Thursday, August 17, 2017

Dialogue with a White Ally

Tony Steed - LMAO at people equating Black Lives Matter and Antifa to the KKK and White nationalist hate groups. Just how dumb are these Right Wing bigots?

Cristian Osorio - Dumb, and blind lol I got this one asshole that is mad that people are pointing out how there were nazi flags at the right wing protest event.... I'm like, dude, it's so fucking obvious, do you need glasses or do you have permanent brain damage? Lol

Tony Steed - Bahahahaha!

Muhammad Rasheed - They're doing it on purpose, and are confident that if they KEEP ON DOING IT WITH A STRAIGHT FACE you will come around.

As usual.

Michael Walker - Hate is hate. And it comes in all colors and forms. I'm not saying BLM is a racist movement at all. But it seems like some black ppl act as if black ppl can't be racist at all. Not trying to pick a fight here so please don't take this the wrong way. Just the way I see things. Im just sick of all of it period. And this country and the sheeple in it. All people seemed to do is spread hate. Truly sickens me. all races are guilty of racism. I know this is gonna sound crazy but I totally support mix race couples. I feel like if it happens enough we will all just end up the same damn color and maybe finally get long.

Michael Walker - Have no clue what antifa is. Gonna have to Google that

Tony Steed - Antifa is based on Anti Fascism. The goal is to combat the Right Wing of Racism and Fascism supported by people like Trump and David Duke. The goal is to be a LOUD and primarily peaceful counter to the KKK and Racist Right Wingers like the Alt-Right. They sometimes get infiltrated by Outside agitators whose sole goal is to make AntiFa look bad to support the Idea of this so called "Violent Left" that doesn't exist. Well except for PETA. We can't be both Snow Flakes and Ultra Violent lol.

Michael Walker - Lol at snow flakes

Michael Walker - Ok Wikipedia had a much better explanation of it. Apparently it is not what it began as. But seems kinda like going backwards doesn't. Hating ppl who hate. It's still fucking hate.

Tony Steed - Naw. Beware of sources on antifa not from them themselves. Since Wikipedia can be edited by anyone.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Michael... Do you disapprove that I hate the guy that plowed his car into a crowd of people that disapproved of his hate stance?

Do you think I should instead forgive him and give him the opportunity to kill someone else?

Michael Walker - That's a tough pill to swallow. But I think a praying man would say to forgive him and pray that God shows him the error of his ways. Wonder what Gandhi would think. My dad told me something a long time ago that has stuck. His ex wife screwed him bad. Left him in debt. Took his children to Canada and turned them against him. Took over 100k out of his retirement. I asked him doesn't that just urk you? Aren't you pissed at her? He said " if I hold a grudge, any ill will, or anger towards her, it doesn't hurt her, it only hurts me. So I just let it go. Not gonna change anything to hate her, just hurt me." I hate what that person did. I want Justice to be served to him. But for you or me to hate him won't hurt him. Only us. If you believe in the law of attraction like I do then I don't want any negative to be inside my head or heart. What was it that Yoda said. "Anger, fear, these are the path to the dark side." Something like that.

Muhammad Rasheed - That philosophy empowers your enemy, and encourages an entitled-privileged mindset that makes them even more evil. In fact, they teach that same evil to their kids so that the entire tribe ends up performing that evil against you for centuries to come. Case in point.

The only way to stop evil is to fight it until it stops. Prayer's purpose is to keep the believer focused on the task at hand.

Muhammad Rasheed - "A tough pill to swallow" is the idea that I should allow the oppressor to continue oppressing me without any resistance except empty "faith without works" prayers. That's what agents of my enemy sound like, and I reject that message.

Muhammad Rasheed - Going forward is to destroy the oppressor, and allow peace to reign. Going backward is to continue do nothing, and allow another 500 ys of White Supremacist Ideology to rape the earth so that the traditional Euro-ethnic oppressor may maintain his savage wealth/power monopoly.


