Sunday, December 12, 2021

Falling for the Enemy's Schemes and Producing 'Fake Deepness' from the Failure


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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Falling for the Enemy's Schemes and Producing 'Fake Deepness' from the Failure." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 13 Dec 2021. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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Ray Crisp - I’m Asking All My Friends and Family This Genuinely

What Makes the Concept of this So Hard to Believe? Why do We Run to Organized Religion for Answers they Don’t Provide, Can U See The Scam and a System built off Control…Is it Comfort? No Disrespect This is a Safe Space 🙏🏾

Muhammad Rasheed - What does "God is within them" mean exactly in context?

Ray Crisp - Good Question…The best way to explain the Creator would be to look at the creation right. Bible says we are all “Gods” Children (this includes: Planets, Stars, Plants, Animals etc) it also hints at the concept of that being within. Atoms are the God Molecule. The one creation that is in absolutely everything this connects us with all sentient life. Religion is divisive they have been killing each other over it for centuries so anything divisive is not positive by definition. Nature is spiritual harmony in action. So Putting all that together. The Creator is in Nature Already Daily we walk thru the power of the creator never acknowledging the beauty of the System the creator built. We man make our concepts when the answer is in front of us. We kill the planet instead of Curate it. We try to capitalize instead of harmonize. This is the unnatural behavior. God within is simple it’s being in tune. Tapping into the cosmic WiFi instead of assimilating destruction. The Bible says God speaks thru us…Yet we don’t realize how literal that statement is. It means a few other things as in on a superficial level we know Melanin is made up of the same matter as Star dust or black matter. Plants also have this it’s what allows us to process sunlight in a photosynthetic manner.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ray wrote: "Religion is divisive"

How is religion divisive outside of the normal divisive conflicts humans engage in? I know it is currently trendy to say "religion is divisive," but what human-run system can't be used as a tool of divisiveness by the criminal minded usual suspects?

Ray Crisp - No By nature of the thing it is divisive. Religion is a fairly new concept in the existence of humanity. Christianity literally used force to spread itself. Even Europe didn’t believe in the concept of modern Christianity until the inquisition, a time period where all natural thought was tortured & brutally murdered out of the region. They then came to whole continents forcibly Warring, Enslaving, Raping and Destroying all in the name of “Religion” in the name of Superiority & Whitewashing a connection with the creator they did not have. No matter how u try to make an evil thing good it can never be such. The divisive nature of modern religion is built in the actions of the following not the benevolence of a plagiarized text. The original historical record of all events in the modern Bible are kept in Ethiopia there it is considered Historical text not a religion to gang bang upon. I say divisive because I follow the history of the concept without bias. We believe in the current system not because it’s right or wrong but because it was forced upon us by threat of death. The crusades are centuries old the original Christian church told its followers liking in its name would be an automatic route to heaven. No matter how u slice it the division is built into the thing ie my comment.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ray wrote: "No By nature of the thing it is divisive. [...] The divisive nature of modern religion is built in the actions of the following not the benevolence of a plagiarized text."

You admit that the actions of the people are the problem, not what the source texts themselves say. So, if the people are behaving contrary to what the faith actually instructs, how are be blaming the religion as the problem while simultaneously saying we "follow the history of the concept without bias"?Religion is the encoding of the tenets of faith into lifestyle. It basically "idiot proofs" the commands of God in our day-to-day functions as long as we are committed to staying on the Straight Path. If we stray off of that path and follow our lusts, we are no longer following the religion, even should we proclaim that we are doing it in the "name of" the religion/God.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ray wrote: "We believe in the current system not because it’s right or wrong but because it was forced upon us by threat of death."

I made the conscious decision to study the material and at the end of that study, chose a path I felt was best.

From the Christian side, it's not insignificant that it was the Black Church that led the fight for economic equality during the civil rights era, only for the church to be attacked and transformed into impotent, apolitical non-profits in the post-Integration era.

More than ever we should be wary of uncritically following trendy 'feel good' rhetoric that doesn't actually match the facts of history.

Ray Crisp - See the benevolence you place on the text is not a new concept created by religion it’s a perverse version of an original understanding one in place in all spiritual concepts that predate it. A co-opted concept not one created by organized religion. The reason the text is not the answer is the human additions to the entire concept.

Let’s do this so you can see my point. Let’s speak about Religion and compare them to laws. Laws in modern society by the nature of them seem to solve issues yet when put into practice they leave room for interpretation and evil application. Religion from its conception in Europe was used to control not to enlighten. The additions to the text, the subtle subconscious tricks, the formatting and word structure all add up to a tainted brainwashing tool not an accurate spiritual experience. We hold onto a tainted and destructive retelling of our own history. It’s cancerous. The original commandments or Laws of Maat include 32 Not 10 and they have personal connection to the upholding of these Heavenly Laws. Each starts “I Will Not” … Not “Thou Shalt Not” this subtle change takes the responsibility from first person to third person. It may not seem big but Holding ones self responsible is 1000xs more positive than a Sky Daddy holding you responsible. Religion was made to separate us from the creator and put in place men as the middle man to our own salvation. Man shall never be that. I know it may be hard to see but by the nature of the thing it is deformed and ineffective. Look at our communities churches on every corner yet since there conception they have never empowered only made our community docile and easy to manipulate.

