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2019 Glyph Comics Award Winner (BEST COMIC STRIP OR WEBCOMIC)!
Rasheed, Muhammad. "Racism's Filthy Molestation of Legality." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 13 Aug 2019. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
Anonymous - Will the U.S. as a nation ever heal from slavery?
Muhammad Rasheed - Sure, after Reparations are paid out and the black American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) are politically enfranchised and economically included so they recover from these four centuries of anti-Black systemic racism to finally become empowered as full U.S. citizens.
Jeff York - I absolutely agree that reparations should’ve been paid. The window was 1865 to 1964. Post 1964 the money that could’ve been used for reparations was instead used for LBJ’s Great Society/War on Poverty programs. As of 2015 this was ~$6-trillion, of which blacks received a disproportionate amount; ~$22-trillion adgusted for inflation. Blacks will have to be satisfied with that and ~45 years of affirmative action.
It took from 1835 to 2000, 165 years, for the national debt to go from zero to $5.7-trillion. It’s taken less than twenty years to almost *quadruple* to $22.6-trillion-and-counting. That is not sustainable. I *wish* that was the bad news. The *really* bad news is that estimates for unfunded liabilities for defense and entitlements, i.e. projected funding shortfalls, range from $100-trillion to $200-trillion. It’s way past time that we started making some hard choices.
There is no money for reparations or “Medicare for all” or for a “Green New Deal.” There’s probably just enough money to fund the ~twenty functions delegated to the federal government by the Constitution and service the debt. Everything else needs to be phased-out. It’s going to be painful but the sooner we start the less painful it will be.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: “I absolutely agree that reparations should’ve been paid. The window was 1865 to 1964.”
Since the debt was never paid, the window is still open and the meter is still running.
Jeff wrote: “…was instead used for LBJ’s Great Society/War on Poverty programs.”
Those programs were immediately attacked by our conservative rivals, who stripped the programs of their intended force & scope which prevented them from enabling ADOS to have an under-girded economic floor such as what enabled the poor white to rise into the middle class. None of the programs that economically empowered the white community were present in LBJ’s programs.
Jeff wrote: “As of 2015 this was ~$6-trillion, of which blacks received a disproportionate amount…”
This is a blatant lie, as LBJ’s programs were deliberately framed within ‘raceless’ language specifically so that gov administrators could make the programs into yet more income streams for the white community, who absolutely have always devoured the lion’s share of LBJ’s programs.
Jeff wrote: “Blacks will have to be satisfied with that…”
Negative. The US gov will pay what they owe to the penny. Feel free to have a red-faced tantrum over it as you like. It is all one to me.
Jeff wrote: “45 years of affirmative action”
The affirmative action program was usurped long ago and primarily benefits white woman. You may talk to your white feminist about that and see what she says. Affirmative action has never functioned as it was originally intended to, i.e., helping the poorest ADOS gain job experiences within participating ‘integration’ white-owned establishments. From day one, the white business owners refused to take on the political risk and instead only hired over-qualified, educated ADOS thus, again stripping the program of its force & scope.
Jeff wrote: “… the national debt to go from zero to $5.7-trillion […] to almost *quadruple* to $22.6-trillion-and-counting.”
A whole lot has happened within that time, which includes 1) the 1% grifter class desperately replacing the lucrative slave economy (“King Cotton!”) with the equally anti-Black housing market (“Real Estate is King!”), 2) the handing of our financial system over to the diabolical Money Trust, 3) and removing us from the gold/precious metals standard which otherwise DEMANDS fiscal responsibility at the federal level. You should be more diligent protecting our nation from the actual bad guys of the story.
Jeff wrote: “There is no money for reparations…”
Sure there is. Just as you’ve bailed out the Money Trust per the Federal Reserve Act contract whenever they overreach and nigh-destroy the economy at their whim so they can personally enrich the 1% grifter class leadership wealth coffers for fun & greed, you may just as enthusiastically cut me a $25+ trillion check in money, land and actually effective wealth gap closing programs so we can get this business behind us finally. *chop chop*
Jeff York - Well guy you’re for a long wait. You haven’t refuted any of my points, most especially the fact that the money simply isn’t there. That valid issue aside, I agree with Amy Wax that everything that can be done for black people, politically & financially, has been done. Black people ceasing to reward & encourage so many harmful & self-destructive choices & behaviors would do more to help them than throwing more money at them. Lifestyle choices like having ~70% of their children out-of-wedlock, so many single-parent homes and their attitudes towards education, crime and speaking Standard American English.
