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Rasheed, Muhammad. "Return of the Prince's Disciple." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 00 Date 2024. [cartoon pending] Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color.
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M. Rasheed on BitChute!
Bruce Ramsey -
OMA! Is the Quran ("the clear signs", the " book that explains EVERYTHING fully in detail" (Quran 12:111)) saying that PAUL is an Apostle of Allah IN the scripture this picture calls your ATTENTION to!?! I'm thinking the Quran IS "clear signs", a "clear book" here and that it IS Paul this ayat (verse) IS calling your attention to, O Muslim!
Muhammad Rasheed - Why does your meme have "( named Paul)" inserted in it when no English translation of the 60 has that in there? π€¨
Bruce Ramsey - Well, the Sunni's Ibn Kathir thought it was Bulus, which is "Paul" in Arabic.
Muhammad Rasheed - So? Do you blindly accept everything ibn Kathir opined was true? Why is this meme irresponsibly inserting ibn Kathir's opinion into the Qur'anic text?
Muhammad Rasheed - Here's a far more accurate scriptural reference to Paul of Tarsus:
Bruce Ramsey - So, that Torah passage is anti-Paul but not anti-Muhammad? Hmm.
Muhammad Rasheed - Paul was formally executed by the state in fulfilment of the Deut. 18:20 prophecy.
Muhammad (pbuh) was undisputed leader of a unified Arabia who died in his wife's house from natural causes after the formal completion of his earthly prophethood mission.
How are they the same?
Bruce Ramsey - Poisoned goat meat is "natural causes"? Hmm.
Muhammad Rasheed - Four years later he was supposed to have died of a poison after the Qur'an was complete? What kind of poison was that?
How long does poison stay in the human body again?
Muhammad Rasheed - Was this a magical 'Buddhist Palm' time-delayed poison that's so flexible, you can set a timer on one guy but kill another guy instantly with the same dosage application?
Muhammad Rasheed - Even if he did die from a sneaky assassination attack using poison, what does that have to do with the Deut. 18:20 prophecy? "Execution" is very different from "assassination"—the former is an official death sentence performed by the state, usually in front of an audience, which is what happened to Paul of Tarsus.
Bruce Ramsey - In the sahih (sound/authentic), Mo complains about the "food he ate at Khaibar" severing his aorta (i.e. proving him to be a false prophet by Quran standard). That's good enough for me to know that he was never the same after eating the poisoned goat cooked up by the Jewish woman whose village and family old Mo slaughtered.
Bruce Ramsey - Where did I say he was being executed OR assassinated? Sounds like he was poisoned, to the point where it didn't kill him, but, make him complain years later about it BEING the food he ate making him have his main arterie feel severed (i.e. as if he was a false prophet by Quran standard).
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "In the sahih (sound/authentic), Mo complains"
Why do you believe he actually said that?
Bruce wrote: "about the 'food he ate at Khaibar'"
The food that he spat out, according to the narrative (if true)? lol
Bruce wrote: "severing his aorta"
lol What 7th century personality—illiterate by the way—would even talk like that?
hahahaha Y'all never think this stupid mess through. lol
Bruce wrote: "(i.e. proving him to be a false prophet by Quran standard)"
Oh, you mean the standards of THIS Qur'an...?
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "Where did I say he was being executed OR assassinated?"
NOT mentioning it is where your argument fails. Deut. 18:20 says that the false prophet who dares speak falsehood in God's Name will be EXECUTED.
• Paul of Tarsus was formally executed by the state (decapitation)
• Muhammad (pbuh) was conspicuously NOT executed.
Bruce wrote: "Sounds like he was poisoned"
Sounds like someone invented a fake hadith after his death to pretend to take credit for him who actually died from natural causes. It was probably a relative of the crone who tried to poison him (if true).
