Thursday, February 15, 2024

Classic, Old School Foolishness


[original cartoon pending]

Rasheed, Muhammad. "Classic, Old School Foolishness." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 2024.  [cartoon pending] Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Q: How is Muhammad to be "the prophet like unto Moses" in Deuteronomy 18:18 prophecy?

Muhammad Rasheed

Unlike the Christ Jesus, the unlettered Ishmaelite Muhammad ibn Abdullah was accepted as the prophet-messenger of the One God by his people. This fact made him like unto Moses, and the two of them were elevated to a theocratic monarchal position in how they functioned in their missions. This also enabled the revealed message the two of them preached to expand beyond the individual responsibility level to also instruct believers in how to walk out the Path of God while in community with fellow believers. The Christ’s message of the Gospel never had a chance to evolve to that community level stage, since his hard-hearted people rejected his mission.

May the Peace of God be upon the named prophets.

Mark Gleichner - i've SEEN the black moon god IDOLATRY stone in the kaaba with my own eyes....

GOD's Name ISN'T.....allah

satan in the Bible is moon god allah of the quran....

>>>>>> ZERO Miracles in the quran....

Over 160 Miracles in the Bible....

>>>>> 1 pedophile False Prophet in quran <<<<

51 Prophetic voices in the Bible....

Zero Glory of moon god allah in the quran....

203 verses of Yahweh / EloHim / EL-Elyon GLORY in the Bible....

>>>>> ZERO Resurrections in the moon god quran <<<

EL-ELYON's World Capitol is Jerusalem....NOT the pagan moon god shrine... mecca <<<

DO you KNOW Them...???...

>>>>> There's 3....Called the Tri-Unity....ALL 3 have human physical bodies

1. God the EL-ELYON...EloHim...Yahweh

2. God the Holy Spirit...Ruach haKodesh

3. God the Son...Yahshua Messiah / Jesus / Yahshua huAkbar / Savior of the WORLD

>>>>>>>>> allah has No Son & No Holy Spirit <<<<<<<<

satan in the Bible...IS...moon god allah of the quran...

the islamic flags... Are the symbol of lucifer as the moon god & the morning star outlined in the Bible...

Isaiah 14:12 - Oh Lucifer,(allah) helel how you have fallen from heaven morning star son of the dawn You weaken the nations, you have been cast down to the earth.

>>>--- NO JESUS.....NO JANNAH ------YAHSHUA huAkbar

Muhammad Rasheed

It’s a major sin to knowingly post falsehoods about the believers in the One God. Have a care. I suggest you repent.

Mark Gleichner - Sadeeq —- as i said…i’ve SEEN the pagan moon god IDOLATRY stone in the kaaba with my own eyes…

ALL islamic leaders Are freemasons —-> the ancient satanic freemason cult is islam...the Origin is from Genesis chapter 11...Tower of Babel...

the Original name was the Chaldeans of Babylon...the Chaldeans / freemasons / muslims....Are sorcerers / astrologers...

>>>--- the black moon god IDOLATRY stone in the a freemason LIE....

WHY do you Think the Ramadan Always Begins on the New moon...!??!...

Why do you Think islam Keeps the 354 day moon god LUNAR calendar….

the islamic flags... Are the symbol of lucifer as the moon god & the morning star outlined in the Bible...

Isaiah 14:12 - Oh Lucifer,(allah) helel how you have fallen from heaven morning star son of the dawn You weaken the nations, you have been cast down to the earth.

god’s Name ISN’T….allah —-

El Elyon Most High - One of the Names of YAH.

And blessed be God Most High [El Elyon], Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” And he gave him a tithe of all. - Genesis 14:20

In the Old Testament El Elyon occurs 28 times – 19 times in Psalms. Elyon (Biblical Hebrew עליון) means “The Supreme, the Highest”.

EXODUS 3:13 - And Moses said to the Elohim, Behold, I shall come to the sons of Israel and say to them, the Elohe of your fathers has sent me to you; and they will say to me, What is His name? What shall I say to them?

:14 - And Elohim said to Moses, EHYAH ASHER EHYAH (I AM THAT I AM); and He said, You shall say this to the sons of Israel, EHYAH (I AM) has sent me to you.

:15 - And Elohim said to Moses again, You shall say this to the sons of Israel, YAHWEH, the Elohe of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is how I should be remembered from generation to generation.

YAHSHUA huAkbar ——

DO you KNOW Them...???...

