pagan foes were intimidated by their numbers alone.
There was a peace treaty in play up to that point, but one of the pagan tribes had blatantly violated their side of the bargain, and these are the ones Allah had the prophet announce aloud that the believers were commanded to run them out of the city and slay them if they were found hiding. The other pagan tribes who hadn’t broken the treaty were to be treated with kindness in hopes they would convert by the contract’s expiry. If not, then the Holy City of Mecca was for the believers in Allah alone and even the Jews and Christians had to leave. This restriction is only for Mecca and not for any other Muslim majority place; Jews and Christians can live in peace under Muslim rule as long as they pay the jizya.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “’Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.’ Koran 2:191”
The early Muslims who fled persecution from the pagan Meccas by going to Medina started off as a vulnerable, pitiful little band. Their number were steadily growing though, with the strict monotheist message eventually threatening the peace-of-mind of the powerful polytheist tribes who controlled the pilgrimage revenue, who made the decision to wipe the Muslims out completely which they tried and failed at a few times.
The Qur’an’s controversial “war verses” are only defensive in nature, and the take the righteous position as a guide for those who believe.
Smedley Farnsworth - Thank you for proving my points.
Muhammad Rasheed - lol I’m not done yet, but how did I prove your point exactly? What is your point?
Smedley Farnsworth - I am exposing the flaws and violence of islam and the lengths you go to hide it from non moslems. (Until it is to late).
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley wrote: “I am exposing the flaws”
Are you? Because from here it looks like a textbook cherry-picking fallacy performance.
Smedley wrote: “and violence of islam”
The fact that the so-called “violence of Islam” is no different than the violence of the biblical prophets, but without the problematic corrupt parts your scribes and Constantinian councils added later, means you’re trying to make a mountain out of a sand divot.
Smedley Farnsworth - It looks like cherry-picking to you because you are looking from the viewpoint of being inside islam and you don’t want the truth exposed.
What about the violent passages in the Bible?
First, violent Biblical passages are irrelevant to the question of whether Islam is violent and is simply “whataboutism” on your part in a failed attempt to deflect away from the fact of islamic violence.
Second, the violent passages in the Bible certainly do not amount to a standing order to commit violence against the rest of the world. Unlike the koran, the Bible is a huge collection of documents written by different people at different times in different contexts, which allows for much greater interpretative freedom. The koran, on the other hand, comes exclusively from one source: Muhammad. It is through the life of Muhammad that the koran must be understood, as the koran itself says. His wars and killings both reflect and inform the meaning of the koran. Furthermore, the strict literalism of the koran means that there is no room for interpretation when it comes to its violent injunctions. As it is through the example of Christ, the "Prince of Peace," that Christianity interprets its scriptures, so it is through the example of the warlord and despot Muhammad that Muslims understand the koran.
You problem is, that I, a non moslem, do understand the true nature of islam and both reject it and expose it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley wrote: “It looks like cherry-picking to you because you are looking from the viewpoint of being inside islam”
Meanwhile, it looks like cherry-picking to me because you literally use a short list of isolated verses that you (and the original meme writer you pulled them from) are trying to pretend mean something different from the Qur’an’s actual messaging context. lol
Smedley wrote: “and you don’t want the truth exposed.”
Ha! Sure, I do. I love it. More than you know, white man.
Smedley wrote: “What about the violent passages in the Bible?”
That’s not what I said. That makes this is a strawman effigy.
Smedley wrote: “First, violent Biblical passages are irrelevant to the question of whether Islam is violent and is simply ‘whataboutism’ on your part in a failed attempt to deflect away from the fact of islamic violence.”
I didn’t commit the WhatAboutism fallacy. In Islam, we believe in the pillar “BELIEF IN THE PROPHETS” which means we are commanded by God to treat all the prophets exactly the same. Allah said they all had the same mission and all performed excellently, and so we aren’t to treat any of them any different than any other. So, far from deflecting from the topic as you falsely claimed, what I actually said was that Muhammad functioned with his violence no different than the prophets before him — he stood in the righteous position of defense to protect his community from the enemies of Islam. A criticism against the violence performed by Muhammad is a criticism against all of the prophets at one and the same time.