Muhammad Rasheed - Here's perfect, high-level example right here: [VIDEO] Being an ally in Government

Muhammad Rasheed - The clip starkly demonstrates the powerful, moneyed, political class as it deliberately disenfranchises minorities out of pure selfishness and evil.

Anyone telling me that I should just forgive them and allow them to continue to oppress people are themselves filthy agents of the oppressor.

Michael Walker - At what point did I say allow them to continue? Either your missing my point or I'm just not doing a good job explaining myself. And I feel like with out meeting or getting to know me in the least little bit you've let a few words paint your whole Outlook and view of me. Like you've already put me on the side of your "oppressor". And I don't think I ever said anything about allowing it to happen or not defending yourself. From a few words I might could concur a few things about you as well. But I don't know you and have never met you. I haven't lived your life or experienced the things you have, no more than you have mine. So I'm not gonna do that. Why do that to me?

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Walker wrote: "That's a tough pill to swallow. But I think a praying man would say to forgive him and pray that God shows him the error of his ways. Wonder what Gandhi would think."

This comment from you is telling me to just allow the racists to continue to subjugate and abuse my people at will while I just forgive them and pray as my response.

How else am I to interpret that?

There's a racist radio talking head named Rod Dreher who believes that the whole problem of racism comes down to the 'racist resentments' of Blacks. He believes the enduring legacy of racism is the fault of Black people, the fault of the oppressed. To cure racism, all Blacks need to do is just forgive racist attacks -- just let them wash over us like water off a duck's back -- forgive & move on. The sooner Blacks get with that program, the sooner racism will be over. That's the demonic shit that Whites have transformed MLK's philosophy into. In other words, whites are allowed to abuse me violently at will, but I'M out of line when I use my Right to Bear Arms to defend myself from evil. Whites actually feel entitled to abuse me, since they literally get hopping mad at the idea that I would defend myself. I can't imagine what else you are even supposed to be saying to me, Michael, but so far, I find your whole message to be deeply offensive.

Michael Walker - Well I will apologize if I offended you. That was not at all my intent.

Muhammad Rasheed - What was your intent? What is the summary of your intended message to me, Michael?

Michael Walker - I almost died recently. I had a brain tumor removed. I was sick for a long time and almost died do to complications from the surgery. I went through an unbearable amount of pain. Coming out of the other side of that I have a much different view on life. My intent was not offend you. And I don't think you should roll over and take racism up the ass. Or forget that it ever happened. Sitting here thinking about it I think if I would have been there in that moment when that asshole plowed threw the crowd I don't know that I would have been standing there saying all right every body let's forgive this guy. I have a pretty bad temper that would have probably been lost in that moment. Idk man so many things became more important to after almost dieing. Holding hate anger or fear in my heart is something I cannot do anymore. And I don't think loading up all racist white people up and murdering them all would end racism. It's always gonna be around in one way shape or form. Again I will apologize if I offended you Muhammad.

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Walker wrote: "And I don't think loading up all racist white people up and murdering them all would end racism."

This is how white racists think. They assume it's what Black activists want because this is how THEY function. For the life of them, they simply can't leave us the hell alone, and even though whites like you keep oddly interpreting it as "loading up all racist white people up and murdering them" I actually find myself needing to use my Right to Bear Arms to defend myself. That's all. That's all we've wanted since slavery ended was to be left alone so we could live our full FREEDOM, but there was far too much much money made from those centuries of using us as free labor, so the elite business class found they were too damn greedy to leave us alone. The poor whites resented the fact that without the slave institution, THEY were now the lowest rung on the socio-political ladder and it filled them with rage. These two items converged and led to centuries more of abuse, race riot massacres, disenfranchisement, and mass incarceration trafficking up into the present day.