>>>— There's 3....Called the Tri-Unity.…ALL 3 have human physical bodies….

1. God the EL-ELYON...EloHim...Yahweh

2. God the Holy Spirit...Ruach haKodesh

3. God the Son...Yahshua Messiah / Jesus / Yahshua huAkbar / Savior of the WORLD

Muhammad Rasheed - Mark wrote: “as i said…”

You’re bearing false witness again by knowingly repeating falsehood about Islam and pretending it’s true. Shame on you.

Mark Gleichner - the basketball sized black stone….sits on a pedestal in the kaaba….you pray to that IDOL 5 times a day = moon god allah….

1st & 2nd Commandments —-

Exodus 20:3 — You shall have no other gods before me.

4 — You shall not make to you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 — You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD your EloHim am a jealous ELOHIM

Muhammad Rasheed - Mark wrote: “the basketball sized black stone”

The Black Stone is a bunch of fragments fastened in that bowl-like container; it isn’t a “basketball-sized” anything. You have zero certain knowledge, but you are proclaiming falsehoods as if they are true. This is a sin.

Mark wrote: “….sits on a pedestal in the kaaba….you pray to that IDOL 5 times a day”

No Muslim prays to the Black Stone. It is not an idol. We pray in the direction of the Ka’aba for global group unity as Allah commanded in the Qur’an. God doesn’t even mention the Black Stone in the Qur’an, nor is it mandatory to even touch it during Hajj. So, how do you justify your claims? #ThouShaltNotBearFalseWitness

Mark wrote: “= moon god allah….”

Allah is not a “moon god,” He is The Only True God that Jesus (pbuh) worshiped.

Mark posted: “Exodus 20:3 — You shall have no other gods before me.”

There is only One God. He is called “Allah” in the Arabic language.

Mark wrote: “4 — You shall not make to you any graven image”

lol The Black Stone is a bunch of fragments; it was never a “graven” anything.

Mark wrote: “5 — You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them”

No Muslim bows to, nor ‘serves’ The Black Stone. The claim is false & ignorant. The Stone is only a relic and a sign of the One God.

Mark Gleichner - The term "familiar spirits" is used nine times in the KJV in reference to demons..&.. literally refers to demons that are close or familiar to a person, such as a medium or sorcerer.

AnyOne Who has SIN in their Life is a target for demon attacks….

i’ve been spoken to & cast demons out of’s Not a pretty sight…

here’s Some examples of Sin that opens the spiritual door for demonic Affliction —-

1Corinthains 6:9 — Know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

:10 — Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

—→>>> ALL --- New Age activities...ARE.. Re-Packaged Occult...witchcraft...!!!...

Here's a list --- of some of the modern terms..used by the Deceive people...

ALL...alchemy /alcohol / astrology / chakra / drugs / porn / tarot / tattoos & piercings / psychics / guides / meditation / mantras / mystics / vibes / whispering / asmr / reiki / healing vibrations / yoga & Kundalini snake serpent spirit / harry potter....are demon inspired activities from the Pit of Hell.…

if a person is demonically possessed….deliverance is ReQuired

Muhammad Rasheed - Mark wrote: “The term ‘familiar spirits’ is used nine times in the KJV”

So? Christian scholarship admits that the bible is a fabricated document written by anonymous authors to push conflicting evangelical agendas. Very little of it is worth referencing at all. Why would you think I would care about it when your own people have no faith in the thing?

Mark wrote: “AnyOne Who has SIN in their Life is a target for demon attacks….”

You realize your penchant for bearing false witness leaves you open to demonic attacks then, right? Not to mention your pagan belief system that worships a human being and demands pagan human blood sacrifice. Yikes. You must feel the things crawling all over you.

Mark wrote: “i’ve been spoken to & cast demons out of people..”


Mark wrote: “1Corinthains 6:9”

Paul of Tarsus is the false prophet of legend; that’s why God had the fiend executed. I don’t know why you’re quoting the mess at me.

Mark wrote: “New Age activities...ARE.. Re-Packaged Occult...witchcraft...!!!...”

So? Why would that be relevant to me? You should focus on the fact that your religion was usurped by Greco-Roman pagans, hence why you worship a human and demand pagan human blood sacrifice to forgive your sins.

Mark wrote: “Here's a list --- of some of the modern terms..used by the Deceive people...”

