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Rasheed, Muhammad. "An Islamic 'Trinity'?" Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 2024. [cartoon pending] Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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Hakeem Ábdul-Hameed - Do Muslims worship a "Moongod"❓
The Christians followed Paul and so deviated into Roman paganism such as Trinity, Easter and Christmas. They have forgotten the importance of lunar month observances!
The moon is a mere creation of Allah, just as Jesus Christ pbuh is a mere creation of Allah. Muslims will never worship the moon or any other creature. Islam is true monotheism and rejection of Paganism. Come to Islam. Come to success in both worlds ❗😃👌🏽
Muhammad Rasheed - According to Dr. Marijn van Putten, Qur'anic researcher at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics:
"[T]hat if the identification of al-ʾilāh and aḷḷāh being related by native speakers, it's not that strange for aḷḷāh to become associated with the one God if al-ʾilāh is. From numerous finds of pre-Islamic inscriptions in the Hijaz now, it's fairly clear that aḷḷāh was understood to be the name of the main monotheistic deity in the pre-Islamic period already. So it's not Islam's innovation. In light of this pre-Islamic evidence, I think any attempt to make sense of aḷḷāh in a pagan context in pre-Islamic times is almost certainly wrong."
Teyyeb Saleem - Are you talking of the self-invented "trinity" consisting of "Allah, Maryam, and Isa"?
Hakeem Ábdul-Hameed - @Teyyeb... The post is self-explanatory.
Teyyeb Saleem - If it is "self-explanatory", then why are you afraid of talking of that self-invented "trinity" consisting of "Allah, Maryam, and Isa"? I can provide reference, if you are interested.
Muhammad Rasheed - @Teyyeb... The Qur'an never claimed that Mary was part of your trinity. It only said to stop saying trinity, and stop worshiping Mary. Your inability to focus on unambiguous explicit expression to instead conjure fake ideologies from ambiguous, implicit expression has failed you once again.
Teyyeb Saleem - M. Rasheed wrote: "The Qur'an never claimed that Mary was part of your trinity"
Qur'an 5:116"And when Allah saith: O Jesus, son of Mary! Didst thou say unto mankind: Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah? he saith: Be glorified! It was not mine to utter that to which I had no right. If I used to say it, then Thou knewest it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy Mind. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower of Things Hidden?"
It clearly speaks of three gods: Allah, Maryam, and 'Isa. My dear brother in Islam, why don't you take some time to read Islam before posting anything?
Muhammad Rasheed - Teyyeb wrote: "It clearly speaks of three gods"
At no point does the Qur'an ever claim that Mary was considered to be a part of your 'trinity' doctrine.
Christians routinely ignore unambiguous, explicit verses to favor conjuring false ideologies from ambiguous, implicit verses. You're famous for it. Please refrain from performing this act with the texts of Islam. Thanks.
Teyyeb Saleem - Is "Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah" an ambiguous statement? How can you justify that self-made "trinity"? Has this trinity been ever the official creed of Christians? What would you call such a person?
Muhammad Rasheed - Teyyeb wrote: "Is 'Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah' an ambiguous statement?"
No. Allah said that on the Day of Judgment, He's going to ask His servant if He told him to tell the people to worship him and his mom. That's pretty clear to me, but I'm not trained to invent false ideologies from scriptural texts the way the Christians are.
Teyyeb wrote: "How can you justify that self-made 'trinity?'"
Christians self-invented the trinitarian version of Jesus' message, causing the One God to rebuke you for it in the Qur'an.
Teyyeb wrote: "Has this trinity been ever the official creed of Christians?"
The belief in the Holy Trinity was officially agreed upon by church leaders, from the Roman Empire, at the Council of Nicea in the year 325 CE. Theophilus of Antioch is the earliest Church father to have used the word "Trinity" to refer to God.
Teyyeb wrote: "What would you call such a person?"
Teyyeb Saleem - (1) Christians, like other religious persons, might have invented some other foolish statements, but they never invented a trinity composed of Allah, Maryam, and 'Isa ("Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah"). As far I know it has never been the official creed of Christians.
(2) What do you say of the person who invented that"trinity"?
Muhammad Rasheed - Christians worship Mary as a divine entity and pray to her as a goddess, "mother of god" figure. In the Qur'an, God said to knock it off.
Christians also worship a "holy trinity" concept. In the Qur'an, God said to knock that off, too.
The most stupid of the Christians, falsely believe (not a surprise) that the Qur'an is conflating the Christian worship of Mary with their pagan "trinity" concept and use it to deflect from the point of their own hellbound paganism.
Muhammad Rasheed - Teyyeb wrote: "(1) Christians, like other religious persons, might have invented some other foolish statements"
"Might...?" 🤨 It's literally all you do. You go out of your way to invent new and exciting ways to run headlong towards hellfire as the most pagan of the three Abrahamic Faiths.
Teyyeb wrote: "but they never invented a trinity composed of Allah, Maryam, and 'Isa"
Literally no one said they did.
Teyyeb wrote: "('Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah')."
The Qur'an acknowledges that foolish Christians worship both Jesus (pbuh) and his mom. No one claimed that your well-documented worship of Mary was included within your pagan 'holy trinity' concept. Your penchant for inventing false narratives by reading into verses things they don't say (see: "son of God" as a literal belief) is the root cause of this issue.
Teyyeb wrote: "As far I know it has never been the official creed of Christians."
No one of the Muslim side ever claimed it was.
Teyyeb Saleem - Thanks for denying the Quran 5:116. It suits you. Ahmaq Deedat and Zakar Naik also do the same to win the argument.
Teyyeb Saleem - "Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah".
Muhammad Rasheed - Teyyeb wrote: "Thanks for denying the Quran 5:116. It suits you."
When have I denied the Qur'an? 🤔 That's an odd claim.
What I did do was deny a false narrative that an ignorant Christian with demonstrably weak reading comprehension skills tried to spin out of the Qur'an.
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