This is the truth of what I'm actually dealing with, and from your posts above, I know that you lack the knowledge of Black history to really understand me truly. The bottom line is that you don't have a message for me, but I have one for you, Michael. Tell your pharaoh to let my people go. Thank you.

Michael Walker - Wow. So I am a white racist now. Thanks. Yeah man have a nice life with all your hatred.

Muhammad Rasheed - White racists always interpret my right to defend myself as a wholesale slaughter of all whites. lol You did it just now, even though I didn't say anything like that. If you don't think that simply defending my home from attack is the desire to indiscriminately slaughter everyone, why is that what you came away with? Try your best to put yourself in my shoes.

You don't think that's odd?

Muhammad Rasheed - So from my perspective, the fact that you really, instinctively think the idea of me defending myself from white aggression is somehow out of line,it means you are the one that hates. You REALLY hate me. When you said, "And I don't think you should roll over and take racism up the ass," it meant you were lying to me. You honestly can't see the difference between righteously defending myself from white aggression versus indiscriminate white genocide.

It means you hate Black people, and you really are a racist in your heart.

Muhammad Rasheed - [posted on Facebook] White Ally wrote: "And I don't think loading up all racist white people up and murdering them all would end racism."

This is how white racists think. They assume it's what Black activists want because this is how THEY function. For the life of them, they simply can't leave us the hell alone, and even though whites like you keep oddly interpreting it as "loading up all racist white people up and murdering them" I actually find myself needing to use my Right to Bear Arms to defend myself. That's all. That's all we've wanted since slavery ended was to be left alone so we could live our full FREEDOM, but there was far too much money made from those centuries of using us as free labor, so the elite business class found they were too damn greedy to leave us alone. The poor whites resented the fact that without the slave institution, THEY were now the lowest rung on the socio-political ladder and it filled them with rage. These two items converged and led to centuries more of abuse, race riot massacres, disenfranchisement, and mass incarceration trafficking up into the present day.

This is the truth of what I'm actually dealing with, and from your posts above, I know that you lack the knowledge of Black history to really understand me truly. The bottom line is that you don't have a message for me, but I have one for you, White Ally: Tell your pharaoh to let my people go. Thank you.

White Ally wrote: "Wow. So I am a white racist now. Thanks. Yeah man have a nice life with all your hatred."

Well, white racists always interpret my right to defend myself as a wholesale slaughter of all whites. lol You did it just now, even though I didn't say anything like that. If you don't think that simply defending my home from attack is the desire to indiscriminately slaughter everyone, why is that what you came away with? Try your best to put yourself in my shoes.

You don't think that's odd?

So from my perspective, the fact that you really, instinctively think the idea of me defending myself from white aggression is somehow out of line, it means you are the one that hates. You REALLY hate me. When you said, "And I don't think you should roll over and take racism up the ass," it meant you were lying to me. You honestly can't see the difference between righteously defending myself from white aggression versus indiscriminate white genocide.

It means you hate Black people, and you really are a racist in your heart.

Kamau Mkafele Mshale - I'd add, that if you could truly find all the racist whites and murder them..... why wouldn't that end white racism? I had never even thought of that. But wouldn't that actually end racism? At least anti black racism. There would be no racist, how is it not over then?

Muhammad Rasheed - You know that the whites that were left would feel the need to avenge their slaughtered loved ones and "become racists" to protect their tribes. Most of what we are already dealing with comes from their attempts to "preserve the white blood lines!" so why do you think killing a big chunk of them wouldn't trigger the so-called non-racists among them?

Come on...

Muhammad Rasheed - It's better to take the righteous stance of defense.

Kamau Mkafele Mshale - Definitely agree on that last part

Stephen Wilkinson - Racism is not white people,

Its white laws, its white products, its white medicines

Muhammad Rasheed - Yes, there's a difference between "being white" versus "Whiteness."

The former is just someone who self-identifies with being a descendant of the ethnic tribes of Europe. There's 100% nothing wrong with that. The latter is the White Supremacist Ideology (and those who uphold it), which requires the subjugation and exploitation of Black bodies in order to function.