What does all of that have to do with me? lol I think you posted that in the wrong comments. I’m Muslim, remember? I follow the ONLY strictly monotheistic faith.

Mark Gleichner - Here's your quran & the moon god allah's number is...666....

Hebrew 666 is allah -- the Exact sequence of Hebrew letters... W W l mentioned 3 times in the Bible matching the arabic allah perfectly... <<<<

The Quran, “666,” was sent down through False Prophet Muhammad (G.V. 92) and its mathematical miracle was revealed through Rashad Khalifa (G.V. 505,725). The Message of GOD, The Book of GOD, The Quran, 666 and its Proof, 19. The letter w is in Arabic Vav and its Gv is 6. Therefore, www becomes 666. <<

Sura 111 has 100 letters and the Gv of letter Qaf is 100. Sura 111 has 6 verses ; 111 x 6 = 666 , The Quran Sura 6 verse 111 is 666 th verse in the Qaf table. The number 666 is written mathematically as : 6 x 100 , 6 x 10 , 6 x 1 <<< Adding the factors gives the result of the number 111 (100+10+1).

YAHSHUA huAkbar ----- NO JESUS.....NO JANNAH -----

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: (Lion-Bear-Leopard - Islam) for it is the number of a man; (Mohammed) and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six. <<< 666

>>>--- the armies of islam are gathered for Final Defeat --- YAHSHUA huAkbar

Revelation 16:16 - And He assembled them in the place having been called in Hebrew, Har-Megiddo.

Revelation 19:20 - And the beast (LBL Islam) was taken, and with him (the beast) the false prophet (Mohammed) that wrought miracles before him, with which he (satan as Mohammed, Islam LBL beast) deceived them (Muslims) that had received the mark of the beast, <<< allah & islam = 666

Muhammad Rasheed - Mark wrote: “Here's your quran & the moon god allah's”

Allah is the Arabic word from “One God.” Again, He is not a “moon god.” You have zero proof of this claim, merely falsehood blindly-parroted from disbelievers that you unwisely bear false witness to.


Rabbi Benyamin Abramson

Muhammad Rasheed - Mark wrote: “through False Prophet Muhammad”

Muhammad (pbuh) wasn’t false — remember the Qur’an prophesized that the Byzantines would regroup and defeat the Persians, and it was quite right. This Qur’anic prophecy of a real life battle between empires is routinely mentioned in universities all over the world, so how could Muhammad be a “false prophet?” He couldn’t, by definition.

By contrast, Paul of Tarsus predicted the second coming would happen within his own lifetime, only to fall on his insolent face (and be executed for his arrogant folly).

Mark Gleichner - i’m Not a christian….i DON’T do the pagan man made NON-Biblical sunday programs…

your Carnality is IMPRESSIVE demon boy…

ROMANS 8:6 — to Be Carnally Minded is DEATH

Game Over for you & your deep state NWO freemason network & the devils religion….SOON

besides being a narcissist — Here’s your ISSUE….

>>> psycho-spiritual dissonance ---

Symptoms of a psychotic / psychosis include delusions and/or false beliefs...The word psychosis is used to describe conditions that affect the mind, where there has been loss of contact with reality --- exhibiting or suggestive of mental or emotional unsoundness or instability = moohammad

here’s their DESTINY →>> REVELATION 21:8 —- But for the cowardly, unbelieving, sinners, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers,* idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

Muhammad Rasheed - Mark wrote: “i’m Not a christian…”

You’re quoting the pagan-influenced corruptions of Paul of Tarsus at me with a straight face. Clearly you’re a Christian. You realize that blatant lying is also a sin that should leave you vulnerable to your little demon crawlings, too, yes? Have a care, please.

Mark wrote: “i DON’T do the pagan man made NON-Biblical sunday programs…”

The entire bible is a corrupt fabrication by pagan-influenced men. Good luck with that.

Mark wrote: “your Carnality is IMPRESSIVE”

I’m just pointing out that the scholars who put the bible together admit among themselves that the book is a corrupt fabrication. Is providing the truth an act of carnality? lol You’re confused.

Mark wrote: “demon boy…”

Referring to a 53 yr old Black American male as a “boy” taints your witness something terrible, as well as violates the platform’s basic civility policy. I expect a formal apology.

Mark wrote: “ROMANS 8:6”

Again, Paul of Tarsus is the false prophet of legend. Please refrain from quoting corrupt foolishness at me.

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