Friday, February 18, 2022

Allowing Your Enemy to Define Systemic Racism for You


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Allowing Your Enemy to Define Systemic Racism for You." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 19 Feb 2022. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Terry Van Kirk - [FB meme] Desktop publishing programs have always had the option to create Master pages, where you would put repeating elements such as page numbers, date of publication and so on. Just found out Adobe is renaming that function to Parent pages so no one will be triggered by the word Master.

Muhammad Rasheed - I was just thinking about this earlier. The original Black Political Agenda desegregation checklist of the Civil Rights Movement -- with it's economic inclusion/Reparations focus -- was sabotaged and usurped and switched to the impotent "Integration" grift scheme. Instead of fighting to become economically whole, suddenly our "allies" had tricked us into thinking racism was only about getting triggered over slurs and random words like your meme is making fun of.



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