Ray Crisp - I’ve lived by this my entire life. This is not trendy rhetoric for me. I grew up in the church I know the Bible backwards and forwards. So much so I study the history of the religion itself and the current version “Christianity” is created in Europe and is built from evil. There’s no way around that. The King James Version is built of control, Murder, and torture to spread itself across the globe. Studying a thing from reconstruction to the civil rights movement is not the entirety of the religion that’s a glimpse into it yes but not the start or the entirety of it. Because we used a understanding made for evil to create good Doesnt make a thing good. Look at the N-Word, look at chitlings, look at poverty etc. We naturally by our nature have the ability to turn the polarity of anything to positive. It’s in our nature. That doesn’t make it benevolent it makes us spiritually gifted by nature.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ray wrote: "See the benevolence you place on the text is not a new concept created by religion"

The religion I follow was revealed to the very first human being, so the concept of "a new concept invented by religion" does not compute within my belief system. Belief in the enduring message of the One God, belief in the prophet-messengers who preached it clear & true, is vital to understanding the nature of truth in spirituality -- everything we know about God and spirit was revealed to us through the messengers anointed for that purpose. What you are doing here is asking me to reject the message of the One who made me to instead convert to your own version of just making up spirituality as you go.

Ray wrote: "it’s a perverse version of an original understanding one in place in all spiritual concepts that predate it."

There are no spiritual concepts that predate that of the One God.

Ray wrote: "The reason the text is not the answer is the human additions to the entire concept."

Study into the material enables one to develop the ability to discern between the message of God versus the filthy pagan taint of corrupt men. It isn't hard. The beauty of the enduring scripture of the ages is its simplicity (believe in God, do good, reject evil, repent when you mess up). Perverse men are by their nature over-complex in their attempts to gain followers to follow them into hell. lol

Ray wrote: "Laws in modern society by the nature of them seem to solve issues yet when put into practice they leave room for interpretation and evil application."

Sometimes influential evil-doers directly manipulate laws in their favor. Like when the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act was put in place to control the greedy accesses of John D. Rockefeller, but he already had paid-off men on the inside of the Legislative Branch to corrupt the bill before it was signed. Today, laws are deliberately written with an over-thick banality to disguise the evil embedded within. 

Ray wrote: "Religion from its conception in Europe..."

lol Religion was not conceived in Europe. Western Christianity was appropriated by the Euro-Church, but they certainly didn't invent it. At this point I need to hear your definition of the term in full so I can see what you are thinking better. What is "Religion?"

Ray wrote: "was used to control not to enlighten. The additions to the text, the subtle subconscious tricks, the formatting and word structure all add up to a tainted brainwashing tool not an accurate spiritual experience."

You are also admitting here that what was done to the text and practiced by the church bureaucrats is not the original message, yet you are still vilifying the religion itself. Curious.

Ray wrote: "We hold onto a tainted and destructive retelling of our own history. It’s cancerous."

Agreed. That's why it's important to study to show your own self approved, as they say. It turns out that there is no area of our lives in which we aren't holding onto "a tainted and destructive retelling of our own history." Singling out religion for it seems agenda driven.

Ray wrote: "The original commandments or Laws of Maat include..."

There are no 'laws' that predate the One God's message. The versions held by the two semite nations is only the last revelations of an ancient scripture that first came to earth when the first human walked it. Paganism of any kind is a tainted corruption, not an original truth.

Ray wrote: "It may not seem big but Holding ones self responsible is 1000xs more positive than a Sky Daddy holding you responsible."

The One God revealed that we were given Free Will and the message to manage our own affairs and hold ourselves responsible. God's job will only be to Judge how we decided to hold ourselves responsible.

Ray wrote: "Religion was made to separate us from the creator..."

Religion was revealed to guide us on the Straightway with clear actionable direction from the Most High.

Ray wrote: "and put in place men as the middle man to our own salvation."

The men put themselves in the way of our salvation because they saw an opportunity to exploit. That's why it's important to study to show ourselves approved so we can be wary of such figures. God abolished priest-craft when the Tribe of Levi proved the concept was devoid of merit.

Ray wrote: "I know it may be hard to see"

I see into the subject very clearly, Ray.

Ray wrote: "but by the nature of the thing it is deformed and ineffective."