As you may know Charles Barkley, who is black, got himself into some trouble a few years ago when he made the observation that “Black people are the only group in America that believes that you have to have a rap-sheet in order to have street-cred.” It’s too bad that Bill Cosby turned out to be a predator and a perv because his “pound cake” speech was dead-on. Said in all seriousness, I encourage you to immerse yourself in the works of Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams and Charles Murray.
Muhammad Rasheed - Jeff wrote: “Well guy you’re for a long wait.”
Please note that for the first time in 150 yrs, the Reparations item is vigorously being discussed on the national stage. This is due to active and effective grassroots anti-racism activism. I’ll give you credit for your dead-on impression of a false prophet though. I’ll assume that back in in 2007 you also confidently proclaimed that there would never be a Black POTUS in our lifetimes, too, eh?
Jeff wrote: “You haven’t refuted any of my points, most especially the fact that the money simply isn’t there.”
Your lack of understanding of how the Fed’s fiat credit system works doesn’t equal a valid point. The literal exact same way the US gov bailed out the Money Trust in their ever-present, greed-fueled overreach is how you can also pay off my Reparations debt.
Jeff wrote: “I agree with Amy Wax…”
So? There’s quite a few anti-Black people out there spewing a whole lot of racist nonsense that I’m positive you enthusiastically echo based solely on your responses here.
Jeff wrote: “Black people ceasing to reward & encourage so many harmful & self-destructive choices & behaviors would do more to help them than throwing more money at them.”
You believe the traditional poor choices of the lowest socio-economic classes of people means that the US gov doesn’t owe the ethnic group as a whole what they owe? Are you supposed to be trying to make sense or are you just throwing whatever against the wall to see if it sticks? Should the US gov also refuse to help any white people do anything at all in the future just because the most uncouth and poorest of you routinely make asinine choices?
Jeff wrote: “As you may know Charles Barkley…”
Black celebrities often choose to side with white supremacist rhetoric mostly because that’s where their wealth comes from (see: “Muhammad Rasheed's answer to What is "cooning?"”). These people are not my leaders, nor should I ever take them seriously. Your fondness for referencing them falls in the bag of “confirmation bias” and I have no use for your suggestions.
Jeff wrote: “It’s too bad that Bill Cosby turned out to be a predator and a perv…”
He is neither, since the nature of the case reveals he is only the victim of a racist, long-con grift scheme.
Jeff wrote: “…because his ‘pound cake’ speech was dead-on.”
Muhammad Rasheed's answer to Was Bill Cosby mocking black people in his infamous "pound cake" speech from 2004? Was he also minimizing the struggle of black people in America?
Jeff wrote: “Said in all seriousness, I encourage you to immerse yourself in the works of Thomas Sowell…”
I suggest you re-read the Black Rednecks & White Liberals title essay and realize how completely silly you sounded in this latest anti-Black rant based on your very own author recommendation. hahahaha
Jason Szumski - Reparations are due, but not money wise.
Muhammad Rasheed - It means money, land and other programs designed to close the artificially-widened racial wealth gap.
Jason Szumski - Reparations in the form of a formal apology, and commitment to give all races, ethnicity’s, and ancestral backgrounds an equal chance to prosperity for all. Make it enshrined in the state or federal constitution. Make it federal and state laws.
Muhammad Rasheed - “Commitment to give all races” has nothing to do with the specific, long-overdue debt the US gov owes my specific ethnic group for the 400 yrs of evil the white racist aristocracy has inflicted upon us.
You may have that separate “all races” conversation offline with those other people after my case is closed out. Here it only functions as a deliberate sneaky misdirection and probable grift scheme.
The nature of the wrong is economic. The formal apology will take the form of money, land and other policies designed to close the infamous racial wealth gap. You may add the apology rhetoric as fine print on the checks.