Bruce wrote: "to the point where it didn't kill him, but, make him complain years later about it BEING the food he ate"
That he actually spat out you mean, according to the hadith you're supposed to be referencing. π Can we at least agree that "spitting food out" is very different from eating it? lol
Bruce wrote: "making him have his main arterie feel severed"
lol wtf does that even MEAN? hahahaha How do people typically describe heart attack symptoms again? Who has EVER pinpointed a specific artery, vein, capillary as the source of a heart-related ailment's pain? Some kook read that verse in the Qur'an and invented a hadith around it because enemies of Islam do stupid sh*t like that—and dummkopfs picked it up and ran with it as if it was real.
Bruce wrote: "(i.e. as if he was a false prophet by Quran standard)."
You mean the standards of THIS Qur'an? This one here?
Bruce Ramsey - No, I'm thinking about the Quran verse about what Allah would do to Mo if Mo was basically a false prophet (getting his aorta severed, which Mo then says he feels due to the "food I ate at Khaibar (the poisoned goat prepared by the Jewish woman whose village and family Mo had slaughtered).
Bruce Ramsey - No, not that one.
Muhammad Rasheed - I know what you were talking about; that's the position I was refuting.
What's your counter, please?
Bruce Ramsey - Refuting me on... what? π
Bruce Ramsey - By the way, I want to thank you for all that material you gave me. π
Muhammad Rasheed - What kept you from just reading the Qur'an for yourself?
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "Refuting me on... what? π"
So, you can't defend your position? 'christian prince' only taught you to blindly copy/paste the same talking points over-n-over by rote? #sad
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "By the way, I want to thank you for all that material you gave me. π"
You're very welcome. Here's a little more.
Drugs metabolize in the human body on a gradation countdown known as the "half-life." That means its levels within the body will drop by half every hour. This varies from drug to drug, as you can expect, but let's look at the half-life of historical drugs that were used most often as weaponized poisons during the 7th century:
• mercury - The absorbed mercury is distributed throughout all tissues within 30 hrs. Its half-life ranges from 45 to 70 days when it's flushed from the body.
• arsenic - Ingested inorganic arsenic has a half-life of 3-5 days (methylated compounds are excreted more rapidly).
• thallium - The biological half-life of thallium has a wide range of 1 to 30 days.
• water hemlock - Has what is considered a long half-life that is measured in a few months.
Drugs do not stay in the body for years. In other words, the hadith suggesting that the prophet died from a poison he spat out four years before, is a fiction.
Aaron Mumba - @Muhammad... Muhammad a force prophet,Paul was not a prophet he was an apostle research more blind follower
Bruce Ramsey - @Muhammad... Three years, not four. But, even if it was, say, TEN years and Mo said the same, seems to be he was letting it out that he was a false prophet by Quran standard.
Bruce Ramsey - Reading the Quran? Doesn't it have to be read and understood in Arabic to actually have READ the Quran? Oh, wait, you don't know Arabic, so, I guess not.
Bruce Ramsey - What position am I not defending?
Bruce Ramsey - How about acid that does damage to the lining of the mouth?
Dolores Davidson - @Muhammad... The state, at the time of Paul was polytheistic.This is why he was in jail in the first place. The state that executed Jesus was the same. The practice of crucifixion is a pagan ritual torture that Muhammad loved as well Quran 5:33. Moses didn't torture his enemies because he didn't worship a pagan god. Allah used animal pleasure and animal pain to lure pagans into his cult.
Judaism and Christianity recognize the human soul as essential to human nature, as opposed to animal pleasure and pain. The heaven of the Bible is a place of worship. Jannah is about people who own slaves who are in turn owned by their material gods, things that are only temporary here on earth. If your material possessions take on an eternal nature, they won you, you don't own them! Quran 56:11-37,76:11-22
Muhammad Rasheed - Aaron wrote: "Muhammad a force prophet"
Aaron wrote: "Paul was not a prophet he was an apostle"
Paul prophesized that the Second Coming of the Christ Jesus (pbuh) would happen during his lifetime. #oops
Muhammad Rasheed - @Dolores... Why are you tagging me in this stream-of-consciousness nonsense you made up while on an opioid high?