The actual problem is that humans themselves are often weak-willed and easily swayed into foolishness by their lusts. When these very same humans are tasked to run a system of morality, they can often fall short of the lofty goals -- which happens again and again and again. This is the root cause of the problem, not the religion itself.

Ray wrote: "Look at our communities churches on every corner yet since there conception they have never empowered only made our community docile and easy to manipulate."

I already mentioned the Black Church and spoke on what the problem was.

Ray Crisp - Let me ask Are You a Christian. Do you read the King James Or New King James Version of the Bible? Are U going by that or some other understanding of Religion. Because u seem to be hung up on the word and I’m not sure you fully understand it’s origin.

Muhammad Rasheed - I'm not "hung up on the word," it's just that your usage of the term differs from how it was presented by God Himself. I'm not likely to accept some guy's odd interpretation based on modern trendy rhetoric over what the Lord thy God revealed.

Ray Crisp - You skipped my question in entirety…Again are u a Christian…Are gaining your understanding of this concept from the King James Bible?

Muhammad Rasheed - Please notice that I asked you to define "religion" before you asked me whether I was Christian or not. I would ask that you take that fact into consideration before you start saying who skipped which question. lol

Ray Crisp - Wow 🤦🏾‍♂️ Ok. I asked the question to better reply to your long statement and question. You said a lot I simply asked one question in response to better source my answer.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ray wrote: "I’ve lived by this my entire life. This is not trendy rhetoric for me."

The trend began after the civil rights era and you seem pretty young. It may be that magical melanin fooling me though.

Ray wrote: "I grew up in the church I know the Bible backwards and forwards."

The quality of your argument reveals what you know or not. Just because you grew up in that environment doesn't mean you cared to actually study the material for meaning. After reading your comments thus far, I find myself skeptical of the claim.

Ray wrote: "So much so I study the history of the religion itself"

So far I find your rhetoric no different than that of any other pagan-leaning afrocentric "spiritual not religious" type I've encountered. In my experience, they are similar to the atheist who likewise carries about a bag full of strawman effigies pretending to be comprehensive religious knowledge.

Ray wrote: "and the current version 'Christianity' is created in Europe and is built from evil. There’s no way around that."

Western Christianity was appropriated by Europe and tweaked & prodded by a succession of theologians, but they can never make the claim they actually invented it.

Ray wrote: "The King James Version is built of control, Murder, and torture to spread itself across the globe."

If that were true, then the Abolitionists couldn't have used it to successfully conflict the slave holders precisely through their religion, which was the fundamental nature of that national argument. The descendants of that 1% class countered by vilifying religion altogether using mass media indoctrination, hence the modern trendy rhetoric we've mentioned. 😉

Ray wrote: "Studying a thing from reconstruction to the civil rights movement is not the entirety of the religion that’s a glimpse into it yes but not the start or the entirety of it."

Are you going to invent the timeline that I studied based on my mentioning one thing in a single post? lol

Ray wrote: "Because we used a understanding made for evil to create good Doesnt make a thing good."

God's religions are good. That humans performed evil while flying a Christian banner only taints the faith for those who lack understanding.

Ray wrote: "Look at the N-Word, look at chitlings, look at poverty etc. We naturally by our nature have the ability to turn the polarity of anything to positive."

lol None of those items are positive. Perhaps you saying the n-word was "turned into a positive" gives me insight into your true age...?

Muhammad Rasheed - Ray wrote: "Wow 🤦🏾‍♂️ Ok."

lol I don't know what the "wow" is supposed to mean. You accused me of deliberately skipping a question. I only pointed out that I was waiting for you to answer my question that I asked first. That's all.

What is "religion," please? Answer to the best of your ability and I promise to answer your questions. This doesn't have to be a funky exchange.

Ray Crisp - Religion: Simply…A man made understanding of a higher power.


Muhammad Rasheed - I am a practicing orthodox Muslim.

Ray wrote: "Religion: Simply…A man made understanding of a higher power."

In the Qur'an, the One God said at the end of the revelation "now I have completed my favor onto you, perfected your religion for you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." At the time God revealed that verse, the religion of God was composed only of the revealed message and the example of the human prophet in how to walk it out. Based on that truth, "A man made understanding of a higher power" does not define the faith. Religion is what God commanded and the example of how to do it by the anointed messenger.

We should have done that up front so we would understand each other better.

Muhammad Rasheed - In other words, Christianity is likewise composed of what the One God told the Christ Jesus, son of Mary to preach to the wayward children of Israel, combined with the messenger's example in how to walk out the Gospel. What over-reaching theologians added after-the-fact is not the religion.