Kamau Mkafele Mshale - and white people make all that. many people participate in white supremacy even without trying. for white people its the defualt. at least in the west, unless they are workin against it.

Muhammad Rasheed - We're ALLLL working towards it unless we are actively working to free our minds from The Matrix. The White Supremacist Ideology is the dominant philosophy underlying all of Western thought. In it's 21st century manifestation, it has successfully separated the Black race into fragmented, powerless communities, who at their best, only aspire to be 'Token Blacks' in the white community's delegated support class. Even when we achieve the position of CEO in their companies, we are still just figureheads for 'Whiteness.' We have never been like this before, and this is clearly our weakest point... completely politically and economically excluded from participating in the mainstream as an self-sustaining, interconnected special interest group. 'Integration" was a poison to us.

Kamau Mkafele Mshale - i don't disagree

Muhammad Rasheed - We give the four figures represented in the meme above shit just because they are the most high-profile and extreme of the coonishness at the heart of what we've allowed, but we're ALLLL them if we aren't coming together to form the Black Nation.

Muhammad Rasheed - If you're the 'Token Black' in the white man's company, then you ARE Ben Carson and Condie Rice, because what the fuck else are you doing for your own tribe? If all your talents, skills & resources -- and the most productive hours of the day -- are being used to support your enemy's shit, then how are you NOT a Ben Carson?

Michael Walker - So now I'm a white ally. I can't put myself in your shoes no more that you can put yourself in mine. I tried to appoligize for offended you and told you that was not my intent. And I will apologize again. But painting me out to be some sort of racist white ally. I don't have a racist bone in my body. I met my best friend and brother Jermane Green when I was 8. I can remember going over to his house every weekend growing up. His grandmother was one of the nicest people I ever met. She treated just like all the other children in her house. She also carried a switch in her hand around us boys most of the time and wouldn't hesitate to get in my ass with it too if I got out of line. She taught me at a young age that God's love has no color or class or social status. It's just love. Again I'm sorry if anything I said offended you and if something I did say come across that way maybe it was out of ignorance. But it sure wasn't out of hate.

Kamau Mkafele Mshale - Michael Walker, i don't know you or the situation I will say tho, white people, like men to women, and straight to queer, are oppressive as a defualt setting. Because the society we live in rewards whiteness and degrades black individuals. So unless you are aware of how your participation looks and how your actions can be detrimental you will continue them. The reality is many black people with white friends have felt upset and at an impasse about things their white friend has done that crosses bounderies. up untill the last 8 years or so there was the ability to ignore it. Many of us just aren't doin that now.

If you really about what ever person of color you offended to the work to learn about whats wrong, how you might be complicit in it, what work you can do to change that and change the system over all.

Muhammad Rasheed - @Michael... If you're not an ally then what are you? :)

Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me why do you find it unacceptable that Blacks would have the right to defend themselves from white aggression. I think that's where our breakthrough is.

Michael Walker - Sure not a racist. I'd say I'm an all of all man

Muhammad Rasheed - Michael Walker wrote: "She taught me at a young age that God's love has no color or class or social status."

What does that have to do with what Black people live in Western society? In scripture, God said that He doesn't Judge us based on race, class or status. He also instructed us as to how to deal with a savage oppressor, too. The latter is FAR MORE RELEVANT to this topic than whatever Green's grandma taught regarding God's Love. Here that message functions as a misdirection technique, since white people are by no means manifestations of God's Love. In fact, they have proven to represent the literal exact opposite of that.

Michael Walker - I think everyone has a right to defend themselves.

Muhammad Rasheed - Everyone? Even me?

What if I'm being attacked by whites because they disagree with how I flaunt my wealth and whatever other ignorant shit they say?

Michael Walker - You would be included in everyone yes

Muhammad Rasheed - That's good to know, Michael. Is this a recent breakthrough/revelation for you, or have you always felt that way?