Smedley wrote: “Second, the violent passages in the Bible certainly do not amount to a standing order to commit violence against the rest of the world.”
That’s arguable. There’s a reason that I did NOT say “the violent passages in the bible,” but pointedly said the violence of the biblical prophets themselves, which is an altogether different kettle of fish. The bible is a notoriously fabricated document according to your own believing Christian scholars—corrupt beyond repair—and horrendous acts were shoved into the text by people pushing un-Godly political agendas. I was talking about the actions performed by the prophets of olde according to the spirit of the Word and God’s message, not whatever your corrupt bible literally says about violence. That’s the real reason you are protesting talking about the bible’s violence in a comparative manner, because you realize you would not come out on top in such a contest. Did I not demonstrate the true context of the Qur’an’s so-called ‘war verses?’ The only context of the bible passage violence is corruption.
Smedley wrote: “Unlike the koran, the Bible is a huge collection of documents written by different people at different times in different contexts, which allows for much greater interpretative freedom.”
“Interpretive freedom” meaning you are in the habit of conjuring lies to grift the community with a fabricated pagan doctrine pretending to be from God. I’m quite aware of what you hold and what you do with it. I suggest you repent.
Smedley wrote: “The koran, on the other hand, comes exclusively from one source: Muhammad.”
It comes from Allah. Muhammad (pbuh) is merely the mouthpiece, commanded to only speak the Words that the Lord thy God put into his servant’s mouth and commanded him speak, as described in Deut. 18:18. ;)
Smedley wrote: “It is through the life of Muhammad that the koran must be understood”
It’s weird watching hostile outsiders proclaim false things about material they have never studied with such tissue-thin confidence. lol
Smedley wrote: “as the koran itself says.”
Be so kind as to provide the verse that says this, please, if ye are truthful.
Smedley wrote: “His wars and killings”
lol They were not his wars and killings, since there was an active bad guy on the stage who initiated all conflicts. The Muslims stood only in the righteous position of defense.
Smedley wrote: “both reflect and inform the meaning of the koran.”
I’ll accept this. If you will notice, the full context of the message that your cherry-picked verses conspicuously left out did provide direct instruction as to how the believers were to act in wartime.
Smedley wrote: “Furthermore, the strict literalism of the koran”
lol This is yet another example of you violently proclaiming something about Islam that is patently not true. The Qur’an often uses a poetic style of expression, generously providing similes, metaphors and similitudes of things:
You would know this if you ever bothered to read the Book for yourself. Then you would have the benefit of actually knowing what you were talking about instead of embarrassing yourself as a committed xenophobic hate-peddling troll.
Smedley wrote: “means that there is no room for interpretation when it comes to its violent injunctions.”
So, to be clear, you’re saying that you—in your role as the hostile outsider who demonstrably has no idea what he’s talking about—has the authority and leeway WITHIN ISLAM to legitimately invent/conjure/concoct meanings for the Qur’anic verses as you see fit, and they will be equally as real (and more so!) than the actual context of the message itself. lol Is that what you are saying to me, with a straight face, no less? Honestly, I think you deserve to be arrested for the suggestion as a crime against truth itself.
Smedley wrote: “As it is through the example of Christ, the ‘Prince of Peace’"
Show me in the New Testament where Jesus (pbuh) is ever called the Prince of Peace, please. Your emboldened use of quotations there amused me, so I’ll go ahead and call your bluff.
Smedley wrote: “that Christianity interprets its scriptures”
Christians interpret their so-called “scriptures” in a way that defies both logic and common sense. You ignore the unambiguous, explicit sayings of Jesus, to instead use ambiguous, implicit verses to cobble together the pagan-influenced tripe you are famous for. Your clumsy attempts to use the same cock-eyed flimflammery on the Qur’an are rejected out of hand as the sputtered ravings of a crackpot.