Ray Crisp - Sure if that helped you. Still it changes nothing towards what I was saying. Muhammad was a prophet and a man as well. So by my definition just stated it totally fits. The Muslim (organized) religion does not predate the universal understandings (or truths) stated in the Qur’an. Muhammad’s first revelation is dated as 610 AD making it the youngest of all organized religions. To expand upon my definition religion is a system of belief with rituals & structured penalties/rules. Muslims kill in the name of religion before the concept of terrorism Muslims are not exempt from spreading division and conquering in the name of religion. I will admit Muslims are more enlightened in there path and more diligent in there actions but it doesn’t change the facts. Spirituality is nature not written/organized religion.

Muhammad Rasheed - Ray wrote: "Sure if that helped you. Still it changes nothing towards what I was saying."

You don't think it's a good thing that two people in an argument understand the other's viewpoint for more effective discourse?

Ray wrote: "Muhammad was a prophet and a man as well."


Ray wrote: "So by my definition just stated it totally fits."

Muhammad only preached God's revelations. He was not the author of it. That means nothing in your definition fits.

Ray wrote: "The Muslim (organized) religion does not predate the universal understandings (or truths) stated in the Qur’an."

The Muslim religion has some Ishmaelite cultural traits in it, but the greater expression of the faith is universal and older than you think. For example, a rabbi sheepishly admitted that their prayers were originally exactly like the Muslim prayers, but they deliberately hid that fact -- a point that Allah called the children of Israel out on in the Book's second chapter.

Ray wrote: "Muhammad’s first revelation is dated as 610 AD making it the youngest of all organized religions."

Irrelevant. The message itself is as old as the species. The two semite nations only got to carry the last of it.

Ray wrote: "Muslims kill in the name of religion before the concept of terrorism Muslims are not exempt from spreading division and conquering in the name of religion."

You would only have a point if what you are specifically referring to can be found in the source text of Al-Islam.

Ray wrote: "I will admit Muslims are more enlightened in there path and more diligent in there actions but it doesn’t change the facts. Spirituality is nature not written/organized religion."

The fact is that there would be no knowledge of spirituality among humankind if the One God did not first reach out to us and reveal the message for that very purpose. Our relationship with the spirit is on God's terms, not any we vainly manufacture.

Ray Crisp - No it’s good to understand one another but it didn’t change my initial thought. Let me also say I love your work and respect what you do so me not agreeing doesn’t mean I don’t respect you as a man or supreme thinker.

Yet also you saying “the message itself is as old as the species” is my entire point. Organized religion does not predate the understanding the understanding predates organized religion.

Believe what you will but the spiritual nature of this understanding shall all ways be natural and supernatural simultaneously. We tap into god with every second of our existence, we pray with every thought, we are one with the supreme creator as long as we choose to be. We don’t need text and rituals to do so. God or the creator reaches out constantly and I don’t need to join a church or masque to hear him. The message from the creator is in everything you only have to hear it.

Peace to you family 🙏🏾 Much Love & Good Energy

Muhammad Rasheed - Ray wrote: "No it’s good to understand one another but it didn’t change my initial thought."

I engage for my own understanding, Ray, not to convert.

Ray wrote: "Yet also you saying 'the message itself is as old as the species' is my entire point."

I don't think it is. I meant a very specific thing that aligned to the what God said His perfected religion is.

Ray wrote: "Organized religion does not predate the understanding the understanding predates organized religion."

Organized religion is walking out the commands of God as lifestyle -- building habits of righteousness so they become second nature and become easier as we age. That's the point of it and why God instructs us to do it the way we do it. A lack of insight and understanding, along with a spirit of defiant rebellion causes us to reject that which is for our own good.

Ray wrote: "Believe what you will"

I will indeed believe that which the One God hath revealed that I may prosper. I do suggest that you do the same.

Ray wrote: "but the spiritual nature of this understanding shall all ways be natural and supernatural simultaneously. We tap into god with every second of our existence..."

God revealed the message to define humanity's relationship with the Divine; we do not get to manufacture our own concepts of it based on feel-good trendy rhetoric.

Ray wrote: "we are one with the supreme creator as long as we choose to be."

God defined the boundaries between us and we state vain utterances to the contrary to our detriment.

Ray wrote: "We don’t need text and rituals to do so."

God revealed what we needed to ensure our salvation. Trying to reinvent the wheel based on rebellious defiance will lead only to our doom. Have a care.

Ray wrote: "God or the creator reaches out constantly"

God reached out to the anointed messengers and commanded them to preach the message to us clear & true, and instruct us in scripture & wisdom. Will ye not be wise?

Ray wrote: "and I don’t need to join a church or masque to hear him."

No, but you do need to study the Book so that you learn what it is your Guardian Lord requires of you.

Ray wrote: "The message from the creator is in everything you only have to hear it."

Will you recognize the signs of your Creator while simultaneously rejecting the message? lol That's not how this existence works, Ray. Be careful. Eternity is a looooong time.

Ray wrote: "Peace to you family 🙏🏾 Much Love & Good Energy"



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