Michael Walker - Always

Muhammad Rasheed - Awesome.

You pass.

(the paper test anyway)

Muhammad Rasheed - There's a practical, in-the-field exam coming up.

I suggest you hydrate...

Michael Walker - Going to bed soon so I may not immediately respond. But I do ask you stop painting me out to be some racist white ally. I guess that's me defending myself. I promise you I hate no one.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol What do you think "ally" means exactly? I only used that to protect your identity since you weren't in my FB Friend List. hahahaha

Michael Walker - I am glad you weren't able to tag me in that. But I will send you a friend request anyway. But yes please explain ally. To me it would seem you think I support Nazis. Like in the back of my mind I think you think I have a rebal flag hanging out the back of my pickup and regularly attend klan meetings. I hope I'm way off on that

Muhammad Rasheed - I didn't try to tag you in it. The point was to emphasize the message of the dialogue from a philosophical standpoint. The ID of the ally was irrelevant. Send me the Friend request. I may as well keep ya. Plus I see you are actually one of Thomas' peeps, so that's cool.

Muhammad Rasheed - ME: If you're not an ally then what are you? 
YOU: Sure not a racist. I'd say I'm an all of all man

You know that dick that plowed his dodge into that crowd also considers himself "a man." That's VERY broad, don't you think?

Muhammad Rasheed - By definition, a "white ally" is a white person who considers himself on my side. That's all.

Calm down, please.

Michael Walker - I thought the same of you. Any friend of Thomas and Tony is a friend of mine. But yes I guess that is broad. Christians believe in the whole forgiveness thing and I'd like to think of myself as being that way but a few months back we found out about something very disturbing. The mother of my children's mother married a petifile. They found all kinds of child pornography on his computer and cellphone and even correspondence between him and underage boys. They also found some strange photos of my children. Nothing nude or vulgar just odd pictures in manners no one could say they accidentally took a pic of. I don't think there is any way I could ever forgive that man. And thinking about it logically I don't recon I could forgive that man who plowed through all those ppl. But aren't Christians supposed to. I don't paint myself to be a Christian in no way but I do believe in God and I pray every day

Muhammad Rasheed - She married a what now?

Muhammad Rasheed - Oh.

Michael Walker - Petifile. Did I mispell that

Muhammad Rasheed - Wow. BIG time.

Muhammad Rasheed - I thought it was a new species or some shit. (GMO?)

Muhammad Rasheed - But I get it now. That's rough.

Michael Walker - Pedophile

Michael Walker - Lol sorry had to Google that shit. But if you put in petifile some funny stuff does come up lol

Muhammad Rasheed - ME: "What??? She married a chupacabra??? Oh no, Michael! Noooooooo!"

Michael Walker - Hahahahahaha

Muhammad Rasheed - The other thing is just as bad though.

Michael Walker - Yes my grammar is no good. I'm glad I'm good at math at least

Muhammad Rasheed - You kinda fucked up the definition of 'ally,' too, but no judgement.  ;)

Muhammad Rasheed - hahaha

Michael Walker - Yeah so the concept of forgiveness may be lost on me but I go back to what my dad said about holding a grudge. It doesn't hurt the other person for me to hate them it only hurts me. So what do you do. Like I would love to drive over to the guy's house and show him the other end of his junk but that would put me in jail and no help to my children. And holding on to the hatred for him will just eat away at me not him so what do you do

Muhammad Rasheed - There's a difference between forgiveness versus allowing evil to run about in the land unopposed. These are two completely different items.

One is what you provide when someone sincerely repents of wrong, and the other you beat down with your swords.

Michael Walker -

Michael Walker - I took it as me being allied with white supremacists. So yes I was off

Michael Walker - Hey buddy I got to catch some zzs. You have a good night sir. To be continued.......

Muhammad Rasheed - Have a good night.


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