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Q: What can someone say to prove they're not racist?
Murphy Barrett - Not a damned thing.
It used to be that when someone called you a racist, what they meant was that you were displaying bigotry or hatred of someone based on the color of his or her skin, or that you believed something about all members of a particular race that was unfounded.
Now when someone accuses you of racism, they don’t give a fuck what you think, they just want everyone else to think you’re racist and not listen to you. The accusation has fuckall to do with whether or not you’re actually racist.
Why do I say this? Because you get nimrods making assertions like this.
And they actually mean it when they say it. And completely miss how insulting and ironically racist their own accusation is.
So if someone accuses you of being a racist, just ignore it or tell the accuser you weigh more than a duck, so fuck off.
After all, “outing” racists is the new witch-hunt.
Muhammad Rasheed - I understand why a white man in an interracial relationship would be offended by the Griffin Tweet above, but the “minority sex servant” comment highlights a real issue of concern considering the anti-Black American history of U.S. race-relations. When all civil rights movement attempts to make the maligned Black American(ADOS) ethnic group whole were rejected by both Democrats and Republicans, but anti-miscegenation laws were lifted pretty quickly with interracial couples touted as “progress” even though the ethnic group themselves remain just as economically excluded from American life as ever.
Far from being equal in U.S. society, the power dynamic is tilted in a vicious racial caste system. So, how can a white man be in a lawful relationship with a Black American woman without violating the same moral law between correctional officer + prisoner, or teacher + pupil?
Murphy Barrett - What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with you? Why is it that “anti-racists” end up sounding so fucking much like Klanners? You’re statement is predicated on the assumption of white superiority and black inferiority. You’re comparing interracial relationships with fucking prison rape?
Slack-Man - Yes, the Loving v. Virginia case was considered landmark, But I still go with Murphy on that. Once you discover that there are people that you can't please no matter what you do, you are now free to ignore them. It quite liberating.
Let's face it, I have biracial daughters, so the point you make applies to me. Its ridiculous to even assume that anyone but my first wife had the power in our relationship. She was a woman, first and foremost! Plus, she was older than me, which is another dynamic to explore.
Now, you bring up white men and black (or brown) women). Does you power dynamic work both ways? Note that a few months ago I added my integrity test to my profile. It worth a read (its near the bottom)
Given its 2023, it ironic that we compare marriage to prison. Yes, we have abusive relationships, but we have also discovered they work both ways.
Slack-Man - Another point: I suggested we have nothing to fear from interracial relationships in “It’s Ok to Be White” space, and you would have thought I shoved a firecracker up someone's ass.
In other words, I seem to get it from both sides on this.
Muhammad Rasheed - Slack-Man wrote: “Yes, the Loving v. Virginia case was considered landmark, But I still go with Murphy on that. Once you discover that there are people that you can't please no matter what you do, you are now free to ignore them. It quite liberating.”
That’s not answering my question; it’s just saying “I don’t care what other people think about my choices.” I get that as a basic given of our society, a society that has never addressed the accrued discrimination against Black Americans(ADOS) by white America.
Slack-Man wrote: “Let's face it, I have biracial daughters, so the point you make applies to me.”
It applies to every white/black interracial relationship and the people who at least support it in principle as a form of racial progress.
Slack-Man wrote: “Its ridiculous to even assume that anyone but my first wife had the power in our relationship.”
Why is that “ridiculous” when in our modern society, Black American women are at the bottom of our socio-economic ladder while white males hold all the power & wealth? It sounds like you aren’t even trying to objectively think the issue through.
Slack-Man wrote: “She was a woman, first and foremost! Plus, she was older than me, which is another dynamic to explore.”
What matters — like the guard/prisoner and teacher/student analogy — is that the ever-present race-based power dynamic made the choice unfair at a fundamental caste system level.
Slack-Man wrote: “Now, you bring up white men and black (or brown) women).”
I only brought up the Black American former slave class ethnic group specifically.
Slack-Man wrote: “Does you power dynamic work both ways?”
Between whites and Black Americans(ADOS) in the USA? How could it? The lopsided race-relations issues that Dr. King was fighting for were never addressed — in fact, he was specifically killed to keep him from being successful in that regard. ADOS are today economically excluded from US life just as they were back then. The power dynamic has only ever been slanted in one way and the idea of it becoming ideally balanced has always made white America FURIOUS. Always.
Slack-Man wrote: “Given its 2023, it ironic that we compare marriage to prison.”
How would that be ironic considering the modern feminist movement frowns upon marriage for everybody except the homosexual community? lol
Anyway, I didn’t compare “marriage to prison.” I compared the power dynamic between whites and Black Americans to the prison guard vs prisoner power dynamic.
Slack-Man wrote: “Yes, we have abusive relationships, but we have also discovered they work both ways.”
Again, “abusive relationships” isn’t the topic of my question. I’m asking how can a white man be in a lawful relationship with a Black American woman in good faith without violating the same moral law that protects the vulnerable in a lopsided power dynamic? You appear to be attempting to deflect from my actual point. Why?
Muhammad Rasheed - Slack-Man wrote: “In other words, I seem to get it from both sides on this.”
Well, in this case you aren’t “getting it” from me; I’m merely asking a question and looking for well thought-out and intelligent response[s]. This is not an attack, although I understand the nature of the question can be uncomfortable for a demographic that has never once confronted the race issue from a candid and authentic position without getting defensive about it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Murphy wrote: “What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with you?”