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "Three years, not four."
*shrug* Both are fictions.
Bruce wrote: "But, even if it was, say, TEN years"
lol Poison doesn't stay in the body for years. That's how you know that 'hadith' was fake.
Bruce wrote: "and Mo said the same"
Why do you believe he actually said it?
Bruce wrote: "seems to be he was letting it out that he was a false prophet by Quran standard."
The Qur'an's standard established that Muhammad (pbuh) was the final prophet of the One God and that those who reject this fact are hellbound. And it says this quite often.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "What position am I not defending?"
Yours. You seem content to blindly copy/paste your folio of talking points and then dance around them with wordplay and sophistry fallacies. You are not an intellectual, but a xenophobic hate propagandist.
Bruce Ramsey - The "clear book" (Quran) also said that Allah would sever his aorta if he was basically a false prophet. Then he complained that the food he ate at Khaibar was doing just that. YOU don't want to believe your prophet there for sure.
Bruce Ramsey - I'll copy paste anything that makes my point no matter how much anyone disagrees with it.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "Then he complained that the food he ate at Khaibar was doing just that."
Why do you believe he actually said that?
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "I'll copy paste anything that makes my point no matter how much it gets refuted because beaming hate propaganda at people is what I do per my Russian troll farm contract."
Bruce Ramsey - All this Muslim cherry picking what THEY want to believe from the hadith... is catchy. π
Bruce Ramsey - LOL! π
Muhammad Rasheed - I don't know about "catchy," but it's logical and reasonable considering it's a bunch of human testimony material of varying levels of quality. Why wouldn't we analyze it to vet which ones were real or not?
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "LOL! π"
How would it benefit me to blindly and uncritically treat the body of ahadith literature as if they were all as inerrant as the Word of God?
Muhammad Rasheed - In order for you to score a victory (not a victory of truth, but one based on trolling hate propaganda), you need to convince me to ignore the textual hierarchy in my own religion. To do so would make me an idiot.
Muhammad Rasheed - Qur'an > hadith
Bruce Ramsey - Is it from the Quran or the hadith that you are to say/mutter/shout/chant "Allahuachbar"?
Bruce Ramsey - Well, again, ss it from the Quran or the hadith that you are to say/mutter/shout/chant "Allahuachbar"? How about putting the "(pbuh) at the end of Mo's name?
Bruce Ramsey - So, again, WHAT comes to you mind when you hear or read that the Quran "explains EVERYTHING fully in detail"? By the way, is reciting the shahadah from the Quran or hadith? Do you know what you do when you recite it?
Bruce Ramsey - Right.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "Is it from the Quran or the hadith that you are to say/mutter/shout/chant 'Allahuachbar?'"
Did you just make that word up, or were you using your mocking blackface minstrel voice again?
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "How about putting the '(pbuh)' at the end of Mo's name?"
That's in the Qur'an. Why?
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "So, again, WHAT comes to you mind when you hear or read that the Quran 'explains EVERYTHING fully in detail?'"
Again, the Qur'an is the fuller explanation of the Book of Moses (pbuh). That's what Allah is talking about — the Qur'an explains everything from the Book of Moses in detail.
Bruce wrote: "By the way, is reciting the shahadah from the Quran or hadith?"
The concept is in the Qur'an, but it was codified into ritual form by the prophet.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "Right."
What is your interest in asking these questions about the Quran & hadith?
Bruce Ramsey - Oh, one more thing. The Quran says it's a "clear book" that "explains EVERYTHING fully in detail" (Quran 12:111). Do you believe that is true when you read surah 36:14? Be truthful NOW.... no taqiyya (lying for Allah), please.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "Do you believe that is true when you read surah 36:14?"
lol Allah says that the Qur'an explains everything in the Book of Moses (pbuh) in detail. That's the context — the Qur'an is the fuller explanation of the Book of Moses. Your opinion about the verse is incorrect as it's divorced from the textual context.
