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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Cheap Soul for Sale." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 11 Feb 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
Q: Who significantly influenced the spiritual progress of humanity in the last few hundred years and why?
Muhammad Rasheed - The last few hundred years saw great evil flourish across the globe in the form of the White Supremacist Ideology and the anti-Black systemic racism for which it stands, as directed by the wealth and power hoarding 1% grifter class. Along the way this group has assassinated leaders of sovereign nations and their entire families, overthrown governments and deliberately destabilized them so their cronies wouldn’t have to pay market prices for their resources, and waged war against the family unit and morality itself.
No one has “significantly influenced the spiritual progress of humanity in the last few hundred years” since any such effort would have been cut down in the attempt by the diabolical monopolist class.
Piotr Pandawski - Thank you for editing my question & comment. I can only say, you must have missed many great teachers and saints who had great influence on general populace. What's more, you must have not heard of God Himself who also visited Earth little over 535 y back in XVI century.
All I could see in your answer slanted opinion as if 'white supremacy' was the only what happened on Earth… surely there were so many atrocities BUT I asked “who” & why…influenced spiritually. There were few potent teachers , some still live… you can't ignore or deny attempts of spreading spiritual knowledge or message … only because political ambitions of few win it doesn't mean there is no spiritual influence on part of humanity
Let me give you one very significant example: in 6o’s Srila Prabhupada, renounced monk from India spread in the West unknown classical literature about God , eg. Bhagavad-gīta, Bhagavata Purana. Volumes & volumes of books everyone can study now FOR FREE ! and change the heart
That is what I meant by “who and why”… I can't believe you haven't noticed any spiritual message…
Would you like to have more examples ?
Muhammad Rasheed - Hello, Piotr.
I took the question literally and answered it that way. So even though I do indeed recognize THE spiritual message on earth, I cannot agree that any humans have influenced spiritual progress within the last 300 yrs. I certainly would never agree that the Hare Krishna Movement represented “spiritual progress” for humanity.
The White Supremacist Era and its diabolical global blight is the most significant influence upon human society in the last half millennium. It has been more influential than any vain attempts by any ‘spiritual gurus’ to make themselves priest-king messiahs over the populace, assuming the latter were only lone-wolf grifters and not puppet figures groomed by the 1% monopolist class.
O Allah! Please save me from all of these vain Alan Watts wannabes...
Piotr Pandawski - It's true that humans are not interested in spirituality, rather technology.. because materialistic propaganda brainwashed almost everyone… Hare Krishna movement is significant because it has brought science of self-realization. First and foremost misunderstanding in general is to considering the self or I as human being.
Most religious movements don't teach about soul but keep masses in illusion of false identification. Don't get upset but I can hear in your comment this flavour - if people will stay on the platform of physical body they'll only fight and argue over “me & mine” concept… it's a dog eat dog mentality
Spiritual revolution based on knowledge of the self teaches: you are NOT your body.. others too are embodied souls… we should learn how to perceive others as spiritual beings … humans were given higher intelligence to recognise the soul & Supersoul..not to fight over skin colour
Present Human ignorance lies in lack of understanding of our eternal existence - we had lived before many times, live now & after death our existence will be continued
This message is a core value given by Śrī Krishna… re-incarnation is the key to stop dog eat dog mentality
Many spiritualists of last few centuries were as you noticed whites, but not only… Hare Krishna movement offers real spiritual emancipation and freedom from false designations we've been fed in schools & homes.
Of course widespread materialism makes hard for humanity to appreciate Krishna's teachings but those with open mind will cross their attachments. Humans are souls in human mortal dress who fight over temporary ideas…time to give up illusion - that is spiritual message humanity needs badly.
Have you read Bhagavad-gīta ?
Muhammad Rasheed - Piotr wrote: “It's true that humans are not interested in spirituality, rather technology..”
The dominant special interest group is only interested in its wealth & power monopoly. Technology is only a tool towards this end.
Piotr wrote: “because materialistic propaganda brainwashed almost everyone…”
Agreed, since the dominant special interest group upholds a God-less materialist humanism above all else, and uses its wealth to not only brainwash the masses in its faux-virtue, but worship the wealthiest 1% class as idols.