Smedley wrote: “so it is through the example of the warlord and despot Muhammad”
The prophet of Islam was neither a warlord, nor a ‘despot.’ If he was, then certainly so was both Moses (pbuh) and Joshua (pbuh).
Smedley wrote: “that Muslims understand the koran.”
You think I understand the Qur’an through the eyes of a hostile propagandist troll, do you? I think one would just have to read my responses to see if that were objectively true or not. Do you honestly believe that you give the impression that you really know Islam to outsider eyes, especially since everything you say can be found on the typical anti-Islam hate site meme graphics?
Smedley wrote: “You problem is, that I, a non moslem, do understand the true nature of islam and both reject it and expose it.”
If this is true, then please begin to provide proof/evidence of your claims. So far, in providing the greater context of your isolated, cherry-picked verses, the truth is firmly upon my side of the argument and you didn’t have a firm comeback.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.’ Koran 9:123”
This verse is for those Muslims who are surrounded by active hostile enemies who have waged war upon them. Allah is reminding the believers that they have Him on their side, while the unbelievers only have sociopathic greed and the whispers of the satan.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “’When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.’ Koran 9:5″
This took place when the Muslims returned to Mecca from exile and took Mecca without bloodshed while wearing the pilgrimage garb. This announcement was letting the pagans who broke the peace treaty know that war would be waged upon them lest they fled or converted, while the pagan tribes who upheld the terms of peace would be granted leniency until the contract expired, then they would be required to leave the Holy City, too, lest they converted.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “’Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.’ Koran 3:85″
The All-Powerful One God, Supreme Creator of reality and Master of the Day of Judgment sent His final revealed scripture (Qur’an) and perfected His religion (Al-Islam) as a universal message for humanity, so why would He accept anything else from someone who believed and then rejected it?
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “’The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.’ Koran 9:30”
If you’re feeling some kind of way about being called out by the Lord of the worlds for your perverting of the faith of the prophets of olde, then it should stand to reason that you would try to fix your perverted state instead of complaining that you got called out for your wrongdoing.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “’Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam’ Koran 5:33”
There’s nothing in the verse you’re supposed to be referencing that says anything about killing for “criticizing” Islam; this is clearly a message of instruction during active war time.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: "’The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque.’ Koran 9:28″
This bullet of yours is pretending people aren’t allowed in ANY mosque, when it’s in fact talking about restrictions around THE mosque — al-Masjid al-Ḥarām that encircles the Ka’aba in Mecca. The infidels are the ones who filled the House of Allah with 300+ idols, remember? Clearly, they don’t need to be anywhere NEAR the most sacred site in Al-Islam. I don’t even understand why you included this bullet, other than deliberately pretending the verse said something it didn’t say. Staying away from the Ka’aba is different from visiting a local mosque in Columbus OH, right? lol
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “‘Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.’ Koran 22:19”
This is clearly a description of the torment of hell, not a command for the believers to torture anyone. lol smdh You have zero credibility. I hope you realize that.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “’Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them.’ Koran 47:4”
This one is instructing the believers in how to treat the defeated enemy during individual battles within a greater war campaign. Making them sign a strict contract and giving the leeway to be either generous with them or offer ransom depending on their behavior during this period. That’s the literal opposite of what your bullet claimed.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “’The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.’ Koran 8:65”
lol This one is 99% accurate. The only part you’re missing is that the pagan Meccan forces were on their way to Medina to wipe the Muslims out, and Allah gave the prophet permission to tell the believers to defend themselves. Allah sent down a company of angels to help them, so they shouldn’t fear.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley wrote: “’Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.’ Koran 3:28″
Accurate. ‘Nuff said. Do you think all of the lies and slander you’ve put forth against my sacred belief system this day qualify you as friendship material? Alright then. Shaddap.