Bruce Ramsey - Oh really? (From our dialogue in Messenger): DOES the Quran give a FULLY DETAILED explanation of WHY Numbers (a part of the Torah ("Allah's book given to Musa") has a metallic IMAGE of a snake as a SUCCESSFUL snake bite medicine for all bitten by snakes if they looked up and SAW the metallic IMAGE of a snake held up on a stick by "Musa"? DOES the Quran give a FULLY DETAILED explanation of WHY a SPOTLESS lamb's blood had to be put on the DOORWAYS of the Israelites to keep the Angel of Death from killing the FIRST born of Israel? DOES the Quran give a FULLY DETAILED explanation of THAT!?!? LOL!!! Does it give a FULLY DETAILED explanation of why one is CURSED for "hanging on a tree" if Christianity is false? Does it give a FULLY DETAILED explanation of WHY Abel's bloody sacrifice of lambs was accepted by God and NOT the sacrifice of bloodless vegetation offered by older brother Kane? THINK, please. THINK. IS the Quran as it says, "a FULLY detailed explanation of the "Book of Moses"? Does it do that? No. It isn't. So, where does that leave the Quran, sir? THINK, O slave of the "best of deceivers", THINK!!! π
Dolores Davidson - Muhammad contradicts Moses because Moses wasn't a materialist. Moses never fought people who believed in the same God in order to enrich himself with the spoils of war.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "Oh really? (From our dialogue in Messenger)"
Bruce wrote: "DOES the Quran give a FULLY DETAILED explanation of THAT!?!? LOL!!!"
Allah provides a detailed explanation of everything He actually revealed to His prophet, and ignores the fabricated nonsense concocted by the Jewish scribes pretending to be part of His Book.
Bruce wrote: "Does it give a FULLY DETAILED explanation of WHY Abel's bloody sacrifice of lambs was accepted by God and NOT the sacrifice of bloodless vegetation offered by older brother Kane?"
lol Sure, it does. Abel's sacrifice was accepted because of his sincere piety, while Cain's was rejected because of his begrudgingly given mess that represented the casted-off husks and worst parts of his crop that he didn't want to give anyway. The story had nothing at all to do with blood, pagan.
Bruce wrote: "THINK, please."
Ironic. Your scriptural analysis powers are trash.
Bruce Ramsey - Are YOU the Quran? YOU are the one giving an explanation, NOT the "book that explains EVERYTHING fully in detail" (Quran). LOL! π
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "Are YOU the Quran?"
Do I need to be to put the isolated verse back into textual context?
Muhammad Rasheed - Dolores wrote: "Muhammad contradicts Moses because"
Because the Book of Moses (pbuh) was compromised by corrupt Jewish scribes.
Bruce Ramsey - First you need to be clear about what you just said.
Muhammad Rasheed - The People of the Book lacked any kind of scriptural preservation process, and allowed the near total corruption of their book.
Bruce Ramsey - Quran 67:5 - "The stars are missiles which we use to stone eavesdropping devils."
OMA!!! Is THIS the "clear book", the "clear signs", the "book that explains EVERYTHING fully in detail" (the Quran) attempting to try to explain meteors burning up in the earth's atmosphere, O Muslim?
Muhammad Rasheed - Why do you think it's talking about the meteors?
Bruce Ramsey - If not meteors, then what are they chasing "the Satan" to keep him from spying on Allah?
Muhammad Rasheed - Allah said He adorned the lowest heaven with 'bimasabih' (lamps/lights) used to chase away the evil djinn, which doesn't describe the movement of shooting stars/meteors at all.
It does describe the weird movement of other mysterious objects though:
The bottomline is that we really don't know what God is referring to, and can only fruitlessly speculate over the unseen.