Piotr wrote: “Hare Krishna movement is significant because it has brought science of self-realization.”
I disagree. The movement brought nothing positive that wasn’t already present. I find its teachings a redundant nonessential to my soul’s salvation.
Piotr wrote: “First and foremost misunderstanding in general is to considering the self or I as human being.”
That’s a problem among the secular mind surely.
Piotr wrote: “Most religious movements don't teach about soul but keep masses in illusion of false identification.”
Irrelevant in this discussion.
Piotr wrote: “Don't get upset but I can hear in your comment this flavour…”
Then you misinterpret my comment. As a Muslim, I look forward to shedding the flesh to enjoy the eternal bliss the Lord thy God promises me for my diligent walk upon the righteous path.
Piotr wrote: “…if people will stay on the platform of physical body…”
Which is only temporarily necessary while journeying within the physical realm.
Piotr wrote: “…they'll only fight and argue over ‘me & mine’ concept… it's a dog eat dog mentality”
At the moment — despite my own desires for peace — I am surrounded by agents of the dominant special interest group who forces their ‘dog eat dog’ mentality upon my own ethnic group with impunity from the police authority they control. By necessity this situation forces me to take on the role of a guardian of peace in dedicated activism, as the antagonistic powers will never willingly give up their wealth & power monopoly.
Piotr wrote: “…humans were given higher intelligence to recognise the soul & Supersoul..not to fight over skin colour”
Unfortunately, if both parties aren’t committed to peace, then peace cannot be had. This fight isn’t about “skin color,” but the dominant special interest group’s greed-fueled efforts to monopolize industry, hoard wealth & power, and inflict the ever-lucrative systemic racism upon my ethnic group while I am committed to stopping him as best as I am able. Fighting against this evil is my righteous duty, for myself, my ethnic group and society at large. For our purposes, you may consider this conflict a ‘Yudhha Dharma.’
Piotr wrote: “…we had lived before many times, live now & after death our existence will be continued”
Our existence will continue in the life hereafter after Judgment Day.
Piotr wrote: “This message is a core value given by Śrī Krishna… re-incarnation is the key to stop dog eat dog mentality”
I agree only through the lens of the quality of afterlife our spirit will enjoy after a successful Judgment.
Piotr wrote: “Many spiritualists of last few centuries were as you noticed whites…”
The fruit of the half millennium old white supremacist era forces me to reject such figures as “spiritualists.” Until the world is freed from the demonic White Supremacist Ideology and the anti-Black systemic racism for which it stands, I don’t believe the white men of European descent are even capable of inhabiting such a role.
Piotr wrote: “…but not only… Hare Krishna movement offers real spiritual emancipation and freedom from false designations we've been fed in schools & homes.”
When I discovered in my study of the Hindi scriptures that the Saptarishi originally instructed their followers to worship the One God alone, only to have their message corrupted over the millennia to become their followers worshiping the seven sages themselves, I’ve found that the teachings that so inspired people like Alan Watts were not at all for me. The Truth is that there is no God but the One God, Supreme Creator of reality and Master of the Day of Judgment. I see no value in any other spiritual system that fails to uphold this spirit-rejuvenating proclamation above all else.
Piotr wrote: “Of course widespread materialism makes hard for humanity to appreciate Krishna's teachings…”
It makes it hard for the masses to appreciate the truth of the unseen spirit in general.
Piotr wrote: “…but those with open mind will cross their attachments. Humans are souls in human mortal dress who fight over temporary ideas…time to give up illusion - that is spiritual message humanity needs badly.”
Piotr wrote: “Have you read Bhagavad-gīta ?”
I’m familiar enough with it. The dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna always reminded me of that between Hermes Trismegistus and his wannabe apostle. To be honest, I’ve actually always wondered why white men with Western Christian backgrounds have seemed so enamored with the Hindi teachings, seemingly over all others. Frankly, I never saw the appeal myself, with the nature of my ethnic group’s relationship to these same white men leaving me suspicious as to their interest in those teachings. Naturally, I have my speculations, especially when compared to their equally passionate disdain for Al-Islam.
MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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