Kurt Eichenwald - Trump insulted or undermined our allies in
Australia, Germany, Britain & Mexico. So far.
But that Mr. Putin fellow? He looks mah-velous.
Steve Wilkinson - Probably because Putin (despite all his
faults) is actually making more sense these days.
Kurt Eichenwald - Putin murdered babies this weekend.
Potential opponents arrested & killed. Our spies having their covers blown.
This makes sense?
Steve Wilkinson - How many children (& other innocents)
have died in Libya, Syria, etc? Did I hear you complaining about Obama &
nfb11 - how many innocent ppl died in Quebec, thanks to your
party's hatred, Steve? "Christian" my eye!
Steve Wilkinson - My Party??? Here's what I endorse... Report on Ministry in Atlanta, Memphis, and Dallas, as Well as Response to Attacks Upon the Ministry
Steve Wilkinson - Holy fright, these leftists are insane!
nfb11 - yes. I'm a leftist bc I don't support spewing enuf
hatred about Muslims to incite ppl to shoot them while they pray. So radical
Right wing Christians are the problem. Not leftists. Not
even centrists like myself, you nutter.
Steve Wilkinson - So... looking at your twitter stream, you
think you're centrist? Heh. I'd be scared to see a real leftist then. :)
nfb11 - yes. Go support Kellie Leitch and get some more
innocents killed, eh?
Steve Wilkinson - Huh?
Black Girl Justice - @Steve… You are no Christian apologist.
Steve Wilkinson - How so?
Black Girl Justice - Christianity needs no apologists.
Steve Wilkinson - Or theologians, or historians, etc? :) LOL
(Do you even know what that is? tip: Google might know.)
Black Girl Justice - Since you being condescending I'm done.
Misogyny, sexism don't set well with me.
Steve Wilkinson - Condescending (misogyny, sexism)??? If you
know what Christian apologetics is, then why your comments?
Black Girl Justice - Why is it white men on here always assume lack of knowledge when someone disagrees. That was your 1st thought...
Steve Wilkinson - And, it's a bit inconsiderate to assume I identify as male, and treat me that way because of my skin color, don't you think?
((CHURCHLADY320)) - It's not your color, it's your mind and attitudes that are objectionable.
Steve Wilkinson - Example?
((CHURCHLADY320)) - Your snotty reaction to her. It was patronizing. That's where I jumped in. Enough already.
Steve Wilkinson - Maybe you missed her initial posts to me?
((CHURCHLADY320)) - I did. Don't need to see those to see what you said and how you said it.
Steve Wilkinson - Contextually challenged, I see. Racism/sexism blinders in place. Full speed ahead.
((CHURCHLADY320)) - See? Your default position when critiqued. Since I'm white, it makes no sense. So puff your privilege alone. I'm done.
Steve Wilkinson - You said that I'm no Christian apologist, and Christianity needs no apologists. Please defend either point. U can read my work.
Black Girl Justice - Why is it white men on here always assume lack of knowledge when someone disagrees. That was your 1st thought...
Steve Wilkinson - And, it's a bit inconsiderate to assume I identify as male, and treat me that way because of my skin color, don't you think?
((CHURCHLADY320)) - It's not your color, it's your mind and attitudes that are objectionable.
Steve Wilkinson - Example?
((CHURCHLADY320)) - Your snotty reaction to her. It was patronizing. That's where I jumped in. Enough already.
Steve Wilkinson - Maybe you missed her initial posts to me?
((CHURCHLADY320)) - I did. Don't need to see those to see what you said and how you said it.
Steve Wilkinson - Contextually challenged, I see. Racism/sexism blinders in place. Full speed ahead.
((CHURCHLADY320)) - See? Your default position when critiqued. Since I'm white, it makes no sense. So puff your privilege alone. I'm done.
Steve Wilkinson - You said that I'm no Christian apologist, and Christianity needs no apologists. Please defend either point. U can read my work.
Black Girl Justice - 2 Timothy 2:14
Steve Wilkinson - That's re: quarreling WITHIN THE BODY
about meaningless issues.
Steve Wilkinson - Black Girl Justice wrote: “Why is it white men on
here always assume lack of knowledge when someone disagrees.”
Because what you said made no sense. Why bring race/sex into
this? What has that to do with anything? Do you have an agenda?
Muhammad Rasheed - @Steve... Your support of several known
"PUA" and "alt-right" concepts on your wall demonstrate
race/sex are very relevant here.
Steve Wilkinson - Like?
Muhammad Rasheed - hahahahahaha Stop, Steve.
Muhammad Rasheed - Don't be fake. Just own your stuff and the discussion will
be more fruitful. Being fake only reveals your own agenda.
Muhammad Rasheed -
Steve, the record shows you making clear racist/misogynistic potshots towards Black
Girl Justice in typical PUA/alt-right ways.
Steve Wilkinson - Example? (Note: I don't subscribe to the
silly idea that only white males can be racist/sexist.)
Muhammad Rasheed - Please note that I don't take straw man
arguments at face value. I'm not interested in playing your games as I am busy.
Steve Wilkinson - Clearly. ;)

Muhammad Rasheed - Oh, look... Steve has a folder full of
racist lynch reference effigies. Raise your hand if you're shocked.
Steve Wilkinson - If you've got something particular in
mind, I'll be happy to discuss.
Muhammad Rasheed - After catching you red-handed doing it,
what makes you think I'd trust you to have a civil discussion without more
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm aware it is part of alt-right practices to
pretend to be otherwise. Again, you don't have to be fake. You are seen.
Steve Wilkinson - I could care less about alt-right.
Labeling someone as something as a tactic to think you've won, is also
Muhammad Rasheed - Labeling someone according to their
clear Twitter posting/retweeting record is: "Elementary, my dear."
It's not hard.
Steve Wilkinson - Maybe because I've demonstrated a civil
conversation (unlike many of those responding). Example? U'r making accusation
Muhammad Rasheed - Please note that I don't consider your
documented history of racist/sexist potshots to be "civil
Muhammad Rasheed - Just the opposite in fact. You are seen and thus outed, sir. Please perform
actual civil conversation. Thank you.
Steve Wilkinson - Thus says M. Rasheed. ;)
Muhammad Rasheed - Indeed.
Take careful notes.
Steve Wilkinson - Sorry, I'll know better next time. Thanks
for your wisdom.
Muhammad Rasheed - Once I clear my plate I'm coming to start
an argument with you. I hope I find your A-Game.
Muhammad Rasheed - Feel free to use the 'Dial-A-Friend'
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