*** The FB Chat Group called Paul vs. Muhammed debate topic removed my and Ramsey's ability to comment in the Group***
Bruce Ramsey - Hey, you inspired me to make a video, since you didn't answer it. By the way, I noticed you won't allow me to leave comments on your postings. Well, feel free to leave comments on MY postings, OK? π
Muhammad Rasheed - I'm sure this is your doing.
I'm not in the mood for your fake complaints, Bruce. I'm busy.
Bruce Ramsey - Of course it's my doing. If I were crappy at exposing Islam, I woudln't be banned. π
Muhammad Rasheed - You are crappy at "exposing" Islam, since you eschew dealing with the material headlong.
Attacking strawman effigies isn't exposing anything.
Bruce Ramsey - Again, when the "clear signs/book" has Quran 12:111 saying it explains ALL things totally in detail", do you or do you NOT believe that is ONLY all things in teh Torah ("Allah's book given to Musa")? π
Muhammad Rasheed - lol @ "Again"
This is a perfect example of how crappy your technique is. I addressed this dozens of times and you pretending I didn't just made you and your co-religion flunkies look disingenuous and sloppy.
It looks like you just believe in playing silly games and not having a serious discussion...
...because you can't. That's the impression you certainly give to me.
What does ("Allah's book given to Musa") mean?
Bruce Ramsey - Can't see that the word "Torah" is what I meant?
Muhammad Rasheed - What does "Torah" mean, please?
Muhammad Rasheed - Even though we are both considered under the Abrahamic Faiths, we don't believe the exact same way about certain terms, so I'm trying to see what you mean so we are actually clear.
Christians usually interpret Qur'anic verses incorrectly through the lens of their own doctrines.
Bruce Ramsey - It's something YOU said the Quran explains in detail. Want me to post that here from our dialogue? π
Bruce Ramsey - When I brought up Quran 12:111 about how the Quran blows it badly by saying it, the Quran, is a book that explains EVERYTHING fully in DETAIL" you tried to say that was wrong, and that it ONLY does that with the Torah. So, are you going to take that back now? π
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "It's something YOU said the Quran explains in detail."
Yes, and you responded as if what I said was alien to your own understanding about the religious terms, so I'm taking a step back to ask you what do you mean exactly when you say certain terms so we are actually clear.
What does ("Allah's book given to Musa") mean?
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "about how the Quran blows it badly"
The Qur'an is the inerrant Word of God. The problem is with your own understanding.
Muhammad Rasheed - Bruce wrote: "by saying it, the Quran, is a book that explains 'EVERYTHING fully in DETAIL' you tried to say that was wrong"
I asked you to post the ayah you were supposed to be quoting and you ducked the request continuously.
Muhammad Rasheed - You don't see how that can give the impression you were lying and trying to bluff people by playing semantic grift games?
Muhammad Rasheed - What does ("Allah's book given to Musa") mean?
Muhammad Rasheed - Nothing, huh? π€
I noticed that Christians routinely ignore unambiguous, explicit biblical verses to favor inventing innovative ideologies from ambiguous, implicit verses. You're famous for it.
For some reason, you think it's supposed to mean something to me when you perform that routine with the Islamic texts, and it's even worse when you pretend that the religious terms mean the same thing within our two faith in order to make a fake point.
Muhammad Rasheed - What does ("Allah's book given to Musa") mean?
The reason why it's important that you answer the question is to demonstrate that Muslims and Christians mean very different things when we say "Torah."
For a Muslim, "Allah's book given to Musa" means the actual revelation God gave to Moses (pbuh).
For an uneducated, layman Christian—such as yourself and whoever this giggling 'Kevin Ramsey' is—they assume it means the modern Old Testament's Pentateuch text, unaware that official Judao-Christian scholarship has debunked this naΓ―ve claim.
Bruce Ramsey - And yet, what survives of the DSS matches with the Old Testament.
Muhammad Rasheed - And yet, the Jewish scholars reject this claim and formally label the DSS heretical. The point is moot anyway, since the DSS was dated centuries after Moses and can't be considered an actual source text of any sort.
See Also:
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