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “’Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.’ Koran 8:12”
This is another of Allah’s after-battle-briefings where He explains to the believers the nature of the Help he provided for the Battle of Badr. Again, this was when the pagan Meccan forces came to Medina with the intention of completely annihilating the Muslims and Allah didn’t allow it. With His help, 300 Muslim fighting men defeated 1,000 pagans. Note how none of this has anything to do with attacking people who “believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an” which was clearly a lie. Aren’t you the one who brought up the jizya tax? You all should think your lies through so there is at least some consistency. smh
Muhammad Rasheed - Smedley posted: “’Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.' Koran 8:60"
This is only describing normal, common sense battle preparation. What’s the matter? Does the idea of the God-fearing oppressed preparing to strike back against a long-time enemy disturb you, white man? I think we both know that very imagery is the root cause for your hatred against Al-Islam. It’s VERY different from what the old slave holders taught to my ancestors from your doctored-up version of Christianity, isn’t it? You SHOULD be in terror as you’ve earned it. I suggest you repent.
Norman Jones - M. Rasheed quoted: "and the best of planners is Allah."
Thanks for your answer. So what you are saying is that Allah also plotted and planned and Allah is the best plotter and planner. I just don't understand why you contradict yourself.
Muhammad Rasheed - The Omniscient One God by definition is the Best Tactician — His power to know literally everything makes God the Most Skilled at planning tactics. The usage of the word “deceiver” or to imply that “planner” in your own usage above has a negative connotation from your biased position doesn’t make sense in context outside of anti-Islam hate propaganda.
Norman Jones - Islam is full of contradictions, read the Quran with an open mind and you will see for yourself . Abrogated versus make no sense. An all known God would not change his mind.
Muhammad Rasheed - Norman wrote: “Islam is full of contradictions”
lol No, it’s not.
Norman wrote: “read the Quran with an open mind”
I did. That’s why I’m a practicing Muslim.
Norman wrote: “and you will see for yourself”
Are you supposed to be pretending that you’ve read the Qur’an before? Skimming cherry-picked quotes on your favorite anti-Islam hate site is not the same as reading the Qur’an for yourself, bud.
Norman wrote: “Abrogated versus make no sense.”
The Qur’an abrogates the previous scriptures and is a fuller explanation of the Law of Moses. That’s what Allah was talking about.
Norman wrote: “An all known God would not change his mind.”
The problem with that line is it inappropriately reflects up towards God instead of inward towards yourself. It’s an arrogant position to take. God does what He does to guide and test us. That’s the entire point of scripture and the history of the Word on earth.
Norman Jones - Islam is brainwashed and your a good example. Please provide proof of your assumption, and don't say the Quran, which has no proof of anything,except that it is a badly written book. Harry Potter makes more sense. Flying horses don't exist.
Muhammad Rasheed - Norman wrote: “Islam is brainwashed and your a good example.”
You don’t appear to know what “brainwashed” actually means. So far, you’ve proven that all you know how to do is blindly parrot hate propaganda. You don’t have a cohesive position you are capable of defending, you just say stuff you heard without understanding. This is what it looks like when someone is brainwashed.
Norman wrote: “Please provide proof of your assumption, and don't say the Quran”
lol Well, I’ll say the Qur’an anyway, thanks. You’ve never read it, and I’ll wager you’ve never even tried. Do you think I can’t tell the difference between someone who is actually informed on the topic and holds well-thought out criticisms he’s willing to explain versus someone like you who’s only heard something somewhere and wants to shout at people from across the street with no certain knowledge? Why are you even on Quora? This platform isn’t for one such as you. TikTok is down the hall to the left.
Norman wrote: “which has no proof of anything”
Sure, it does.
Norman wrote: “except that it is a badly written book.”
How would YOU know?
Norman wrote: “Harry Potter makes more sense.”
Does it? The Qur’an says to worship only the One God who made you, do good, reject evil and repent when you mess up. Is that alien to you?
Norman wrote: “Flying horses don't exist.”
Explain to me—in your own words—what “flying horses” have to do with the religion of Al-Islam, if you please. Take your time.
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