Michael Prescott Macarthur - So I as a white guy, whose family wasn’t even here during shavers should pay for this foolish idea? Should the descendants of black Americans that owned slaves? Should they pay ,
Muhammad Rasheed - Your family is here NOW living the benefits of a society that exploits ADOS as policy to artificially elevate the lives of all those accepted into the white racist aristocracy by virtue of passing the race test.
Michael Prescott Macarthur - The fact that you can be on here spouting hate, with no consequences tells me that you are also living better because of those that suffered before you. Get off of your high horse and go fight slavery somewhere. It still exists and it’s not perpetrated by whites.
Muhammad Rasheed - Not once have I “spouted hate.”
The fact that you hate the righteous justice of the US gov paying me the debt I am owed from the white race’s actual hatred upon my ethnic group is in fact the only hate expressed within this thread.
Michael wrote: “It still exists and it’s not perpetrated by whites.”
"...except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted..."
Texas prisons lose $500,000 of inmate-grown cotton destroyed in Hurricane Harvey
Michael Prescott Macarthur - Oh. And when I was in the United States Army , mo matter what color we were, we were initially all pieces of shit. At least until we proved ourselves. Our only color was green. Take your race baiting totally non original attacks elsewhere, fuck dude, you sound like you're regurgitating your professors lecture at uni.
Muhammad Rasheed - I am USMC, and I am not interested in your rhetoric about anything at all, Army Dog. There’s literally nothing about my original answer, nor in my response to you, that represents an “attack.” #TriggeredMuch
I do think it’s interesting that a white male by default considers the ADOS ethnic group finally receiving their long-overdue economic justice to be an “attack” though. I may reasonably consider that position anti-Black hate.
Michael Prescott Macarthur - You did it. You convinced me to feed the trolls. Well done . .
Muhammad Rasheed - You think me answering the question from my perspective and defending my stance from my perspective is “trolling” for no other reason than because you as a white male don’t want to see justice done to my race.
And yet you keep calling ME hateful. Fascinating.
Michael Prescott Macarthur - Ok then. Who’s going to pay for this then?
Muhammad Rasheed - The literal exact same way the US gov bailed out the Money Trust in their ever-present, greed-fueled overreach is how you can also pay off my Reparations debt.
Muhammad Rasheed - I suggest you get it over with sooner rather than later since that meter has been running for quite a while now.
Michael Prescott Macarthur - Bitter bitter bitter. You must be a real peach to be around. Blaming your own failings on “racists” is the go to play for those that don’t want to put in effort . Yes there are still racists and shitheads in this country. In fact I’ve run into many Muslims that were rotten self centered hate filled people that hated everyone not of the Islamic faith. That doesn’t mean that all are. You should try to get money from the Arabs that sold slaves to those evil Europeans
Muhammad Rasheed - Michael wrote: “Bitter bitter bitter.”
I would only feel bitter about it if I didn’t believe in God.
Michael wrote: “You must be a real peach to be around.”
Why would I hang out with a white racist Army Dog who hated the idea of righteous justice for my people? What would I possibly get out of such a relationship? I don’t drink beer nor eat pork, dude.
Michael wrote: “Blaming your own failings on ‘racists…’”
lol What failings, Michael? The US gov owes me a debt that they refused to pay because the dominant group didn’t want to stop abusing, exploiting and plundering the ADOS community for fun & profit.
The Great Land Robbery
Why does it sound like you are trying to guilt-trip me about it using a weak gaslight rhetoric trick?
Michael wrote: “In fact I’ve run into many Muslims that were rotten self centered hate filled people that hated everyone not of the Islamic faith.”
Let me remind you that you are a self-confessed member of the US Army and a white male who’s proven to care only for his own selfish group as expressed within this very thread. Considering people who think exactly like you deliberately waged war against the Muslim World for fun & profit, how do you suggest I interpret your comment about your opinion of Muslims? lol
Michael wrote: “You should try to get money from the Arabs that sold slaves to those evil Europeans”
Your uninformed opinion about that concept still has nothing at all to do with the debt the US gov owes me. Does your entire argument consist of trying to distract me from what is actually real?
MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.
MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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