Saturday, February 9, 2019

Committed to Thick

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Committed to Thick." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 09 Feb 2019. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.

Paul Sabljic - @Muhammad... If a white editorial cartoonist drew a picture of an ugly ragged black man using bad grammar covered in flies and rats next to a clean intelligent white man do you think that would be acceptable? How long do you think it would take till a platform like Quora removes the picture and bans the artist?

Muhammad Rasheed - Logical Fallacy Violation: “False Equivalency”

I fail to see the point of the comparison since the image depicted doesn’t represent how all Black people see white people — the way whites prefer to see all Blacks in your comparative example — but how a particular class of white people insist upon disingenuously interpreting the anti-racism activist fight for the Reparations that are due to the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS).

The visual is the physical depiction of how ugly and uncouth that political stance looks to the artist, not how white people themselves look to the artist. By contrast, the white racist figure insists that all Blacks are inherently primitive monkeys who don’t deserve the nice things white people plunder from them, and the race-reversal of that concept is never depicted in Black art since we don’t think that way about all white people in general. I certainly don’t.

Moikgantsi Kgama - Given the history of race in America, why do white Americans have so much trouble understanding that blackface is insulting?

Muhammad Rasheed - They are being disingenuous. They don't have trouble understanding it at all, but they just enjoy making fun of people they want to believe they are inherently superior to and they certainly don't want to stop having all that fun just because the target victim protests about it. Surely the complaints of the barbaric bully's victims makes racially-motivated bullying even MORE fun!

The alternative explanation is that they are mentally stunted and incapable of learning basic information, but I lean towards the former.

Mic Worthy - Exactly! #Facts

Ollie Doss - Love the artwork and the message!!!

Jason Hargrove - no reparations they think sleeping with white women is reparations

Ollie Doss - Unfortunately, you're right.

Christopher Counts - so much racism

Bryan Dass - im not sure about reparations - i spent my life studying malcolm x and dr khalid - both of them seemed to veer their outlook on reparations toward the end - especially malcolm moreso than khalid - i think the panthers movement had everything they needed to not need reparations - even tho many other races got it yes - but the truely powerful go and get for themselves n say fuck off to the enemy whoever the enemy might be...

they take no love from the enemy in my opinion - just some thoughts on the matter. pac was a part of the new wave imo - he wasnt on reparations at all and chose the business direction - he was too late in that decision though. but to be self made n work smart to me is the best success - and most community service can get done that way. bottom line is no one helps anyone in this world - we have to get used to it and even learn to love it.

Muhammad Rasheed - Bryan wrote: "i think the pathers movement had everything they needed to not need reparations"

Reparations is the payout designed to repair the economic damages caused by generations of anti-Black systemic racism. It's about JUSTICE. The demand for reparatory justice is a routine part of a lawsuit designed to aid in righting a wrong. That's the point, not whether the people can still get by with the crumbs left over after being exploited/plundered/stolen from by the white racist aristocracy.

Along with Reparations is the formal dismantling of anti-Black systemic racism. Both of these go hand-in-hand and to allow racism's plunder of the Black community to continue is unacceptable. You're saying we should turn our back on our traditional enemy and continue to work hard while the fruits of our labor are continuously siphoned off into the wealth coffers of white racists. No. Deebo cannot have my grandma's chain.

Bryan Dass - true. but again... this life isnt fair and we can't expect anyone to give justice. when i wrote panthers had it - i mean economically - they took care of their own - via self sufficiency in education, food production and security. As for money - they were using 'black economics' whereby they made their own businesses and kept growing a healthy economic environment in their communities - bit by bit.

Garvey was up on all this and making way with the ship as you know - he understood that making business moves could literally give the people everything they needed. I will leave you to your beliefs it's not a problem - but i definitely believe that a more sustainable rational option was their own self made power, rather than any power being handed to them - especially by any government. i dont expect change in anyone or anything ever - and from that logical approach, one can plan for their success. Even if the world got MORE racist - it's not a problem if the player is a power player and smarter than the so called racists.

Malcolm was doing a lot of different work toward his end - he wasnt even talking about it as much (Malcolm Diaries) whereby he was slowly setting up alike Garvey business communications with Africa and other places (middle east i think). As for turning your backs while people steal from you. In business, it's all about people stealing from you - so no i dont say anything about turning your backs and allowing injustice - im just saying to be strong in business so that people can't steal, that's all.

Look at me - i spent 5 years in business getting taken advantage of until i stopped thinking the way i did and expecting anything but bullshit from everyone. Rather than getting hopeless, this outlook made me smart and i just simply outsmarted them when i realized they were simply trying to outsmart me - it's a game - of winners and losers - and to expect ANY kind of mercy is to not play the game but get played by the game. A game of Power. The 'hopeless' and 'faithless' part of the panthers is the part i love most bc it got results and didnt expect anything of government - I believe if they ran with that part, they'd take the Black Liberation Army into the serious place it ought to be at, rather than the 'dead' place it is now.