My ethnic group, the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS), suffer the ongoing effects of being politically disenfranchised and economically excluded due to generations of accrued discrimination.
Murphy wrote: “Why is it that ‘anti-racists’ end up sounding so fucking much like Klanners?”
I asked a question that basically asks white men how they justify interracial relationships with ADOS women when the power dynamic in an oppressive racial caste system environment is the same as it is between prison guard vs prisoner and teacher vs student. I didn’t scream at you about interracial relationships or demand it stop or anything similar — I just posed the question. Which part of my question “sounded like a klanner” exactly?
Murphy wrote: “You’re statement is predicated on the assumption of white superiority and black inferiority.”
No, it’s predicated on the fact of the USA’s lineage-based racial caste system that has ADOS oppressed in artificial impoverishment while whites enjoy 90% of the national household wealth. This situation exists specifically because the economic exclusion of ADOS throughout the 230 yrs of slavery and the subsequent 150 yrs of government complicit discrimination were never addressed to make my people whole. There’s been a whole lot of talking like it was sorta-kinda be addressed maybe some time in the future though, and then one day, people magically started talking like the whole thing was over and everyone was equal and whites were tired of people bringing up old stuff that made them uncomfortable. My question is predicated upon the historical fact of continuous systemic racism against my ethnic group to allow whites to live their best lives, as the kids say.
Murphy wrote: “You’re comparing interracial relationships with fucking prison rape?”
No. I’m comparing the lop-sided power dynamic we find between prison guards vs prisoners — which is so lopsided it’s legally considered rape — to the same power dynamic between the white male at the top of our economic racial caste system vs the ADOS woman as the economic bottom caste. Given this very real lopsided power dynamic, how do white males justify it while presenting the odd situation as if it is “racial progress?”
Slack-Man - Well, that a lot to unpack here. However, being that I was in an interracial marriage i can assue you that if there was a correctional officer vs inmate dynamic going on, I was the inmate.
I will have to make it clear here that my first wife was asian, not black, so I dont give you the wrong impression. On the other hand, she had “brown skin” and my black friends called her an “honorary sister.”
So I dont know if some who might “pass as black” counts, but then again rednecks dont have Tricorders that scan your DNA
Note: In most cases people tend to marry inside their social class, so a white man married to a black woman might each have colelge degrees.
I will also point out that the black man, white woman trope is well overdone, I’m wondering why its such an issue if reversed.
In my mind, interracial relationships are oprogress, and signal to our children that racism can be overcome.
But then, I do not pretend to speak for everyone.
Do guys think Asian girls are pretty?
Why are there so many White man/Asian woman couples? (this one has one of my first wife’s friends in it)
Why would a man seek out a much younger, foreign wife and bring her to the US? (as they often are, the comment section was golden)
I dont know if that covered your question or not.
Muhammad Rasheed - Slack-Man wrote: “I dont know if that covered your question or not.”
I appreciate you making the honest effort to think the topic through. I can understand why you would use the white/Asian pairing as your example, both due to the limits of personal experience as well as lack of information to pull from for the Black/White race-relations history. To me, this latter item represents a symptom of US education avoiding teaching the history of our race-relations, so the only people who really understand what we are dealing with as interconnected communities are the political activist subject matter specialists themselves. This puts the average person at a disadvantage in being able to intelligently speak on the topic, since the average American is always shocked when they discover reality is very different from watered-down caricatures of the topic we see in mass media pretending to be objective truths.
Slack-Man wrote: “I will have to make it clear here that my first wife was asian, not black, so I dont give you the wrong impression.”
Yes, the history of Black Americans(ADOS) in the USA is very different than that of the Asian communities. One group was the one enslaved and plundered to build the great wealth of the nation, wealth that has been withheld from them up into the present day, while the other is currently fully economically included in society with a powerful political force supporting them at all levels. My people can’t even pretend to have all of that, and are literally trying to build our political base back up from scratch after having been disenfranchised altogether in the last 60 yrs or so.
Slack-Man wrote: “Note: In most cases people tend to marry inside their social class, so a white man married to a black woman might each have colelge degrees.”
ADOS functions as a wealthless bottom caste community in our country—the racial wealth gap is wider now than during jim crow—while whites control 90% of the national household wealth. The tiny sliver of assimilated ADOS and their individual choices in integrated communities can’t represent the group.
Slack-Man wrote: “I will also point out that the black man, white woman trope is well overdone, I’m wondering why its such an issue if reversed.”
They are the same; they both represent a siphoning of wealth out of the ADOS community into the white community, as the few high-earning ADOS males or females, do not return to the community after they marry white spouses.
Slack-Man wrote: “In my mind, interracial relationships are oprogress, and signal to our children that racism can be overcome.”
This is the essence of my original question. The interracial relationship was added to the civil rights political agenda checklist as a point literally worth dying for, while no other item on that checklist was achieved, most notably the economic inclusion portion that would enable us to live full lives as an identity group. The fact that we remain an artificially impoverished group completely locked out of the political process by design, but interracial relations is continuously pushed in our faces as some kind of progress, kindles suspicion more than any kind of faux-hope.
***My comments were deleted from Murphy Barrett's Quora Answer***
webkilla - I mean, he compares interracial dating to prison rape when its white man + black woman.CITATION
Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Peculiar Cherry-Picking of Interracial Relationships as the Only Racial Progress." Cartoon [pending]. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 2023. Permanent marker w/Adobe Photoshop color.
M. Rasheed on BitChute!
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