Muhammad Rasheed - Bryan wrote: “true. but again... this life isnt fair and we can't expect anyone to give justice.”

We’re not fighting back, Bryan. That’s why we don’t have justice. At this moment, the Black American ethnic group as a whole is meekly accepting the crumbs left behind by the white racist thieves. Apparently we expect them to come to their senses on their own initiative and magically decide they don’t want to steal that $trillion from Black people anymore.

Bryan wrote: “when i wrote panthers had it - i mean economically […] they were using 'black economics' whereby they made their own businesses…”

I heard you the first time. What does that have to do with Reparatory Justice payouts for economic wrongs done to our community by outsiders? These are two completely different items. If someone hits your car, do you stop doing other business because your car insurance is suing to pay for the damages?

Bryan wrote: “Garvey was up on all this […] he understood that making business moves could literally give the people everything they needed.”

None of that means anything if we are only working so that the white racist aristocracy can take our wealth faster than we make it, in the ongoing trend. What we do with/for ourselves in our communities is different from the battle – fighting to end the plunder of anti-Black systemic racism (keeping our wealth for ourselves!) and getting our Reparations to right those wrongs.

Bryan wrote: “I will leave you to your beliefs it's not a problem…”

I don’t know what you are saying here. What’s not a problem?

Bryan wrote: “…but i definitely believe that a more sustainable rational option was their own self made power, rather than any power being handed to them…”

No one deliberately gives up Reparations for a wrong they committed. That’s why you have to make them do it USING your power.

Bryan wrote: “…especially by any government. i dont expect change in anyone or anything ever…”

That’s because we aren’t using our power. It’s been over 50 yrs since we’ve leveraged the force of the Black Economic Boycott effectively.

Bryan wrote: “Even if the world got MORE racist - it's not a problem if the player is a power player and smarter than the so called racists.”

Use your power effectively and they WON’T get more racist. Turn your back on them and continue to passively allow them to do whatever they feel like doing to you unopposed, and racism will get worse and worse in the current ongoing trend.

Bryan wrote: “Malcolm was doing a lot of different work toward his end - he wasnt even talking about it as much…”

That’s because he had a different focus and left that battle to others:

“The purpose of the OAAU was to fight for the human rights of African Americans and promote cooperation among Africans and people of African descent in the Americas.” ~The Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU); Basic Unity Program (1964)

Bryan wrote: “In business, it's all about people stealing from you…”

The white racist aristocracy wants you to believe that their exploitation-based Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade model of doing business is the only business model. Stop listening to them.

Bryan wrote: “so no i dont say anything about turning your backs and allowing injustice…”

Meanwhile, it’s literally what you said to do. DON’T fight them back, allow them to do whatever they want, while you work harder. That’s the bottomline of your message. It’s cowardly.

Bryan wrote: “im just saying to be strong in business so that people can't steal, that's all.”

What does that have to do with holding people accountable for their wrongdoing, forcing them to stop, and forcing them to pay reparatory justice due?

Bryan wrote: “Look at me - i spent 5 years in business getting taken advantage of until i stopped thinking the way i did and expecting anything but bullshit from everyone.”

You’re STILL getting taken advantage of. Systemic racism affects all levels and is only squashed when we stand as an independent Black Nation who ONLY works with white nations if it is a Win-Win situation.

Bryan wrote: “Rather than getting hopeless…”

Your message sounds hopeless.

Bryan wrote: “…and to expect ANY kind of mercy…”
Using the Black Economic Boycott and a focused Black Political Agenda to force the dismantling of anti-Black systemic racism and the payout of Reparations has nothing to do with “expecting mercy” from someone who otherwise has zero incentive to stop his racist evil on his own initiative.

Bryan wrote: “The 'hopeless' and 'faithless' part of the panthers is the part i love most bc it got results and didnt expect anything of government…”

Doing your inner work within your own community is something you should do anyway. That’s separate from the self-defense warfare arm of the community that holds the enemy accountable for their wrongs and ensures they don’t continue to encroach upon our freedoms.

Bryan wrote: “I believe if they ran with that part, they'd take the Black Liberation Army into the serious place it ought to be at, rather than the 'dead' place it is now.”

The movement was sabotaged by diabolical intelligence agencies and treacherous coon leadership. What we’re dealing with now is the fruit of those attacks. What I’m talking about are the reestablishment of the highly-effective tools used in the movement that were deliberately stripped from us during the “Integration” coon factory era, and now few of us even recognize them as the powerful Weapons of the People they are.

MEDIUM: Scanned pen & ink cartoon drawing w/Adobe Photoshop color.

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